dojo.provide("dojox.cometd.RestChannels"); dojo.require("dojox.rpc.Client"); if( &&{ dojo.require(""); } // Note that cometd _base is _not_ required, this can run standalone, but ifyou want // cometd functionality, you must explicitly load/require it elsewhere, and cometd._base // MUST be loaded prior to RestChannels ifyou use it. // summary: // REST Channels - An HTTP/REST Based approach to Comet transport with full REST messaging // semantics // REST Channels is a efficient, reliable duplex transport for Comet // description: // This can be used: // 1. As a cometd transport // 2. As an enhancement for the REST RPC service, to enable "live" data (real-time updates directly alter the data in indexes) // 2a. With the JsonRestStore (which is driven by the REST RPC service), so this has real-time data. Updates can be heard through the notification API. // 3. As a standalone transport. To use it as a standalone transport looks like this: // |; // | dojox.cometd.RestChannels.get("/myResource",{callback:function(){ // | // this is called when the resource is first retrieved and any time the // | // resource is changed in the future. This provides a means for retrieving a // | // resource and subscribing to it in a single request // | }); // | dojox.cometd.RestChannels.subscribe("/anotherResource",{callback:function(){ // | // this is called when the resource is changed in the future // | }); // Channels HTTP can be configured to a different delays: // | dojox.cometd.RestChannels.autoReconnectTime = 60000; // reconnect after one minute // (function(){ dojo.declare("dojox.cometd.RestChannels", null, { constructor: function(options){ // summary: // Initiates the REST Channels protocol // options: // Keyword arguments: // The *autoSubscribeRoot* parameter: // When this is set, all REST service requests that have this // prefix will be auto-subscribed. The default is '/' (all REST requests). // The *url* parameter: // This is the url to connect to for server-sent messages. The default // is "/channels". // The *autoReconnectTime* parameter: // This is amount time to wait to reconnect with a connection is broken dojo.mixin(this,options); // If we have a Rest service available and we are auto subscribing, we will augment the Rest service if(dojox.rpc.Rest && this.autoSubscribeRoot){ // override the default Rest handler so we can add subscription requests var defaultGet = dojox.rpc.Rest._get; var self = this; dojox.rpc.Rest._get = function(service, id){ // when there is a REST get, we will intercept and add our own xhr handler var defaultXhrGet = dojo.xhrGet; dojo.xhrGet = function(r){ var autoSubscribeRoot = self.autoSubscribeRoot; return (autoSubscribeRoot && r.url.substring(0, autoSubscribeRoot.length) == autoSubscribeRoot) ? self.get(r.url,r) : // auto-subscribe defaultXhrGet(r); // plain XHR request }; var result = defaultGet.apply(this,arguments); dojo.xhrGet = defaultXhrGet; return result; }; } if( &&{ this.receive =; } }, absoluteUrl: function(baseUrl,relativeUrl){ return new dojo._Url(baseUrl,relativeUrl)+''; }, acceptType: "x-application/rest+json,application/http;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.7", subscriptions: {}, subCallbacks: {}, autoReconnectTime: 3000, sendAsJson: false, url: '/channels', autoSubscribeRoot: '/', open: function(){ // summary: // Startup the transport (connect to the "channels" resource to receive updates from the server). // // description: // Note that if there is no connection open, this is automatically called when you do a subscription, // it is often not necessary to call this // if(!this.connected){ this.connectionId = dojox._clientId; var clientIdHeader = this.started ? 'X-Client-Id' : 'X-Create-Client-Id'; var headers = {Accept:this.acceptType}; headers[clientIdHeader] = this.connectionId; var dfd = dojo.xhrPost({headers:headers, url: this.url, noStatus: true}); var self = this; this.lastIndex = 0; var onerror, onprogress = function(data){ // get all the possible event handlers if(typeof dojo == 'undefined'){ return null;// this can be called after dojo is unloaded, just do nothing in that case } data = data.substring(self.lastIndex); var contentType = xhr && (xhr.contentType || xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); self.started = true; var error = self.onprogress(xhr,data,contentType); if(error){ if(onerror()){ return new Error(error); } } if(!xhr || xhr.readyState==4){ xhr = null; if(self.connected){ self.connected = false;; } } return data; }; onerror = function(error){ if(xhr && xhr.status == 409){ // a 409 indicates that there is a multiple connections, and we need to poll console.log("multiple tabs/windows open, polling"); self.disconnected(); return null; } if(self.started){ // this means we need to