require "numru/gphys/subsetmapping" require "numru/gphys/attribute" require "narray_miss" require "numru/units" require "numru/gphys/unumeric" require "rational" # for VArray#sqrt require "numru/misc" module NumRu =begin =class NumRu::VArray VArray is a Virtual Array class, in which a multi-dimensional array data is stored on memory (NArray, NArrayMiss) or in file (NetCDFVar etc). The in-file data handling is left to subclasses such as VArrayNetCDF, and this base class handles the following two cases: (1) Data are stored on memory using NArray (2) Subset of another VArray (possibly a subclass such as VArrayNetCDF). Perhaps the latter case needs more explanation. Here, a VArray is defined as a subset of another VArray, so the current VArray has only the link and info on how the subset is mapped to the other VArray. A VArray behaves just like a NArray, i.e., a numeric multi-dimensional array. The important difference is that a VArray has a name and can have "attributes" like a NetCDF variable. Therefore, VArray can perfectly represent a NetCDFVar, which is realized by a sub-class VArrayNetCDF. NOMENCLATURE * value(s): The multi-dimensional numeric array contained in the VArray, or its contents * attribute(s): A combination of name and data that describes a VArray. Often realized by NumRu::Attribute class (or it is a NetCDFAttr in VArrayNetCDF). The name must be a string, and the type of attribute values is restricted to a few classes for compatibility with NetCDFAttr (See NumRu::Attribute) ==Class Methods, attr=nil, name=nil) A constructor ARGUMENTS * narray (NArray or NArrayMiss; default:nil) The array to be held. (nil is used to initialize a mapping to another VArray by a protected method). * attr (NumRu::Attribute; default:nil) Attributes. If nil, an empty attribute object is created and stored. * name (String; default nil) Name of the VArray. If nil, it is named "noname". RETURN VALUE * a VArray EXAMPLE na =,3).indgen! va1 = na, nil, "test" ) ---VArray.new2(ntype, shape, attr=nil, name=nil) Another constructor. Uses parameters to initialize a NArray to hold. ARGUMENTS * ntype (String or NArray constants): Numeric type of the NArray to be held (e.g., "sfloat", "float", NArray::SFLOAT, NArray::FLOAT) * shape (Array of Integers): shape of the NArray * attr (Attribute; default:nil) Attributes. If nil, an empty attribute object is created and stored. * name (String; default nil) Name of the VArray. RETURN VALUE * a VArray ==Instance Methods ---val Returns the values as a NArray (or NArrayMiss). This is the case even when the VArray is a mapping to another. Also, this method is to be redefined in subclasses to do the same thing. ARGUMENTS -- none RETURN VALUE * a NArray (or NArrayMiss) ---val=(narray) Set values. The whole values are set. If you want to set partly, use ((<[]=>)). In this method, values are read from narray and set into the internal value holder. Thus, for exampled, the numeric type is not changed regardress the numeric type of narray. Use (()) to replace entirely with narray. ARGUMENTS * narray (NArray or NArrayMiss or Numeric): If Numeric, the whole values are set to be equal to it. If NArray (or NArrayMiss), its shape must agree with the shape of the VArray. ---replace_val(narray) Replace the internal array data with the object narray. Use (()) if you want to copy the values of narray. ARGUMENTS * narray (NArray or NArrayMiss): as pxlained above. Its shape must agree with the shape of the VArray (self). RETURN VALUE * if (self.class == VArray), self; otherwise (if self.class is a subclass of VArray), a new VArray. ---[] Get a subset. Its usage is the same as NArray#[] ---[]= Set a subset. Its usage is the same as NArray#[]= ---attr To be undefined. ---ntype Returns the numeric type. ARGUMENTS -- none RETURN VALUE * a String ("byte", "sint", "int", "sfloat", "float", "scomplex" "complex", or "obj"). It can be used in to initialize another NArray. ---rank Returns the rank (number of dimensions) ---shape Returns the shape ---shape_current aliased to (()). ---length Returns the length of the VArray ---typecode Returns the NArray typecode ---name Returns the name RETURN VALUE * (String) name of the VArray ---name=(nm) Changes the name. ARGUMENTS * nm(String): the new name. RETURN VALUE * nm ---rename!