# encoding: utf-8 Feature: UnicodeData.txt file is to be used locally until it’s absent Scenario: Get all composed symbols When we call all_character_decomposition_mapping on Forkforge::UnicodeData Then the result count equals to 5721 ############################################################################### @camel Scenario: Camel to underscore function works Given we have a string "CamelCasedString" When we call "camel_to_underscore" method on Forkforge::Unicode Then the result is "camel_cased_string" @camel Scenario: Underscore to camel function works Given we have a string "underscore_old_school_string" When we call "underscore_to_camel" method on Forkforge::Unicode Then the result is "UnderscoreOldSchoolString" ############################################################################### @letter Scenario: Get all specific letter: uppercase When we call "uppercase" method on Forkforge::Letter Then the result count equals to 1631 And the first item equals to "A" @letter Scenario: Get all specific letter: lowercase When we call "lowercase" method on Forkforge::Letter Then the result count equals to 1984 And the first item equals to "a" @letter Scenario: Get all specific letter: titlecase When we call "titlecase" method on Forkforge::Letter Then the result count equals to 31 And the first item equals to "Dž" @letter Scenario: Get all specific letter: modifier When we call "modifier" method on Forkforge::Letter Then the result count equals to 248 And the first item equals to "ʰ" @letter Scenario: Get all specific letter: others When we call "other" method on Forkforge::Letter Then the result count equals to 14163 And the first item equals to "ª" @letter Scenario: Get all codepoints for uppercased letters When we call uppercase_code_point on Forkforge::Letter Then we print first 10 results ############################################################################### @mark Scenario: Get all specific marks: non-spacing When we call "non_spacing" method on Forkforge::Mark Then the result count equals to 1567 And the first item equals to "̀" @mark Scenario: Get all specific marks: spacing combining When we call "spacing_combining" method on Forkforge::Mark Then the result count equals to 383 And the first item equals to "ः" @mark Scenario: Get all specific marks: enclosing When we call "enclosing" method on Forkforge::Mark Then the result count equals to 13 And the first item equals to "҈" ############################################################################### @number Scenario: Get all specific numbers: decimal digit When we call "decimal_digit" method on Forkforge::Number Then the result count equals to 550 And the first item equals to "0" @number Scenario: Get all specific numbers: letter When we call "letter" method on Forkforge::Number Then the result count equals to 236 And the first item equals to "ᛮ" @number Scenario: Get all specific numbers: other When we call "other" method on Forkforge::Number Then the result count equals to 647 And the first item equals to "²" ############################################################################### @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: connectors When we call "connector" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 10 And the first item equals to "_" @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: dashes When we call "dash" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 24 And the first item equals to "-" @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: opens When we call "open" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 75 And the first item equals to "(" @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: closes When we call "close" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 73 And the first item equals to ")" @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: initial_quotes When we call "initial_quote" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 12 And the first item equals to "«" @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: final_quotes When we call "final_quote" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 10 And the first item equals to "»" @punctuation Scenario: Get all specific punctuation: others When we call "other" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 513 And the first item equals to "!" ############################################################################### @symbol Scenario: Get all specific symbols: math When we call "math" method on Forkforge::Symbol Then the result count equals to 948 And the first item equals to "+" @symbol Scenario: Get all specific symbols: currency When we call "currency" method on Forkforge::Symbol Then the result count equals to 53 And the first item equals to "$" @symbol Scenario: Get all specific symbols: modifier When we call "modifier" method on Forkforge::Symbol Then the result count equals to 121 And the