reconnect self.started = false; self.connected = false; var subscriptions = self.subscriptions; self.subscriptions = {}; for(var i in subscriptions){ self.subscribe(i,{since:subscriptions[i]}); } }else{ self.disconnected(); } return error; }; dfd.addCallbacks(onprogress,onerror); var xhr = dfd.ioArgs.xhr; // this may not exist if we are not using XHR, but an alternate XHR plugin if(xhr){ // if we are doing a monitorable XHR, we want to listen to streaming events xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ var responseText; try{ if(xhr.readyState == 3){// only for progress, the deferred object will handle the finished responses self.readyState = 3; responseText = xhr.responseText; } } catch(e){ } if(typeof responseText=='string'){ onprogress(responseText); } } } if(window.attachEvent){// IE needs a little help with cleanup attachEvent("onunload",function(){ self.connected= false; if(xhr){ xhr.abort(); } }); } this.connected = true; } }, _send: function(method,args,data){ // fire an XHR with appropriate modification for JSON handling if(this.sendAsJson){ // send use JSON Messaging args.postBody = dojo.toJson({ target:args.url, method:method, content: data, params:args.content, subscribe:headers["X-Subscribe"] }); args.url = this.url; method = "POST"; }else{ args.postData = dojo.toJson(data); } return dojo.xhr(method,args,args.postBody); }, subscribe: function(/*String*/channel, /*dojo.__XhrArgs?*/args){ // summary: // Subscribes to a channel/uri, and returns a dojo.Deferred object for the response from // the subscription request // // channel: // the uri for the resource you want to monitor // // args: // See dojo.xhr // // headers: // These are the headers to be applied to the channel subscription request // // callback: // This will be called when a event occurs for the channel // The callback will be called with a single argument: // | callback(message) // where message is an object that follows the XHR API: // status : Http status // statusText : Http status text // getAllResponseHeaders() : The response headers // getResponseHeaders(headerName) : Retrieve a header by name // responseText : The response body as text // with the following additional Bayeux properties // data : The response body as JSON // channel : The channel/url of the response args = args || {}; args.url = this.absoluteUrl(this.url, channel); if(args.headers){ // FIXME: combining Ranges with notifications is very complicated, we will save that for a future version delete args.headers.Range; } var oldSince = this.subscriptions[channel]; var method = args.method || "HEAD"; // HEAD is the default for a subscription var since = args.since; var callback = args.callback; var headers = args.headers || (args.headers = {}); this.subscriptions[channel] = since || oldSince || 0; var oldCallback = this.subCallbacks[channel]; if(callback){ this.subCallbacks[channel] = oldCallback ? function(m){ oldCallback(m); callback(m); } : callback; } if(!this.connected){; } if(oldSince === undefined || oldSince != since){ headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=0"; since = typeof since == 'number' ? new Date(since).toUTCString() : since; if(since){ headers["X-Subscribe-Since"] = since; } headers["X-Subscribe"] = args.unsubscribe ? 'none' : '*'; var dfd = this._send(method,args); var self = this; dfd.addBoth(function(result){ var xhr = dfd.ioArgs.xhr; if(!(result instanceof Error)){ if(args.confirmation){ args.confirmation(); } } if(xhr && xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Subscribed") == "OK"){ var lastMod = xhr.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified'); if(xhr.responseText){ self.subscriptions[channel] = lastMod || new Date().toUTCString(); }else{ return null; // don't process the response, the response will be received in the main channels response } }else if(xhr){ // ifit is not a 202 response, that means it is did not accept the subscription delete self.subscriptions[channel]; } if(!(result instanceof Error)){ var message = { responseText:xhr && xhr.responseText, channel:channel, getResponseHeader:function(name){ return xhr.getResponseHeader(name); }, getAllResponseHeaders:function(){ return xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); }, result: result }; if(self.subCallbacks[channel]){ self.subCallbacks[channel](message); // call with the fake xhr object } }else{ if(self.subCallbacks[channel]){ self.subCallbacks[channel](xhr); // call with the actual xhr object } } return result; }); return dfd; } return null; }, publish: function(channel,data){ // summary: // Publish an event. // description: // This does a simple POST operation to the provided URL, // POST is the semantic equivalent of publishing a message within REST/Channels // channel: // Channel/resource path to publish to // data: // data to publish return this._send("POST",{url:channel,contentType : 'application/json'},data); }, _processMessage: function(message){ message.event = message.event || message.getResponseHeader('X-Event'); if(message.event=="connection-conflict"){ return "conflict"; // indicate an error } try{ message.result = message.result || dojo.fromJson(message.responseText); } catch(e){} var self = this; var loc = = new dojo._Url(this.url, message.source || message.getResponseHeader('Content-Location'))+'';//for cometd if(loc in this.subscriptions && message.getResponseHeader){ this.subscriptions[loc] = message.