Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config.  (1.2ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL)   (0.9ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" Migrating to DeviseCreateUsers (20131126132853)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar(255), "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime, "sign_in_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "current_sign_in_at" datetime, "last_sign_in_at" datetime, "current_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "last_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (0.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token") SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132853"]]  (0.9ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddDeviseGuestsToUsers (20131126132858)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "guest" boolean DEFAULT 'f' SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132858"]]  (1.0ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateSearches (20131126132859)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "searches" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "query_params" text, "user_id" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_searches_on_user_id" ON "searches" ("user_id") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132859"]]  (1.0ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateBookmarks (20131126132860)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "bookmarks" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "url" text, "document_id" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "notes" text, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime) SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132860"]]  (0.8ms) commit transaction Migrating to RemoveEditableFieldsFromBookmarks (20131126132861)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "abookmarks" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "url" text, "document_id" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "notes" text, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "bookmarks"  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE "bookmarks"  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "bookmarks" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "url" text, "document_id" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "abookmarks"  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE "abookmarks"  (0.1ms) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "abookmarks" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "url" text, "document_id" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "bookmarks"  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE "bookmarks"  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "bookmarks" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "document_id" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "abookmarks"  (0.1ms) DROP TABLE "abookmarks" SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132861"]]  (0.9ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddUserTypesToBookmarksSearches (20131126132862)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "searches" ADD "user_type" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "bookmarks" ADD "user_type" varchar(255) SQL (0.1ms) UPDATE "searches" SET user_type = 'user' SQL (0.0ms) UPDATE "bookmarks" SET user_type = 'user' SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132862"]]  (1.0ms) commit transaction Migrating to ActsAsFollowerMigration (20131126132863)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "follows" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "followable_id" integer NOT NULL, "followable_type" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "follower_id" integer NOT NULL, "follower_type" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "blocked" boolean DEFAULT 'f' NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "fk_follows" ON "follows" ("follower_id", "follower_type")  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "fk_followables" ON "follows" ("followable_id", "followable_type") SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132863"]]  (0.7ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddSocialToUsers (20131126132864)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "facebook_handle" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "twitter_handle" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "googleplus_handle" varchar(255) SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132864"]]  (1.0ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateSingleUseLinks (20131126132865)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "single_use_links" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "downloadKey" varchar(255), "path" varchar(255), "itemId" varchar(255), "expires" datetime, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime) SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132865"]]  (0.9ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddLdapAttrsToUser (20131126132866)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "display_name" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "address" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "admin_area" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "department" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "title" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "office" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "chat_id" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "website" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "affiliation" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "telephone" varchar(255) SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132866"]]  (1.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddAvatarsToUsers (20131126132867)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "avatar_file_name" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "avatar_content_type" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "avatar_file_size" integer  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "avatar_updated_at" datetime SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132867"]]  (1.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateChecksumAuditLogs (20131126132868)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "checksum_audit_logs" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "pid" varchar(255), "dsid" varchar(255), "version" varchar(255), "pass" integer, "expected_result" varchar(255), "actual_result" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "by_pid_and_dsid" ON "checksum_audit_logs" ("pid", "dsid") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132868"]]  (1.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateVersionCommitters (20131126132869)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "version_committers" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "obj_id" varchar(255), "datastream_id" varchar(255), "version_id" varchar(255), "committer_login" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132869"]]  (1.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddGroupsToUsers (20131126132870)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "group_list" text  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "groups_last_update" datetime SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132870"]]  (1.