(nm) Changes the name (Same as (()), but returns self) ARGUMENTS * nm(String): the new name. RETURN VALUE * self ---rename(nm) Same as rename! but duplicate the VArray object and set its name. This method may not be supported in sub-classes, since it is sometimes problematic not to change the original. ---copy(to=nil) Copy a VArray. If to is nil, works as the deep cloning (duplication of the entire object). Both the values and the attributes are copied. ARGUMENTS * to (VArray (possibly a subclass) or nil): The VArray to which the copying is made. ---reshape!( *shape ) Changes the shape without changing the total size. May not be available in subclasses. ARGUMENTS * shape (Array of Integer): new shape RETURN VALUE * self EXAMPLE vary = VArray.new2( "float", [10,2]) vary.reshape!(5,4) # changes the vary vary.copy.reshape!(2,2,5) # make a deep clone and change it # This always works with a VArray subclass, since vary.copy # makes a deep clone to VArray with NArray. ---file Returns a file object if the data of the VArray is in a file, nil if it is on memory ARGUMENTS * none RETURN VALUE * an object representing the file in which data are stored. Its class depends on the file type. nil is returned if the data is not in a file. ---transpose(*dims) Transpose. Argument specification is as in NArray. ---reshape(*shape) Reshape. Argument specification is as in NArray. ---axis_draw_positive Returns the direction to plot the axis (meaningful only if self is a coordinate variable.) The current implementation is based on NetCDF conventions, so REDEFINE IT IN SUBCLASSES if it is not appropriate. RETURN VALUE * one of the following: * true: axis should be drawn in the increasing order (to right/upward) * false: axis should be drawn in the decreasing order * nil: not specified ---axis_cyclic? Returns whether the axis is cyclic (meaningful only if self is a coordinate variable.) The current implementation is based on NetCDF conventions, so REDEFINE IT IN SUBCLASSES if it is not appropriate. RETURN VALUE * one of the following: * true: cyclic * false: not cyclic * nil: not specified ---axis_modulo Returns the modulo of a cyclic axis (meaningful only if self is a coordinate variable and it is cyclic.) The current implementation is based on NetCDF conventions, so REDEFINE IT IN SUBCLASSES if it is not appropriate. RETURN VALUE * one of the following: * Float if the modulo is defined * nil if modulo is not found ---axis_cyclic_extendible? (meaningful only if self is a coordinate variable.) Returns true if self is cyclic and it is suitable to exend cyclically (having the distance between both ends equal to (modulo - dx), where dx is the mean increment). ---coerce(other) For Numeric operators. (If you do not know it, see a manual or book of Ruby) ==Methods compatible with NArray VArray is a numeric multi-dimensional array, so it supports most of the methods and operators in NArray. Here, the name of those methods are just quoted. See the documentation of NArray for their usage. === Math functions ====sqrt, exp, log, log10, log2, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh, atanh, csc, sec, cot, csch, sech, coth, acsc, asec, acot, acsch, asech, acoth === Binary operators ====-, +, *, /, %, **, .add!, .sub!, .mul!, .div!, mod!, >, >=, <, <=, &, |, ^, .eq, .ne, .gt, .ge, .lt, .le, .and, .or, .xor, .not === Unary operators ====~ - + === Mean etc ====mean, sum, stddev, min, max, median === Other methods These methods returns a NArray (not a VArray). ====all?, any?, none?, where, where2, floor, ceil, round, to_f, to_i, to_a =end class Units # for automatic operator generation in VArray def mul!