## rkumar, 2009 # Sample demo of various widgets and their interaction. # This is a simple sql client which allows table / column selection, construction # of SQL queries, and multiple resultsets. # Use C-q to quit, Alt-Tab to move out of Table to next field. # Please see bind_key statements in this app for some key bindings in table. # There are also key bindings in tabbedpanes and textarea's that will help alot. # This demo uses a tabbedpane so we can have the results of many sql statements and not # need to keep reissuing. The tabbed pane SUCKS, if you get in when not populated # you GET STUCK so press Alt-C to get out. # require 'rubygems' #require 'ncurses' # FFI require 'logger' require 'sqlite3' require 'rbcurse' require 'rbcurse/rcombo' require 'rbcurse/rtextarea' require 'rbcurse/rtable' #require 'rbcurse/table/tablecellrenderer' #require 'rbcurse/comboboxcellrenderer' #require 'rbcurse/keylabelprinter' require 'rbcurse/applicationheader' require 'rbcurse/action' # not used here require 'rbcurse/rtabbedpane' # pls get testd.db from # http://www.benegal.org/files/screen/testd.db # or put some other sqlite3 db name there. # or create using sqlite3 testd.db < data.txt ## must give me @content, @columns, @datatypes (opt) class Datasource # attr_reader :field_length # specified by user, length of row in display table attr_accessor :columns # names of columns in array attr_accessor :datatypes # array of datatyps of columns required to align: int, real, float, smallint attr_accessor :content # 2 dim data attr_accessor :user_columns # columnnames provided by user, overrides what is generated for display # attr_reader :sqlstring # specified by user # constructor def initialize(config={}, &block) @content = [] @columns = nil # actual db columnnames -- needed to figure out datatypes @user_columns = nil # user specified db columnnames, overrides what may be provided @datatypes = nil # @rows = nil # @sqlstring = nil # @command = nil instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end def connect dbname raise " #{dbname} does not exist. Please fetch from http://www.benegal.org/files/screen/testd.db" if !File.exists?(dbname) @db = SQLite3::Database.new(dbname) end # get columns and datatypes, prefetch def get_data command @columns, *rows = @db.execute2(command) $log.debug "XXX COLUMNS #{command} : #{@columns.count}: #{@columns} " @content = rows return nil if @content.nil? or @content[0].nil? @datatypes = @content[0].types #if @datatypes.nil? @command = command return @content end def get_metadata table get_data "select * from #{table} limit 1" return @columns end ## # returns columns_widths, and updates that variable def estimate_column_widths tablewidth, columns colwidths = {} min_column_width = (tablewidth/columns.length) -1 $log.debug("min: #{min_column_width}, #{tablewidth}") @content.each_with_index do |row, cix| break if cix >= 20 row.each_index do |ix| col = row[ix] colwidths[ix] ||= 0 colwidths[ix] = [colwidths[ix], col.length].max end end total = 0 colwidths.each_pair do |k,v| name = columns[k.to_i] colwidths[name] = v total += v end colwidths["__TOTAL__"] = total column_widths = colwidths @max_data_widths = column_widths.dup columns.each_with_index do | col, i| if @datatypes[i].match(/(real|int)/) != nil wid = column_widths[i] # cw = [column_widths[i], [8,min_column_width].min].max $log.debug("XXX #{wid}. #{columns[i].length}") cw = [wid, columns[i].length].max $log.debug("int #{col} #{column_widths[i]}, #{cw}") elsif @datatypes[i].match(/(date)/) != nil cw = [column_widths[i], [12,min_column_width].min].max #cw = [12,min_column_width].min $log.debug("date #{col} #{column_widths[i]}, #{cw}") else cw = [column_widths[i], min_column_width].max if column_widths[i] <= col.length and col.length <= min_column_width cw = col.length end $log.debug("else #{col} #{column_widths[i]}, #{col.length} #{cw}") end column_widths[i] = cw total += cw end column_widths["__TOTAL__"] = total $log.debug("Estimated col widths: #{column_widths.inspect}") @column_widths = column_widths return column_widths end # added to enable query form to allow movement into table only if # there is data 2008-10-08 17:46 # returns number of rows fetched def data_length return @content.length end end def get_key_labels key_labels = [ ['C-q', 'Exit'], nil, ['M-s', 'Save'], ['M-m', 'Move'] ] return key_labels end def get_key_labels_table key_labels = [ ['M-n','NewRow'], ['M-d','DelRow'], ['C-x','Select'], nil, ['M-0', 'Top'], ['M-9', 'End'], ['C-p', 'PgUp'], ['C-n', 'PgDn'], ['M-Tab','Nxt Fld'], ['Tab','Nxt Col'], ['+','Widen'], ['-','Narrow'] ] return key_labels end class Sqlc def initialize @window = VER::Window.root_window $catch_alt_digits = false # we want to use Alt-1, 2 for tabs. @form = Form.new @window @tab_ctr = 0 @db = Datasource.new @db.connect "testd.db" end def run title = "rbcurse" @header = ApplicationHeader.new @form, title, {:text2=>"Demo", :text_center=>"SQL Client"} status_row = RubyCurses::Label.new @form, {'text' => "", :row => Ncurses.LINES-4, :col => 0, :display_length=>70} @status_row = status_row # setting ENTER across all objects on a form @form.bind(:ENTER) {|f| status_row.text = f.help_text unless f.help_text.nil? } r = 1; c = 1; @data = [ ["No data"] ] data = @data colnames = %w[ Result ] ta_ht = 5 t_width = 78 sqlarea = TextArea.new @form do name "sqlarea" row r col c width t_width height ta_ht title "Sql Query" title_attrib (Ncurses::A_REVERSE | Ncurses::A_BOLD) help_text "Enter query and press Run or Meta-r" end sqlarea << "select * from contacts" buttrow = r+ta_ht+1 #Ncurses.LINES-4 b_run = Button.new @form do text "&Run" row buttrow col c help_text "Run query" end ## We use Action to create a button: to test out ampersand with MI and Button b_clear = Button.new @form do #action new_act text "&Clear" row buttrow col c+10 help_text "Clear query entry box " end b_clear.command { sqlarea.remove_all sqlarea.focus } # using ampersand to set mnemonic b_construct = Button.new @form do text "Constr&uct" row buttrow col c+25 help_text "Select a table, select columns and press this to construct an SQL" end Button.button_layout [b_run, b_clear, b_construct], buttrow, startcol=5, cols=Ncurses.COLS-1, gap=5 @tp = create_tabbed_pane @form, buttrow, t_width, c @tp.show @data = data b_run.command { query = sqlarea.get_text run_query query } # ## key bindings fo atable # column widths app = self #atable.configure() do ##bind_key(330) { atable.remove_column(tcm.column(atable.focussed_col)) rescue "" } #bind_key(?+) { #acolumn = atable.column atable.focussed_col() #w = acolumn.width + 1 #acolumn.width w ##atable.table_structure_changed #} #bind_key(?-) { #acolumn = atable.column atable.focussed_col() #w = acolumn.width - 1 #if w > 3 #acolumn.width w ##atable.table_structure_changed #end #} ## added new method on 2009-10-08 00:47 #bind_key(?=) { #atable.size_columns_to_fit #} #bind_key(?>) { #tcm = atable.get_table_column_model #colcount = tcm.column_count-1 ##atable.move_column sel_col.value, sel_col.value+1 unless sel_col.value == colcount #col = atable.focussed_col #atable.move_column col, col+1 unless col == colcount #} #bind_key(?<) { #col = atable.focussed_col #atable.move_column col, col-1 unless col == 0 ##atable.move_column sel_col.value, sel_col.value-1 unless sel_col.value == 0 #} ## TODO popup and key labels #bind_key(?\M-h, app) {|tab,td| $log.debug " BIND... #{tab.class}, #{td.class}"; app.make_popup atable} #end #keylabel = RubyCurses::Label.new @form, {'text' => "", "row" => r+table_ht+3, "col" => c, "color" => "yellow", "bgcolor"=>"blue", "display_length"=>60, "height"=>2} #eventlabel = RubyCurses::Label.new @form, {'text' => "Events:", "row" => r+table_ht+6, "col" => c, "color" => "white", "bgcolor"=>"blue", "display_length"=>60, "height"=>2} # report some events #atable.table_model.bind(:TABLE_MODEL_EVENT){|e| #eventlabel.text = "Event: #{e}"} #atable.get_table_column_model.bind(:TABLE_COLUMN_MODEL_EVENT){|e| eventlabel.text = "Event: #{e}"} tablist_ht = 6 mylist = @db.get_data "select name from sqlite_master" # mylist is an Array of SQLite3::ResultSet::ArrayWithTypesAndFields raise "Database contains no tables! I need some tables" unless mylist mylist.collect!