Interface LogService

public interface LogService

LogService allows callers to request the logs (and associated information) using user-supplied filters. Logs are returned in a LogQueryResult that can be iterated over to provide a series of RequestLogs, which contain request-level logs as well as application-level logs (described by AppLogLine objects).

Nested Class Summary
static class LogService.LogLevel
Field Summary
          The number of items that a single underlying fetch RPC call will retrieve, if the user does not specify a batchSize.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Iterable<RequestLogs> fetch(LogQuery query)
          Retrieve logs for the current application with the constraints provided by the user as parameters to this function.

Field Detail


static final int DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_FETCH
The number of items that a single underlying fetch RPC call will retrieve, if the user does not specify a batchSize.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.Iterable<RequestLogs> fetch(LogQuery query)
Retrieve logs for the current application with the constraints provided by the user as parameters to this function. Acts synchronously.

query - A LogQuery object that contains the various query parameters that should be used in the LogReadRequest.
An Iterable that contains a set of logs matching the requested filters.