(other); self*other; end def div!(other); self/other; end end # class Units class VArray ### < basic parts to be redefined in subclasses > ### def initialize(narray=nil, attr=nil, name=nil) # initialize with an actual array --- initialization by subset # mapping is made with @name = ( name || "noname" ) @mapping = nil @varray = nil @ary = __check_ary_class(narray) case attr when Attribute @attr = attr when VArray vary = attr @attr = vary.attr_copy when Hash @attr = attr.each{|key,val| @attr[key]=val} when nil @attr = else raise TypeError, "#{attr.class} is unsupported for the 2nd arg" end end attr_reader :mapping, :varray, :ary protected :mapping, :varray, :ary def inspect if !@mapping "<'#{name}' #{ntype}#{shape.inspect} val=[#{(0...(4" else "<'#{name}' shape=#{shape.inspect} subset of a #{@varray.class}>" end end def VArray.new2(ntype, shape, attr=nil, name=nil) ary =, *shape), attr, name) end def val if @mapping ary = @varray.ary slicer = @mapping.slicer if ary.is_a?(NArray) || ary.is_a?(NArrayMiss) # interpret Hash slicers for NArray/NArrayMiss # -- this part would not be needed if NArray supported it. new_slicer = for idx in 0...slicer.length sl = slicer[idx] if sl.is_a?(Hash) range, step = sl.to_a[0] dim_len = ary.shape[idx] first = range.first first += dim_len if first<0 last = range.last last += dim_len if last<0 if first<0 || first>=dim_len || last<0 || last>=dim_len || step==0 raise "slicer #{slicer.inspect} for dim #{idx} is invalid (dim_len=#{dim_len})" end step = -step if ( (last-first)*step < 0 ) length = (last-first) / step + 1 new_slicer[idx] = first + step *! else new_slicer[idx] = sl end end slicer = new_slicer end ary[*slicer] else @ary.dup end end def val=(narray) if @mapping @varray.ary[*@mapping.slicer] = __check_ary_class2(narray) else @ary[] = __check_ary_class2(narray) end narray end def replace_val(narray) narray = __check_ary_class(narray) if self.class != VArray raise "replace_val to #{self.class} is disabled. Use val= instead" end if narray.shape != shape raise "shape of the argument (#{narray.shape.inspect}) !="+ " self.shape (#{shape.inspect})" end @ary = narray if @mapping # to non subset @name = @attr = @varray.attr_copy @mapping = @varray = nil end self end def ntype __ntype(typecode) end def name=(nm) raise ArgumentError, "name should be a String" if ! nm.is_a?(String) if @mapping = nm else @name = nm end nm end def rename!(nm) self end def rename(nm) self.dup.rename!(nm) end def reshape!( *shape ) if @mapping raise "Cannot reshape an VArray mapped to another. Use copy first to make it independent" else @ary.reshape!( *shape ) end self end def file if @mapping @varray.file else return nil end end ### < basic parts invariant in subclasses > ### def copy(to=nil) attr = self.attr_copy( (to ? to.attr : to) ) val = self.val if self.class==VArray && !self.mapped? && (to==nil || to.class==VArray) val = val.dup end if to to.val = val to else, attr, end end #def reshape( *shape ) # # reshape method that returns a new entire copy (deep one). # # ToDo :: prepare another reshape method that does not make the # # entire copy (you could use NArray.refer, but be careful not # # to make it public, because it's easily misused) # newobj = self.copy # newobj.ary.reshape!( *shape ) # newobj #end def mapped? @mapping ? true : false end def initialize_mapping(mapping, varray) # protected method raise ArgumentError if ! mapping.is_a?(SubsetMapping) raise ArgumentError if ! varray.is_a?