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified'); } if(this.subCallbacks[loc]){ setTimeout(function(){ //give it it's own stack self.subCallbacks[loc](message); },0); } this.receive(message); return null; }, onprogress: function(xhr,data,contentType){ // internal XHR progress handler if(!contentType || contentType.match(/application\/rest\+json/)){ var size = data.length; data = data.replace(/^\s*[,\[]?/,'['). // must start with a opening bracket replace(/[,\]]?\s*$/,']'); // and end with a closing bracket try{ // if this fails, it probably means we have an incomplete JSON object var xhrs = dojo.fromJson(data); this.lastIndex += size; } catch(e){ } } else if( && && contentType.match(/application\/http/)){ // do HTTP tunnel parsing var topHeaders = ''; if(xhr && xhr.getAllResponseHeaders){ // mixin/inherit headers from the container response topHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); } xhrs =,topHeaders,xhr.readyState != 4); } if(xhrs){ for(var i = 0;i < xhrs.length;i++){ if(this._processMessage(xhrs[i])){ return "conflict"; } } return null; } if(!xhr){ //no streaming and we didn't get any message, must be an error return "error"; } if(xhr.readyState != 4){ // we only want finished responses here if we are not streaming return null; } if(xhr.__proto__){// firefox uses this property, so we create an instance to shadow this property xhr = {channel:"channel",__proto__:xhr}; } return this._processMessage(xhr); }, get: function(/*String*/channel, /*dojo.__XhrArgs?*/args){ // summary: // GET the initial value of the resource and subscribe to it // See subscribe for parameter values (args = args || {}).method = "GET"; return this.subscribe(channel,args); }, receive: function(message){ // summary: // Called when a message is received from the server // message: // A cometd/XHR message }, disconnected: function(){ // summary: // called when our channel gets disconnected var self = this; if(this.connected){ // ifwe are connected, we shall tryto reconnect setTimeout(function(){ // auto reconnect; },this.autoReconnectTime); } this.connected = false; }, unsubscribe: function(/*String*/channel, /*dojo.__XhrArgs?*/args){ // summary: // unsubscribes from the resource // See subscribe for parameter values args = args || {}; args.unsubscribe = true; this.subscribe(channel,args); // change the time frame to after 5000AD }, disconnect: function(){ // summary: // disconnect from the server this.connected = false; this.xhr.abort(); } }); var Channels = dojox.cometd.RestChannels.defaultInstance = new dojox.cometd.RestChannels(); if(dojox.cometd.connectionTypes){ // register as a dojox.cometd transport and wire everything for cometd handling // below are the necessary adaptions for cometd Channels.startup = function(data){ // must be able to handle objects or strings; this._cometd._deliver({channel:"/meta/connect",successful:true}); // tell cometd we are connected so it can proceed to send subscriptions, even though we aren't yet }; Channels.check = function(types, version, xdomain){ for(var i = 0; i< types.length; i++){ if(types[i] == "rest-channels"){ return !xdomain; } } return false; }; Channels.deliver = function(message){ // nothing to do }; dojo.connect(this,"receive",null,function(message){ = message.result; this._cometd._deliver(message); }); Channels.sendMessages = function(messages){ for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){ var message = messages[i]; var channel =; var cometd = this._cometd; var args = { confirmation: function(){ // send a confirmation back to cometd cometd._deliver({channel:channel,successful:true}); } }; if(channel == '/meta/subscribe'){ this.subscribe(message.subscription,args); }else if(channel == '/meta/unsubscribe'){ this.unsubscribe(message.subscription,args); }else if(channel == '/meta/connect'){ args.confirmation(); }else if(channel == '/meta/disconnect'){ Channels.disconnect(); args.confirmation(); }else if(channel.substring(0,6) != '/meta/'){ this.publish(channel,; } } }; dojox.cometd.connectionTypes.register("rest-channels", Channels.check, Channels,false,true); } })();