{|x| x[0] } ## 1.9 hack, but will it run on 1.8 ?? $listdata = Variable.new mylist tablelist = Listbox.new @form do name "tablelist" row 1 col t_width+2 width 20 height tablist_ht # list mylist list_variable $listdata #selection_mode :multiple #show_selector true title "Tables" title_attrib 'reverse' help_text "Press ENTER to run * query, Space to select columns" end #tablelist.bind(:PRESS) { |alist| @status_row.text = "Selected #{alist.current_index}" } tablelist.list_selection_model().bind(:LIST_SELECTION_EVENT,tablelist) { |lsm, alist| @status_row.text = "Selected #{alist.current_index}" } collist = [] $coldata = Variable.new collist columnlist = Listbox.new @form do name "columnlist" row tablist_ht+2 col t_width+2 width 20 height 15 # list mylist list_variable $coldata selection_mode :multiple #show_selector true title "Columns" title_attrib 'reverse' help_text "Press ENTER to append columns to sqlarea, Space to select" end ## pressing SPACE on a table populates column list with its columns so they can be selected #tablelist.bind_key(32) { # Now space trapped at listbox level, need to use event tablelist.list_selection_model().bind(:LIST_SELECTION_EVENT,tablelist) { |lsm, alist| @status_row.text = "Selected #{alist.current_index}" #@status_row.text = "Selected table #{tablelist.get_content()[tablelist.current_index]}" table = "#{tablelist.get_content()[tablelist.current_index]}" ##table = table[0] if table.class==Array ## 1.9 ??? columnlist.list_data_model.remove_all columnlist.list_data_model.insert 0, *@db.get_metadata(table) } ## pressing ENTER on a table runs a query on it, no need to type and SQL #tablelist.bind_key(13) { tablelist.bind(:PRESS) { @status_row.text = "Selected #{tablelist.get_content()[tablelist.current_index]}" table = "#{tablelist.get_content()[tablelist.current_index]}" ##table = table[0] if table.class==Array ## 1.9 ??? run_query "select * from #{table}" } #columnlist.bind_key(13) { columnlist.bind(:PRESS) { ## append column name to sqlarea if ENTER pressed column = "#{columnlist.get_content()[columnlist.current_index]}" sqlarea << "#{column}," } columnlist.bind_key(32) { ## select row - later can press Construct button columnlist.toggle_row_selection column = "#{columnlist.get_content()[columnlist.current_index]}" } ## construct an SQL after selecting some columns in the column list b_construct.command { # current_index is wrong, we need selected_index table = "#{tablelist.get_content()[tablelist.selected_index]}" #table = table[0] if table.class==Array ## 1.9 ??? indexes = columnlist.selected_rows() columns=[] indexes.each do |i| columns << columnlist.get_content()[i] end sql = "select #{columns.join(',')} from #{table}" sqlarea << sql } @form.repaint @window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels begin while((ch = @window.getchar()) != ?\C-q.getbyte(0) ) break if ch == KEY_F1 s = keycode_tos ch status_row.text = "Pressed #{ch} , #{s}. Press C-q to quit, Alt-Tab for exiting table " @form.handle_key(ch) @form.repaint @window.wrefresh end ensure @window.destroy if !@window.nil? end end ## execute the query in the textarea # @param [String] sql string def run_query sql #query = sqlarea.get_text query = sql begin @content = @db.get_data query if @content.nil? @status_row.text = "0 rows retrieved" return end #cw = @db.estimate_column_widths @atable.width, @db.columns atable = create_table @tp, @tab_ctr #, buttrow, t_width, c atable.set_data @content, @db.columns cw = atable.estimate_column_widths @db.columns, @db.datatypes atable.set_column_widths cw rescue => exc $log.debug(exc.backtrace.join("\n")) alert exc.to_s return end @status_row.text = "#{@content.size} rows retrieved" atable.repaint end ## create a Table component for populating with data def create_table tp, counter #, buttrow, t_width, c table_ht = 15 atable = Table.new do name "sqltable#{counter}" #cell_editing_allowed true #editing_policy :EDITING_AUTO #help_text "M-Tab for next field, M-8 amd M-7 for horiz scroll, + to resize, C-q quit" help_text "M-Tab for next field, C-q quit" end atable.bind(:TABLE_TRAVERSAL_EVENT){|e| @header.text_right "Row #{e.newrow+1} of #{atable.row_count}" } @tab_ctr += 1 tab1 = tp.add_tab "Tab&#{@tab_ctr}" , atable return atable end ## create the single tabbedpane for populating with resultsets def create_tabbed_pane form, buttrow, t_width, c tp = RubyCurses::TabbedPane.new form do height 16 width t_width row buttrow +1 col c button_type :ok end return tp end end if $0 == __FILE__ include RubyCurses include RubyCurses::Utils begin # Initialize curses VER::start_ncurses # this is initializing colors via ColorMap.setup #$log = Logger.new("view.log") $log = Logger.new(ENV['LOGDIR'] || "" + "view.log") $log.level = Logger::DEBUG colors = Ncurses.COLORS $log.debug "START #{colors} colors SQLC demo " catch(:close) do t = Sqlc.new t.run end rescue => ex ensure VER::stop_ncurses p ex if ex p(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex $log.debug( ex) if ex $log.debug(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex end end