(VArray) if ! varray.mapping @mapping = mapping @varray = varray else # To keep the mapping within one step @mapping = varray.mapping.composite(mapping) @varray = varray.varray end @attr = @ary = nil self end protected :initialize_mapping def attr if @mapping @varray.attr else @attr end end protected :attr def attr_copy(to=nil) attr.copy(to) end def att_names attr.keys end def get_att(name) attr[name] end def set_att(name, val) attr[name]=val self end def del_att(name) attr.delete(name) end alias put_att set_att def units str_units = attr['units'] if !str_units || str_units=='' str_units = '1' # represents non-dimension end str_units ) end def units=(units) attr['units'] = units.to_s units end def convert_units(to) if ! to.is_a?(Units) to = end myunits = self.units if myunits != to if calendar = self.get_att("calendar") date0 =,myunits).to_datetime un0 = UNumeric.from_date(date0,to,calendar) offset = un0.to_f gp = self + offset gp.units = to else gp = myunits.convert2(self, to) end gp else self # returns self (no duplication) end end def long_name attr['long_name'] end def long_name=(nm) attr['long_name'] = nm end def [](*slicer) slicer = __rubber_expansion( slicer ) mapping =, slicer), self) end def []=(*args) val = args.pop slicer = args slicer = __rubber_expansion( slicer ) if val.is_a?(VArray) val = val.val else val = __check_ary_class2(val) end if @mapping sl= @mapping.composite(,slicer)).slicer @varray[*sl]=val else @ary[*slicer]=val end val end def name if @mapping else @name.dup end end def transpose(*dims) val.transpose(*dims), attr_copy, name ) end def reshape(*shape) val.reshape(*shape), attr_copy, name ) end def axis_draw_positive # Default setting is taken from a widely used netcdf convention. # You can override it in a sub-class or using convention specific # mixins. positive = attr['positive'] case positive when /up/i true when /down/i false else nil # not defined, or if not 'up' or 'down' end end def axis_cyclic? axis_modulo != nil end def axis_modulo # Default setting is taken from a widely used netcdf convention. # You can override it in a sub-class or using convention specific # mixins. if attval=attr['modulo'] if attval.is_a?(String) attval.to_f else attval[0] end elsif /degrees?_east/ =~ attr['units'] 360.0 # special treatment: a common convention for the earth elsif (tp = attr['topology']) and (/circular/i =~ tp) un = Units[attr['units']] if un == Units['degrees'] 360.0 elsif un == Units['radian'] 2*Math::PI else nil # cannot guess --> nil end else nil # not defined --> nil end end def axis_cyclic_extendible? modulo = axis_modulo return false if !modulo v = val width = (v[-1] - v[0]).abs dx = width / (length-1) eps = 1e-4 modulo = modulo.abs extendible = ( ((width+dx) - modulo).abs < eps*modulo ) return extendible end ### < NArray methods > ### ## ToDo: implement units handling ## ToDo: coerce def coerce(other) case other when UNumeric oattr = self.attr_copy oattr['units'] = other.units.to_s na_other, =, 1).coerce(other.val) # scalar c_other =, oattr, else case other when Numeric, Array, NArrayMiss c_other = other ) else raise "Cannot coerse #{other.class}" end end [c_other, self] end Math_funcs_nondim = ["exp","log","log10","log2","sin","cos","tan", "sinh","cosh","tanh","asinh","acosh", "atanh","csc","sec","cot","csch","sech","coth", "acsch","asech","acoth"] Math_funcs_radian = ["asin","acos","atan","atan2","acsc","asec","acot"] Math_funcs = Math_funcs_nondim + Math_funcs_radian + ["sqrt"] Binary_operators_Uop = ["*","/","**", ".mul!",".div!"] Binary_operators_Uconv = ["+","-",".add!",".sbt!"] Binary_operators_Unone = ["%",".mod!",".imag="] Binary_operators = Binary_operators_Uop + Binary_operators_Uconv + Binary_operators_Unone Binary_operatorsL_comp = [">",">=","<","<=", ".eq",".ne",".gt",".ge",".lt",".le"] Binary_operatorsL_other = ["&","|","^",".and",".or",".xor",".not"] Binary_operatorsL = Binary_operatorsL_comp + Binary_operatorsL_other Unary_operators = ["-@","~"] # type1 methods: returns a VArray with the same shape # type2 methods: returns the result directly NArray_type1_methods = ["sort", "sort_index", "floor","ceil","round","to_f","to_i","to_type","abs", "real","im","imag","angle","arg","conj","conjugate","cumsum", "indgen","random"] NArray_type2_methods1 = ["all?","any?","none?","where","where2", "to_a", "to_string"] NArray_type2_methods2 = ["rank", "shape", "total","length"] NArray_type2_methods3 = ["typecode"] NArray_type3_methods = ["mean","sum","stddev","min","max","median"] # remaining: "transpose" NArray_type2_methods =*NArray_type2_methods1). push(*NArray_type2_methods2). push(*NArray_type2_methods3) for f in Math_funcs_nondim eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f}(*arg) newattr = self.attr_copy newattr['units'] = '1' case arg.length when 0 Misc::EMath.