module BeautifulScaffoldCommonMethods require 'erb' private ############# # Namespace ############# def namespace_for_class str = namespace_alone str = str.camelcase + '::' if not str.blank? return str end def namespace_for_route str = namespace_alone str = str.downcase + '_' if not str.blank? return str end def namespace_for_url str = namespace_alone str = str.downcase + '/' if not str.blank? return str end def namespace_alone return options[:namespace].to_s.downcase end def render_partial(path) source = File.expand_path(find_in_source_paths(path.to_s)) result =, nil, '-').result(binding) return result end ############ # Models ############ def model_camelize model.camelize end def model_pluralize model.pluralize end def model_class model.camelize end ############ # Table ############ def plural_table_name model_pluralize end def singular_table_name model end ############ # I18n ############ def attribute_path_i18n(model, attribute) "app.models.#{model}.bs_attributes.#{attribute}" end def model_path_i18n(model) "app.models.#{model}.bs_caption" end def model_p_path_i18n(model) "app.models.#{model}.bs_caption_plural" end def i18n_t_a(model, attribute) "t('#{attribute_path_i18n(model, attribute)}', :default => '#{attribute}')" end def i18n_t_m(model) "t('#{model_path_i18n(model)}', :default => '#{model}')" end def i18n_t_m_p(model) "t('#{model_p_path_i18n(model)}', :default => '#{model}')" end def available_views %w(index edit show new _form) end def attributes # require 'rails/generators/generated_attribute' return{ |a| attr, type = a.split(":"), type.to_sym) } end def beautiful_attr_to_rails_attr(for_migration = false) newmyattributes = [] myattributes.each{ |attr| a,t = attr.split(':') newt = t if ['richtext', 'wysiwyg'].include?(t) then newt = 'text' elsif t == 'price' then newt = 'float' elsif ['references', 'reference'].include?(t) and for_migration then a = a + '_id' newt = 'integer:index' elsif t == 'color' then newt = 'string' end newmyattributes << [a, newt].join(':') } return newmyattributes end def attributes_without_type newmyattributes = [] myattributes.each{ |attr| a,t = attr.split(':') if ['references', 'reference'].include?(t) then a = a + '_id' end newmyattributes << a } return newmyattributes end def fulltext_attribute fulltext_field = [] myattributes.each{ |attr| a,t = attr.split(':') if ['richtext', 'wysiwyg'].include?(t) then fulltext_field << a end } return fulltext_field end def richtext_type return ["bbcode","html","text","wiki","textile","markdown"] end def require_gems # for jquery-ui add "2.3.0" version for jquery-rails say_status("Warning", "Set 2.0.1 version for jquery-rails (for a good compatibility with beautiful_scaffold)", :yellow) gem('will_paginate') gem('ransack', :github => 'ernie/ransack', :branch => 'rails-4') gem('prawn', '1.0.0.rc2') gem('RedCloth') gem('bb-ruby') gem('bluecloth') gem('rdiscount') gem('sanitize') gem('twitter-bootstrap-rails') gem('chardinjs-rails') end end