# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011 Rocky Bernstein # Debugger Socket Input/Output Interface. require 'socket' require 'rubygems'; require 'require_relative' require_relative 'base_io' require_relative 'tcpfns' class Trepan # Debugger Client Input/Output Socket. class TCPDbgClient < Trepan::InOutBase include Trepanning::TCPPacking DEFAULT_INIT_OPTS = {:open => true} CLIENT_SOCKET_OPTS = { :host => 'localhost', # Symbolic name :port => 1027, # Arbitrary non-privileged port } attr_reader :state def initialize(opts={}) @opts = CLIENT_SOCKET_OPTS.merge(opts) @addr = nil @buf = '' @line_edit = false # Our name for GNU readline capability @state = :disconnected @inout = nil open(@opts) if @opts[:open] end # Closes both input and output def close @state = :closing @inout.close if @inout @state = :disconnected end def disconnected? :disconnected == @state end def open(opts={}) @opts = CLIENT_SOCKET_OPTS.merge(opts) @host = @opts[:host] @port = @opts[:port] begin @inout = TCPSocket.new(@host, @port) @state = :connected rescue SystemCallError => e raise IOError, ('Open client for host %s on port %s gives error: %s' % [@host, @port, e]) end end # Read one message unit. It's possible however that # more than one message will be set in a receive, so we will # have to buffer that for the next read. # EOFError will be raised on EOF. def read_msg if @state == :connected if !@buf || @buf.empty? @buf = @inout.recv(TCP_MAX_PACKET) if @buf.empty? @state = :disconnected raise EOFError end end @buf, data = unpack_msg(@buf) return data else raise IOError, ("read_msg called in state: %s." % @state.to_s) end end # This method the debugger uses to write a message unit. def write(msg) # FIXME: do we have to check the size of msg and split output? @inout.write(pack_msg(msg)) end def writeline(msg) write(msg + "\n") end end end # Demo if __FILE__ == $0 client = Trepan::TCPDbgClient.new({'open' => false}) if ARGV.size > 0 threads = [] Thread.new do server = TCPServer.new('localhost', 1027) session = server.accept while 'quit' != (line = session.gets) session.puts line end session.close end threads << Thread.new do print 'Connecting...' client.open() puts 'connected.' while true print "input? " line = STDIN.gets break if line.chomp == 'quit' begin line = client.writeline(line) puts "Got: #{client.read_msg.chomp}" rescue EOFError puts "Got EOF" break rescue Exception => e puts "Got #{e}" break end end end threads.each {|t| t.join } end client.close end