require 'state_machine/matcher'
require 'state_machine/eval_helpers'
require 'state_machine/assertions'
module StateMachine
# Represents a set of requirements that must be met in order for a transition
# or callback to occur. Branches verify that the event, from state, and to
# state of the transition match, in addition to if/unless conditionals for
# an object's state.
class Branch
include Assertions
include EvalHelpers
# The condition that must be met on an object
attr_reader :if_condition
# The condition that must *not* be met on an object
attr_reader :unless_condition
# The requirement for verifying the event being matched
attr_reader :event_requirement
# One or more requirements for verifying the states being matched. All
# requirements contain a mapping of {:from => matcher, :to => matcher}.
attr_reader :state_requirements
# A list of all of the states known to this branch. This will pull states
# from the following options (in the same order):
# * +from+ / +except_from+
# * +to+ / +except_to+
attr_reader :known_states
# Creates a new branch
def initialize(options = {}) #:nodoc:
# Build conditionals
@if_condition = options.delete(:if)
@unless_condition = options.delete(:unless)
# Build event requirement
@event_requirement = build_matcher(options, :on, :except_on)
if (options.keys - [:from, :to, :on, :except_from, :except_to, :except_on]).empty?
# Explicit from/to requirements specified
@state_requirements = [{:from => build_matcher(options, :from, :except_from), :to => build_matcher(options, :to, :except_to)}]
# Separate out the event requirement
# Implicit from/to requirements specified
@state_requirements = options.collect do |from, to|
from = unless from.is_a?(Matcher)
to = unless to.is_a?(Matcher)
{:from => from, :to => to}
# Track known states. The order that requirements are iterated is based
# on the priority in which tracked states should be added.
@known_states = []
@state_requirements.each do |state_requirement|
[:from, :to].each {|option| @known_states |= state_requirement[option].values}
# Determines whether the given object / query matches the requirements
# configured for this branch. In addition to matching the event, from state,
# and to state, this will also check whether the configured :if/:unless
# conditions pass on the given object.
# == Examples
# branch = => :idling, :on => :ignite)
# # Successful
# branch.matches?(object, :on => :ignite) # => true
# branch.matches?(object, :from => nil) # => true
# branch.matches?(object, :from => :parked) # => true
# branch.matches?(object, :to => :idling) # => true
# branch.matches?(object, :from => :parked, :to => :idling) # => true
# branch.matches?(object, :on => :ignite, :from => :parked, :to => :idling) # => true
# # Unsuccessful
# branch.matches?(object, :on => :park) # => false
# branch.matches?(object, :from => :idling) # => false
# branch.matches?(object, :to => :first_gear) # => false
# branch.matches?(object, :from => :parked, :to => :first_gear) # => false
# branch.matches?(object, :on => :park, :from => :parked, :to => :idling) # => false
def matches?(object, query = {})
!match(object, query).nil?
# Attempts to match the given object / query against the set of requirements
# configured for this branch. In addition to matching the event, from state,
# and to state, this will also check whether the configured :if/:unless
# conditions pass on the given object.
# If a match is found, then the event/state requirements that the query
# passed successfully will be returned. Otherwise, nil is returned if there
# was no match.
# Query options:
# * :from - One or more states being transitioned from. If none
# are specified, then this will always match.
# * :to - One or more states being transitioned to. If none are
# specified, then this will always match.
# * :on - One or more events that fired the transition. If none
# are specified, then this will always match.
# * :guard - Whether to guard matches with the if/unless
# conditionals defined for this branch. Default is true.
# == Examples
# branch = => :idling, :on => :ignite)
# branch.match(object, :on => :ignite) # => {:to => ..., :from => ..., :on => ...}
# branch.match(object, :on => :park) # => nil
def match(object, query = {})
assert_valid_keys(query, :from, :to, :on, :guard)
if (match = match_query(query)) && matches_conditions?(object, query)
# Draws a representation of this branch on the given graph. This will draw
# an edge between every state this branch matches *from* to either the
# configured to state or, if none specified, then a loopback to the from
# state.
# For example, if the following from states are configured:
# * +idling+
# * +first_gear+
# * +backing_up+
# ...and the to state is +parked+, then the following edges will be created:
# * +idling+ -> +parked+
# * +first_gear+ -> +parked+
# * +backing_up+ -> +parked+
# Each edge will be labeled with the name of the event that would cause the
# transition.
# The collection of edges generated on the graph will be returned.
def draw(graph, event, valid_states)
state_requirements.inject([]) do |edges, state_requirement|
# From states determined based on the known valid states
from_states = state_requirement[:from].filter(valid_states)
# If a to state is not specified, then it's a loopback and each from
# state maps back to itself
if state_requirement[:to].values.empty?
loopback = true
to_state = state_requirement[:to].values.first
to_state = to_state ? to_state.to_s : 'nil'
loopback = false
# Generate an edge between each from and to state
from_states.each do |from_state|
from_state = from_state ? from_state.to_s : 'nil'
label = event.to_s
label += " (#{if_condition})" if if_condition
label += " (not #{unless_condition})" if unless_condition
edges << graph.add_edge(from_state, loopback ? from_state : to_state, :label => label)
# Builds a matcher strategy to use for the given options. If neither a
# whitelist nor a blacklist option is specified, then an AllMatcher is
# built.
def build_matcher(options, whitelist_option, blacklist_option)
assert_exclusive_keys(options, whitelist_option, blacklist_option)
if options.include?(whitelist_option)[whitelist_option])
elsif options.include?(blacklist_option)[blacklist_option])
# Verifies that all configured requirements (event and state) match the
# given query. If a match is found, then a hash containing the
# event/state requirements that passed will be returned; otherwise, nil.
def match_query(query)
query ||= {}
if match_event(query) && (state_requirement = match_states(query))
state_requirement.merge(:on => event_requirement)
# Verifies that the event requirement matches the given query
def match_event(query)
matches_requirement?(query, :on, event_requirement)
# Verifies that the state requirements match the given query. If a
# matching requirement is found, then it is returned.
def match_states(query)
state_requirements.detect do |state_requirement|
[:from, :to].all? {|option| matches_requirement?(query, option, state_requirement[option])}
# Verifies that an option in the given query matches the values required
# for that option
def matches_requirement?(query, option, requirement)
!query.include?(option) || requirement.matches?(query[option], query)
# Verifies that the conditionals for this branch evaluate to true for the
# given object
def matches_conditions?(object, query)
query[:guard] == false ||
Array(if_condition).all? {|condition| evaluate_method(object, condition)} &&
!Array(unless_condition).any? {|condition| evaluate_method(object, condition)}