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateLocalAuthorities (20131126132871)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "local_authority_entries" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "local_authority_id" integer, "label" varchar(255), "uri" varchar(255))  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "local_authorities" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255))   (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "domain_terms" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "model" varchar(255), "term" varchar(255))  (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "domain_terms_local_authorities" ("domain_term_id" integer, "local_authority_id" integer)   (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "subject_local_authority_entries" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "label" varchar(255), "lowerLabel" varchar(255), "url" varchar(255))  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "entries_by_term_and_label" ON "local_authority_entries" ("local_authority_id", "label")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "entries_by_term_and_uri" ON "local_authority_entries" ("local_authority_id", "uri")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "terms_by_model_and_term" ON "domain_terms" ("model", "term")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "dtla_by_ids1" ON "domain_terms_local_authorities" ("local_authority_id", "domain_term_id")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "dtla_by_ids2" ON "domain_terms_local_authorities" ("domain_term_id", "local_authority_id")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "entries_by_lower_label" ON "subject_local_authority_entries" ("lowerLabel") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132871"]]  (1.6ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateTrophies (20131126132872)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "trophies" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer, "generic_file_id" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime) SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132872"]]  (1.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateMailboxer (20131126132919)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "conversations" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "receipts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "receiver_id" integer, "receiver_type" varchar(255), "notification_id" integer NOT NULL, "read" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "trashed" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "deleted" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "mailbox_type" varchar(25), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)   (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "notifications" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255), "body" text, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "sender_id" integer, "sender_type" varchar(255), "object_id" integer, "object_type" varchar(255), "conversation_id" integer, "draft" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL)  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_receipts_on_notification_id" ON "receipts" ("notification_id")  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_notifications_on_conversation_id" ON "notifications" ("conversation_id") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132919"]]  (1.0ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddNotifiedObject (20131126132920)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "notifications" ADD "notified_object_id" integer  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "notifications" ADD "notified_object_type" varchar(255)  (0.2ms) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "anotifications" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255), "body" text, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "sender_id" integer, "sender_type" varchar(255), "object_id" integer, "object_type" varchar(255), "conversation_id" integer, "draft" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "notified_object_id" integer, "notified_object_type" varchar(255))  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "tindex_anotifications_on_conversation_id" ON "anotifications" ("conversation_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "notifications"  (0.4ms) DROP TABLE "notifications"  (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "notifications" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255), "body" text, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "sender_id" integer, "sender_type" varchar(255), "object_type" varchar(255), "conversation_id" integer, "draft" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "notified_object_id" integer, "notified_object_type" varchar(255))  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_notifications_on_conversation_id" ON "notifications" ("conversation_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "anotifications"  (0.1ms) DROP TABLE "anotifications"  (0.2ms) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "anotifications" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255), "body" text, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "sender_id" integer, "sender_type" varchar(255), "object_type" varchar(255), "conversation_id" integer, "draft" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "notified_object_id" integer, "notified_object_type" varchar(255))  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "tindex_anotifications_on_conversation_id" ON "anotifications" ("conversation_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "notifications"  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE "notifications"  (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "notifications" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255), "body" text, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "sender_id" integer, "sender_type" varchar(255), "conversation_id" integer, "draft" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "notified_object_id" integer, "notified_object_type" varchar(255))  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_notifications_on_conversation_id" ON "notifications" ("conversation_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "anotifications"  (0.1ms) DROP TABLE "anotifications" SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132920"]]  (1.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddNotificationCode (20131126132921)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "notifications" ADD "notification_code" varchar(255) SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132921"]]  (1.2ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddAttachments (20131126132922)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.6ms) ALTER TABLE "notifications" ADD "attachment" varchar(255) SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132922"]]  (0.6ms) commit transaction Migrating to RenameReceiptsRead (20131126132923)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.2ms) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "areceipts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "receiver_id" integer, "receiver_type" varchar(255), "notification_id" integer NOT NULL, "is_read" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "trashed" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "deleted" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "mailbox_type" varchar(25), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)   (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "tindex_areceipts_on_notification_id" ON "areceipts" ("notification_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "receipts"  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE "receipts"  (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "receipts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "receiver_id" integer, "receiver_type" varchar(255), "notification_id" integer NOT NULL, "is_read" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "trashed" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "deleted" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "mailbox_type" varchar(25), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)   (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_receipts_on_notification_id" ON "receipts" ("notification_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "areceipts"  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE "areceipts" SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132923"]]  (0.8ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddGlobalNotificationSupport (20131126132924)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "notifications" ADD "global" boolean DEFAULT 'f'  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "notifications" ADD "expires" datetime SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132924"]]  (0.7ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddTermsOfServiceToUser (20131126132928)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "agreed_to_terms_of_service" boolean SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132928"]]  (1.