first item equals to "^" @symbol Scenario: Get all specific symbols: other When we call "other" method on Forkforge::Symbol Then the result count equals to 5677 And the first item equals to "¦" ############################################################################### @separator Scenario: Get all specific separators: space When we call "space" method on Forkforge::Separator Then the result count equals to 17 And the first item equals to " " @separator Scenario: Get all specific separators: line When we call "line" method on Forkforge::Separator Then the result count equals to 1 And we print results @separator Scenario: Get all specific separators: paragraph When we call "paragraph" method on Forkforge::Separator Then the result count equals to 1 And we print results ############################################################################### @other Scenario: Get all specific others: control When we call "control" method on Forkforge::Other Then the result count equals to 65 @other Scenario: Get all specific others: format When we call "format" method on Forkforge::Other Then the result count equals to 150 And the first item equals to "­" @other Scenario: Get all specific others: surrogate When we call "surrogate" method on Forkforge::Other Then the result count equals to 6 And we print results @other Scenario: Get all specific others: private use When we call "private_use" method on Forkforge::Other Then the result count equals to 6 And we print results @other Scenario: Get all specific others: not assigned When we call "not_assigned" method on Forkforge::Other Then the result count equals to 0 ############################################################################### @punctuation @connector Scenario: Get all connectors with their names When we call "connector_character_name" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 10 And the first item’s value equals to "LOW LINE" @punctuation @connector Scenario: Get all dashes with their names When we call "dash_character_name" method on Forkforge::Punctuation Then the result count equals to 24 And the first item’s value equals to "HYPHEN-MINUS" ############################################################################### @languages Scenario: Upcase function works properly on cyrillics Given we have a cyrillic string "МАМА мыла РАМУ" When the string is upcased Then the result is "МАМА МЫЛА РАМУ" # titlecase titleize every funcking letter!! @languages Scenario: Titlecase function works properly on cyrillics Given we have a cyrillic string "МАМА мыла РАМУ" When the string is titlecased Then the result is "МАМА МЫЛА РАМУ" @languages Scenario: Downcase function works properly on cyrillics Given we have a cyrillic string "МАМА мыла РАМУ" When the string is downcased Then the result is "мама мыла раму" @languages Scenario: Upcase function works properly on combined Given we have a cyrillic string "naïve Álto Pàlo" When the string is upcased Then the result is "NAÏVE ÁLTO PÀLO" @languages Scenario: Upcase function works properly with Turkic (CAPITAL I WITH DOT) Given we have a string "naïve istanbul" When the string is upcased with language set to "tr" Then the result is "NAİ̈VE İSTANBUL" @languages Scenario: Upcase function works properly with generic (CAPITAL I WITHOUT DOT) Given we have a string "naïve istanbul" When the string is upcased with language set to "" Then the result is "NAÏVE ISTANBUL" @languages Scenario: Downcase function works properly with generic (SMALL I WITH DOT) Given we have a string "NAÏVE ISTANBUL" When the string is downcased with language set to "" Then the result is "naïve istanbul" @languages Scenario: Print out known conditions When we ask to print known conditions Then we print results ############################################################################### @lookup Scenario: Lookup symbols by name Given we have a pattern "RiNg AbOvE" When lookup is done with this pattern Then we print results @lookup Scenario: Lookup symbols by name Given we have a pattern "RING ABOVE" When lookup using all_character_name is done with this pattern Then we print first 2 results @lookup Scenario: Lookup symbols with tagged character_name Given we have a pattern looking like a tag When lookup using all_character_name is done with this pattern Then we print first 1 results @lookup Scenario: Lookup tag names using character_name Given we have a pattern looking like a tag When result is filtered to show tags Then the result count equals to 27 And we print first 21 results @lookup Scenario: Lookup tags using character_name Given we have a pattern looking like a tag When result is filtered to show tagged characters Then the result count equals to 27 And the result’s first element nested count is "65" @lookup Scenario: Lookup tags using meta method Given we have a pattern looking like a tag When result is set to response from "control" function call Then the result