#{f}(self.val), newattr, ) #when 1 # for atan2 # ar = arg[0].respond_to?(:val) ? arg[0].val : arg[0] # Misc::EMath.#{f}(self.val, ar), newattr, ) else raise ArgumentError, "# of args must be 0 or 1" end end EOS end for f in Math_funcs_radian eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f}(*arg) newattr = self.attr_copy newattr['units'] = 'rad' case arg.length when 0 Misc::EMath.#{f}(self.val), newattr, ) when 1 # for atan2 ar = arg[0].respond_to?(:val) ? arg[0].val : arg[0] ## ar = ar.to_f # NMath.atan2 does not work with Misc::EMath.#{f}(self.val, ar), newattr, ) else raise ArgumentError, "# of args must be 0 or 1" end end EOS end def sqrt va = Misc::EMath.sqrt(self.val), self.attr_copy, ) va.units = units**Rational(1,2) va end for f in Binary_operators_Uop eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f.delete(".")}(other) case other when VArray, UNumeric vl = self.val vr = other.val if !( vl.is_a?(NArray) and vr.is_a?(NArrayMiss) ) ary = vl#{f}(vr) else ary = NArrayMiss.to_nam(vl)#{f}(vr) end va = ary, self.attr_copy, ) va.units= self.units#{f}(other.units) if "#{f}" != "**" va when Numeric, NArray, NArrayMiss, Array vl = self.val vr = other if !( vl.is_a?(NArray) and vr.is_a?(NArrayMiss) ) ary = vl#{f}(vr) else ary = NArrayMiss.to_nam(vl)#{f}(vr) end va = ary, self.attr_copy, ) if "#{f}" == "**" && other.is_a?(Numeric) va.units= self.units#{f}(other) end va else c_me, c_other = other.coerce(self) c_me#{f}(c_other) end end EOS end for f in Binary_operators_Uconv eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f.delete(".")}(other) case other when VArray, UNumeric if self.get_att('units') # self have non nil units oval = other.units.convert2(other.val,self.units) uni = self.units else oval = other.val uni = other.units end vl = self.val vr = oval if !( vl.is_a?(NArray) and vr.is_a?(NArrayMiss) ) ary = vl#{f}(vr) else ary = NArrayMiss.to_nam(vl)#{f}(vr) end va = ary, self.attr_copy, ) va.units = uni va when Numeric, NArray, NArrayMiss, Array vl = self.val vr = other if !( vl.is_a?(NArray) and vr.is_a?(NArrayMiss) ) ary = vl#{f}(vr) else ary = NArrayMiss.to_nam(vl)#{f}(vr) end ary, self.attr_copy, ) else c_me, c_other = other.coerce(self) c_me#{f}(c_other) end end EOS end for f in Binary_operators_Unone eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f.delete(".")}(other) case other when VArray, UNumeric vl = self.val vr = other.val if !( vl.is_a?(NArray) and vr.is_a?(NArrayMiss) ) ary = vl#{f}(vr) else ary = NArrayMiss.to_nam(vl)#{f}(vr) end ary, self.attr_copy, ) when Numeric, NArray, NArrayMiss, Array vl = self.val vr = other if !( vl.is_a?(NArray) and vr.is_a?(NArrayMiss) ) ary = vl#{f}(vr) else ary = NArrayMiss.to_nam(vl)#{f}(vr) end ary, self.attr_copy, ) else c_me, c_other = other.coerce(self) c_me#{f}(c_other) end end EOS end for f in Binary_operatorsL_comp eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f.delete(".")}(other) # returns NArray case other when VArray, UNumeric self.val#{f}( other.units.convert2(other.val,units) ) when Numeric, NArray, NArrayMiss, Array self.val#{f}(other) else c_me, c_other = other.coerce(self) self#{f}(other) end end EOS end for f in Binary_operatorsL_other eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f.delete(".")