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddUserForceUpdateProfile (20131126132929)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "user_does_not_require_profile_update" boolean DEFAULT 'f' SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132929"]]  (1.1ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateHelpRequests (20131126132930)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "help_requests" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "view_port" varchar(255), "current_url" text, "user_agent" varchar(255), "resolution" varchar(255), "how_can_we_help_you" text, "user_id" integer, "javascript_enabled" boolean, "release_version" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_help_requests_on_user_id" ON "help_requests" ("user_id")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "index_help_requests_on_created_at" ON "help_requests" ("created_at") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132930"]]  (1.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddRepositoryIdToUser (20131126132931)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "repository_id" varchar(255)  (0.4ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_repository_id" ON "users" ("repository_id") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132931"]]  (1.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateCurateProxyDepositRights (20131126132932)  (0.2ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "proxy_deposit_rights" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "grantor_id" integer, "grantee_id" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "index_proxy_deposit_rights_on_grantor_id" ON "proxy_deposit_rights" ("grantor_id")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "index_proxy_deposit_rights_on_grantee_id" ON "proxy_deposit_rights" ("grantee_id") SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132932"]]  (0.9ms) commit transaction Migrating to ChangeDisplayNameToName (20131126132933)  (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "ausers" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar(255), "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime, "sign_in_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "current_sign_in_at" datetime, "last_sign_in_at" datetime, "current_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "last_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "guest" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "facebook_handle" varchar(255), "twitter_handle" varchar(255), "googleplus_handle" varchar(255), "name" varchar(255), "address" varchar(255), "admin_area" varchar(255), "department" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "office" varchar(255), "chat_id" varchar(255), "website" varchar(255), "affiliation" varchar(255), "telephone" varchar(255), "avatar_file_name" varchar(255), "avatar_content_type" varchar(255), "avatar_file_size" integer, "avatar_updated_at" datetime, "group_list" text, "groups_last_update" datetime, "agreed_to_terms_of_service" boolean, "user_does_not_require_profile_update" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "repository_id" varchar(255))  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "tindex_ausers_on_repository_id" ON "ausers" ("repository_id")  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "tindex_ausers_on_reset_password_token" ON "ausers" ("reset_password_token")  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "tindex_ausers_on_email" ON "ausers" ("email")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "users"  (0.4ms) DROP TABLE "users"  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar(255), "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime, "sign_in_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "current_sign_in_at" datetime, "last_sign_in_at" datetime, "current_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "last_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "guest" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "facebook_handle" varchar(255), "twitter_handle" varchar(255), "googleplus_handle" varchar(255), "name" varchar(255), "address" varchar(255), "admin_area" varchar(255), "department" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "office" varchar(255), "chat_id" varchar(255), "website" varchar(255), "affiliation" varchar(255), "telephone" varchar(255), "avatar_file_name" varchar(255), "avatar_content_type" varchar(255), "avatar_file_size" integer, "avatar_updated_at" datetime, "group_list" text, "groups_last_update" datetime, "agreed_to_terms_of_service" boolean, "user_does_not_require_profile_update" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "repository_id" varchar(255))  (0.5ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token")  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_repository_id" ON "users" ("repository_id")  (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM "ausers"  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE "ausers"  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_users_on_name" ON "users" ("name") SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20131126132933"]]  (1.6ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"  (1.3ms) CREATE TABLE "bookmarks" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL, "document_id" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "user_type" varchar(255))  (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "checksum_audit_logs" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "pid" varchar(255), "dsid" varchar(255), "version" varchar(255), "pass" integer, "expected_result" varchar(255), "actual_result" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "by_pid_and_dsid" ON "checksum_audit_logs" ("pid", "dsid")  (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "conversations" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)   (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "domain_terms" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "model" varchar(255), "term" varchar(255))  (0.7ms) CREATE INDEX "terms_by_model_and_term" ON "domain_terms" ("model", "term")  (0.9ms) CREATE TABLE "domain_terms_local_authorities" ("domain_term_id" integer, "local_authority_id" integer)  (0.9ms) CREATE INDEX "dtla_by_ids2" ON "domain_terms_local_authorities" ("domain_term_id", "local_authority_id")  (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "dtla_by_ids1" ON "domain_terms_local_authorities" ("local_authority_id", "domain_term_id")  (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "follows" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "followable_id" integer NOT NULL, "followable_type" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "follower_id" integer NOT NULL, "follower_type" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "blocked" boolean