count equals to 65 And we print first 1 results @lookup Scenario: Print info on symbol Given we have a symbol "〷" When we retrieve it’s info Then we print results And the result is "IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH LINE FEED SEPARATOR SYMBOL" @lookup Scenario: Print info on symbol on it’s codebase Given we have a symbol with codebase "0x3037" When we retrieve it’s info Then we print results And the result is "IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH LINE FEED SEPARATOR SYMBOL" ############################################################################### @tag Scenario: Tag class accepts strings with tag delimiters properly Given we have a string "" When we construct Tag object against it Then both sym and tag have correct values @tag Scenario: Tag class accepts strings without tag delimiters properly Given we have a string "font" When we construct Tag object against it Then both sym and tag have correct values @tag Scenario: Tag class rejects strings with improper tags Given we have a string "ghgh" When we construct Tag object against it Then both sym and tag have nil values @tag Scenario: Decompose symbols Given we have a string "Barçelona Niños" When we decompose it Then we print results And the result is "Barçelona Niños" @tag Scenario: Decompose symbols with Given we have a string "ℂool" When we decompose it Then we print results And the result is "Cool" @tag Scenario: Decompose symbols with Given we have a string "ℂool" When we decompose it with circle tag only Then we print results And the result is "ℂool" @tag Scenario: Add custom decomposition symbols Given we have a string "Мáма" When we add custom decomposition rule And we decompose it Then we print results ############################################################################### @compose Scenario: Composing digit with circle Given we have a string "1" When we compose input to "circle" Then the result is "①" And we print results @compose Scenario: Composing letter with font Given we have a string "a" When we compose input to "font" Then the result is "𝐚,𝑎,𝒂,𝒶,𝓪,𝔞,𝕒,𝖆,𝖺,𝗮,𝘢,𝙖,𝚊" And we print results @compose Scenario: Composing letter with wide Given we have a string "a" When we compose input to "wide" Then the result is "a" And we print results @compose Scenario: Composing letter with super Given we have a string "a" When we compose input to "super" Then we print results And the result is "ª,ᵃ" @compose Scenario: Composing letter with sub Given we have a string "a" When we compose input to "sub" Then we print results And the result is "ₐ" @compose Scenario: Composing letter with vertical Given we have a string "?" When we compose input to "vertical" Then we print results And the result is "︖" @compose Scenario: Composing letter with small Given we have a string "?" When we compose input to "small" Then we print results And the result is "﹖" @compose Scenario: Composing letter with compat Given we have a string "µ" When we compose input to "compat" Then we print results And the result is "µ" ############################################################################### @compose @complex Scenario: Composing text with wide Given we have a string "Hola, Barçelona!" When we compose input to "wide" Then we print results And the result is "H,o,l,a,,, ,B,a,r,ç,e,l,o,n,a,!" @compose @complex Scenario: Composing text with wide (direct call) Given we have a string "Hola, Barçelona!" When we widify input Then we print results And the result is "Hola, Barçelona!" @compose @complex Scenario: Composing text with circle (direct call) Given we have a string "Hola, Barçelona!" When we circlefy input Then we print results And the result is "Ⓗⓞⓛⓐ, Ⓑⓐⓡⓒ̧ⓔⓛⓞⓝⓐ!" ############################################################################### @lookup @complex Scenario: Code points method missing works on latin letters When we call "math" method on Forkforge::CodePoints for "b" Then we print results And the result to string is "𝐛𝑏𝒃𝒷𝓫𝔟𝕓𝖇𝖻𝗯𝘣𝙗𝚋" @lookup @complex Scenario: Code points method missing works on strings When we call "math" method on Forkforge::CodePoints for "abc" Then we print results And the result to string is "𝐚𝐛𝐜𝑎𝑏𝑐𝒂𝒃𝒄𝒶𝒷𝒸𝓪𝓫𝓬𝔞𝔟𝔠𝕒𝕓𝕔𝖆𝖇𝖈𝖺𝖻𝖼𝗮𝗯𝗰𝘢𝘣𝘤𝙖𝙗𝙘𝚊𝚋𝚌" @lookup @complex Scenario: Code points method missing chained works on strings When we call "math_fraktur_bold" method on Forkforge::CodePoints for "abc" Then we print results And the result to string is "𝖆𝖇𝖈" ############################################################################### @monkey Scenario: String monkeypatches (wide) Given we have a string "CamelCasedString" When the string is directly widefied Then the result is "CamelCasedString" @monkey Scenario: String monkeypatches (upcase on cyrillics) Given we have a string "МАМА мыла РАМУ" When the string is directly upcased Then the result is "МАМА МЫЛА РАМУ" ###############################################################################