}(other) # returns NArray case other when VArray, UNumeric self.val#{f}(other.val) when Numeric, NArray, NArrayMiss, Array self.val#{f}(other) else c_me, c_other = other.coerce(self) self#{f}(other) end end EOS end for f in Unary_operators eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f} ary = #{f.delete("@")} self.val ary, self.attr_copy, ) end EOS end def +@ self end for f in NArray_type1_methods eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f}(*args) newattr = self.attr_copy newattr['units'] = '1' if "#{f}"=="angle" || "#{f}"=="arg"{f}(*args), newattr, ) end EOS end for f in NArray_type2_methods1 eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f}(*args) self.val.#{f}(*args) end EOS end for f in NArray_type2_methods2 eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f} if @mapping @mapping.#{f} else @ary.#{f} end end EOS end for f in NArray_type2_methods3 eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f} if @mapping @varray.ary.#{f} else @ary.#{f} end end EOS end for f in NArray_type3_methods eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{f}(*args) result = self.val.#{f}(*args) if result.is_a?(NArray) || result.is_a?(NArrayMiss) , self.attr_copy, ) elsif result.nil? result else UNumeric[result, units] # used to be 'result' (not UNumeric) end end EOS end alias shape_current shape ## < marshal dump/load > def marshal_dump [@name, @mapping, @varray, @ary, @attr] end def marshal_load(ary) @name, @mapping, @varray, @ary, @attr = *ary end ## < private methods > private def __rubber_expansion( args ) if (id = args.index(false)) # substitution into id # false is incuded alen = args.length if args.rindex(false) != id raise ArguemntError,"only one rubber dimension is permitted" elsif alen > rank+1 raise ArgumentError, "too many args" end ar = ( id!=0 ? args[] : [] ) args = ar + [true]*(rank-alen+1) + args[id+1..-1] end args end def __check_ary_class(narray) case narray when NArray, NArrayMiss, nil else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid array class: #{narray.class}" end narray end def __check_ary_class2(narray) case narray when NArray, NArrayMiss, nil, Numeric else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid array class: #{narray.class}" end narray end def __ntype(typecode) case typecode when NArray::BYTE "byte" when NArray::SINT "sint" when NArray::LINT "int" when NArray::SFLOAT "sfloat" when NArray::DFLOAT "float" when NArray::SCOMPLEX "scomplex" when NArray::DCOMPLEX "complex" when NArray::ROBJ "obj" end end end # class VArray end ################################## ### < test > ### if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu p va =,2,3).indgen!, nil, 'va' ) va.units="m" va.long_name="test data" vs = va[2..4,0,0..1] p "@@@",vs.rank,vs.shape,,vs.val,vs.get_att("name") p '@@@@',vs.long_name,vs.units.to_s vs.val=999 p "*1*",va co,=va.coerce(,"rad"))) p '*coerce*',co, co.units p "*2*",vt = vs/9, vs + vt p "*3*",vt.log10 p "*4*",(vt < vs)'vvvttt' p "*5*",(3+vt).units.to_s, (3*vt).units.to_s, vt.sin, vt.cos vc = vt.copy p 'atan2' vv = NArray.sfloat(5).indgen!, nil, 'vv' ) p vv.atan2(vv).val p "eq",vc.eq(vt),vc.equal?(vt) vd =!+10 ) p "+++",vd[1],vd[1].rank,vd[1].val p va.val p vs p va.sort.val p vs.to_a, vs.to_string, vs.to_f, vs.to_type(NArray::SINT) p "@@@",va.max, va.max(0), va.max(0,1) vkg = NArray.float(4,3).indgen!, nil, 'vkg' ) vkg.units = 'kg' vg = vkg.copy vg.units = 'g' vmul = vkg*vg p '##', vkg.val, vmul.get_att('units'), vmul.units p '##', (vkg + vg).val, (vg + vkg).val, vkg > vg p '*convert_units*' p vg.units,vg.val vkg = vg.convert_units('kg') p vkg.units,vkg.val p '*axis conventions*' p vx =!, nil, 'x' ) vx.put_att("topology","circular") vx.set_att('modulo',[360.0]) vx.set_att('positive','down') p vx.axis_draw_positive, vx.axis_cyclic?, vx.axis_modulo p ' cyclic extendible:' p vx.axis_cyclic_extendible? vx.set_att('modulo',[6.0]) p vx.axis_cyclic_extendible? p '*typecode*' p vx.typecode, vx[0..1].typecode end