# Testing Authorization is one of the crucial parts of your application. Hence, it should be thoroughly tested (that is the place where 100% coverage makes sense). When you use policies for authorization, it is possible to split testing into two parts: - Test the policy class itself - Test that **the required authorization is performed** within your authorization layer (controller, channel, etc.) - Test that **the required scoping has been applied**. ## Testing policies You can test policies as plain-old Ruby classes, no special tooling is required. Consider an RSpec example: ```ruby describe PostPolicy do let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) } let(:post) { build_stubbed(:post) } let(:policy) { described_class.new(post, user: user) } describe "#update?" do subject { policy.apply(:update?) } it "returns false when the user is not admin nor author" do is_expected.to eq false end context "when the user is admin" do let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user, :admin) } it { is_expected.to eq true } end context "when the user is an author" do let(:post) { build_stubbed(:post, user: user) } it { is_expected.to eq true } end end end ``` ### RSpec DSL We also provide a simple RSpec DSL which aims to reduce the boilerplate when writing policies specs. Example: ```ruby # Add this to your spec_helper.rb / rails_helper.rb require "action_policy/rspec/dsl" describe PostPolicy do let(:user) { build_stubbed :user } # `record` must be defined – it is the authorization target let(:record) { build_stubbed :post, draft: false } # `context` is the authorization context let(:context) { {user: user} } # `describe_rule` is a combination of # `describe` and `subject { ... }` (returns the result of # applying the rule to the record) describe_rule :show? do # `succeed` is `context` + `specify`, which checks # that the result of application is successful succeed "when post is published" # `succeed` is `context` + `specify`, which checks # that the result of application wasn't successful failed "when post is draft" do before { post.draft = false } succeed "when user is a manager" do before { user.role = "manager" } end end end end ``` If test failed the exception message includes the result and [failure reasons](reasons) (if any): ``` 1) PostPolucy#show? when post is draft Failure/Error: ... Expected to fail but succeed: ``` If you have [debugging utils](debugging) installed the message also includes the _annotated_ source code of the policy rule: ``` 1) UserPolucy#manage? when post is draft Failure/Error: ... Expected to fail but succeed: ↳ user.admin? #=> true OR !record.draft? #=> false ``` **NOTE:** DSL for focusing or skipping examples and groups is also available (e.g. `xdescribe_rule`, `fsucceed`, etc.). **NOTE:** the DSL is included only to example with the tag `type: :policy` or in the `spec/policies` folder. If you want to add this DSL to other examples, add `include ActionPolicy::RSpec::PolicyExampleGroup`. ### Testing scopes There is no single rule on how to test scopes, 'cause it dependes on the _nature_ of the scope. Here's an example of RSpec tests for Active Record scoping rules: ```ruby describe PostPolicy do describe "relation scope" do let(:user) { build_stubbed :user } let(:context) { {user: user} } # Feel free to replace with `before_all` from `test-prof`: # https://test-prof.evilmartians.io/#/before_all before do create(:post, name: "A") create(:post, name: "B", draft: true) end let(:target) do # We want to make sure that only the records created # for this test are affected, and they have a deterministic order Post.where(name: %w[A B]).order(name: :asc) end subject { policy.apply_scope(target, type: :active_record_relation).pluck(:name) } context "as user" do it { is_expected.to eq(%w[A]) } end context "as manager" do before { user.update!(role: :manager) } it { is_expected.to eq(%w[A B]) } end context "as banned user" do before { user.update!(banned: true) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end end ``` ## Testing authorization To test the act of authorization you have to make sure that the `authorize!` method is called with the appropriate arguments. Action Policy provides tools for such kind of testing for Minitest and RSpec. ### Minitest Include `ActionPolicy::TestHelper` to your test class and you'll be able to use `assert_authorized_to` assertion: ```ruby # in your controller class PostsController < ApplicationController def update @post = Post.find(params[:id]) authorize! @post if @post.update(post_params) redirect_to @post else render :edit end end end # in your test require "action_policy/test_helper" class PostsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest include ActionPolicy::TestHelper test "update is authorized" do sign_in users(:john) post = posts(:example) assert_authorized_to(:update?, post, with: PostPolicy) do patch :update, id: post.id, name: "Bob" end end end ``` You can omit the policy (then it would be inferred from the target): ```ruby assert_authorized_to(:update?, post) do patch :update, id: post.id, name: "Bob" end ``` ### RSpec Add the following to your `rails_helper.rb` (or `spec_helper.rb`): ```ruby require "action_policy/rspec" ``` Now you can use `be_authorized_to` matcher: ```ruby describe PostsController do subject { patch :update, id: post.id, params: params } it "is authorized" do expect { subject }.to be_authorized_to(:update?, post) .with(PostPolicy) end end ``` If you omit `.with(PostPolicy)` then the inferred policy for the target (`post`) would be used. ## Testing scoping Action Policy provides a way to test that a correct scoping has been applied during the code execution. For example, you can test that in your `#index` action the correct scoping is used: ```ruby class UsersController < ApplicationController def index @user = authorized(User.all) end end ``` ### Minitest Include `ActionPolicy::TestHelper` to your test class and you'll be able to use `assert_have_authorized_scope` assertion: ```ruby # in your test require "action_policy/test_helper" class UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest include ActionPolicy::TestHelper test "index has authorized scope" do sign_in users(:john) assert_have_authorized_scope(type: :active_record_relation, with: UserPolicy) do get :index end end end ``` You can also specify `as` and `scope_options` options. **NOTE:** both `type` and `with` params are required. It's not possible to test that a scoped has been applied to a particular _target_ but we provide a way to perform additional assertions against the matching target (if the assertion didn't fail): ```ruby test "index has authorized scope" do sign_in users(:john) assert_have_authorized_scope(type: :active_record_relation, with: UserPolicy) do get :index end.with_target do |target| # target is a object passed to `authorized` call assert_equal User.all, target end end ``` ### RSpec Add the following to your `rails_helper.rb` (or `spec_helper.rb`): ```ruby require "action_policy/rspec" ``` Now you can use `have_authorized_scope` matcher: ```ruby describe UsersController do subject { get :index } it "has authorized scope" do expect { subject }.to have_authorized_scope(:active_record_relation) .with(PostPolicy) end end ``` You can also add `.as(:named_scope)` and `with_scope_options(options_hash)` options. RSpec composed matchers are available as scope options: ```ruby expect { subject }.to have_authorized_scope(:scope) .with_scope_options(matching(with_deleted: a_falsey_value)) ``` You can use the `with_target` modifier to run additional expectations against the matching target (if the matcher didn't fail): ```ruby expect { subject }.to have_authorized_scope(:scope) .with_scope_options(matching(with_deleted: a_falsey_value)) .with_target { |target| expect(target).to eq(User.all) } ```