DEFAULT 'f' NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "fk_followables" ON "follows" ("followable_id", "followable_type")  (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "fk_follows" ON "follows" ("follower_id", "follower_type")  (1.2ms) CREATE TABLE "help_requests" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "view_port" varchar(255), "current_url" text, "user_agent" varchar(255), "resolution" varchar(255), "how_can_we_help_you" text, "user_id" integer, "javascript_enabled" boolean, "release_version" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "index_help_requests_on_created_at" ON "help_requests" ("created_at")  (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "index_help_requests_on_user_id" ON "help_requests" ("user_id")  (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "local_authorities" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255))   (1.1ms) CREATE TABLE "local_authority_entries" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "local_authority_id" integer, "label" varchar(255), "uri" varchar(255))  (0.8ms) CREATE INDEX "entries_by_term_and_label" ON "local_authority_entries" ("local_authority_id", "label")  (0.8ms) CREATE INDEX "entries_by_term_and_uri" ON "local_authority_entries" ("local_authority_id", "uri")  (1.2ms) CREATE TABLE "notifications" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255), "body" text, "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '', "sender_id" integer, "sender_type" varchar(255), "conversation_id" integer, "draft" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "notified_object_id" integer, "notified_object_type" varchar(255), "notification_code" varchar(255), "attachment" varchar(255), "global" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "expires" datetime)   (0.9ms) CREATE INDEX "index_notifications_on_conversation_id" ON "notifications" ("conversation_id")  (0.7ms) CREATE TABLE "proxy_deposit_rights" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "grantor_id" integer, "grantee_id" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (1.0ms) CREATE INDEX "index_proxy_deposit_rights_on_grantee_id" ON "proxy_deposit_rights" ("grantee_id")  (0.8ms) CREATE INDEX "index_proxy_deposit_rights_on_grantor_id" ON "proxy_deposit_rights" ("grantor_id")  (1.2ms) CREATE TABLE "receipts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "receiver_id" integer, "receiver_type" varchar(255), "notification_id" integer NOT NULL, "is_read" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "trashed" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "deleted" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "mailbox_type" varchar(25), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  (0.9ms) CREATE INDEX "index_receipts_on_notification_id" ON "receipts" ("notification_id")  (1.1ms) CREATE TABLE "searches" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "query_params" text, "user_id" integer, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "user_type" varchar(255))  (0.8ms) CREATE INDEX "index_searches_on_user_id" ON "searches" ("user_id")  (1.1ms) CREATE TABLE "single_use_links" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "downloadKey" varchar(255), "path" varchar(255), "itemId" varchar(255), "expires" datetime, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)  (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "subject_local_authority_entries" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "label" varchar(255), "lowerLabel" varchar(255), "url" varchar(255))   (0.9ms) CREATE INDEX "entries_by_lower_label" ON "subject_local_authority_entries" ("lowerLabel")  (1.1ms) CREATE TABLE "trophies" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer, "generic_file_id" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (1.2ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar(255), "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime, "sign_in_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "current_sign_in_at" datetime, "last_sign_in_at" datetime, "current_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "last_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "guest" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "facebook_handle" varchar(255), "twitter_handle" varchar(255), "googleplus_handle" varchar(255), "name" varchar(255), "address" varchar(255), "admin_area" varchar(255), "department" varchar(255), "title" varchar(255), "office" varchar(255), "chat_id" varchar(255), "website" varchar(255), "affiliation" varchar(255), "telephone" varchar(255), "avatar_file_name" varchar(255), "avatar_content_type" varchar(255), "avatar_file_size" integer, "avatar_updated_at" datetime, "group_list" text, "groups_last_update" datetime, "agreed_to_terms_of_service" boolean, "user_does_not_require_profile_update" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "repository_id" varchar(255))  (0.8ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.9ms) CREATE INDEX "index_users_on_name" ON "users" ("name")  (1.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_repository_id" ON "users" ("repository_id")  (1.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token")  (1.1ms) CREATE TABLE "version_committers" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "obj_id" varchar(255), "datastream_id" varchar(255), "version_id" varchar(255), "committer_login" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)   (1.0ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL)  (0.9ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version")  (0.1ms) SELECT version FROM "schema_migrations"  (1.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132933')  (1.0ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132853')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132858')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132859')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132860')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132861')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132862')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132863')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132864')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132865')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132866')  (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132867')  (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132868')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132869')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132870')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132871')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132872')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132919')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132920')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132921')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132922')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132923')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132924')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132928')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132929')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132930')  (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132931')  (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20131126132932') Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Using the default predicate_mappings.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to predicate_mappings.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:predicate_mappings_config_path => '/path/to/predicate_mappings.yml') - or set Rails.root and put predicate_mappings.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT "local_authorities".* FROM "local_authorities" WHERE "local_authorities"."name" = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1