require 'sinatra/base' require 'active_support/inflector' module Sinatra module Helpers module Haml module Forms CHECKBOX_DEFAULTS = {:type => :checkbox, :value => 1} FILE_FIELD_DEFAULTS = {:type => :file} HIDDEN_FIELD_DEFAULTS = {:type => :hidden} PASSWORD_FIELD_DEFAULTS = {:type => :password} TEXT_FIELD_DEFAULTS = {:type => :text} TEXT_AREA_DEFAULTS = {} SELECT_DEFAULTS = {} def errors_for(object) unless object.errors.empty? errors = object.errors.full_messages haml_tag :div, :id => 'errors' do haml_tag :p, %Q(Unable to save #{} due to the following #{errors.size == 1 ? 'error' : "#{errors.size} errors"}:) haml_tag :ul do haml_concat list_of(errors) { |error| haml_concat(error) } end end end end def parameterize(arg) case arg when Array arg.compact.collect { |a| parameterize(a) } when String arg when Symbol, Numeric arg.to_s else end end def object_for(*args) args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash) args.pop case object = args.last when String, Symbol if args.length > 1 object_for(*args).send(object) else instance_variable_get "@#{object}" end else object end end def value_for(*args) object = object_for(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} object.send args.pop end def id_for(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} index = options[:index] method = args.pop args << index << method parameterize(args).join('_') end def name_for(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} index = options[:index] method = args.pop # pluralize collection name when indexed... explicit parameterization args << parameterize(args.pop).pluralize << index if index args << method parameterize(args).inject { |name,part| "#{name}[#{part}]" } end def extract_options(*args) args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last.reject { |k,v| k.to_s == 'index' } : {} end def label(*args) { :for => id_for(*args) }.merge extract_options(*args) end def input(*args) { :id => id_for(*args), :name => name_for(*args) }.merge extract_options(*args) end def checkbox(*args) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last options[:checked] = value_for(*args) unless options.include?(:checked) CHECKBOX_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def file_field(*args) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last options[:value] = value_for(*args) unless options.include?(:value) FILE_FIELD_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def hidden_field(*args) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last options[:value] = value_for(*args) unless options.include?(:value) HIDDEN_FIELD_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def password_field(*args) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last options[:value] = value_for(*args) unless options.include?(:value) PASSWORD_FIELD_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def text_field(*args) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last options[:value] = value_for(*args) unless options.include?(:value) TEXT_FIELD_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def text_area(*args) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last TEXT_AREA_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def select(*args) SELECT_DEFAULTS.merge input(*args) end def options_of(collection, options = {}, &block) collection.each do |option| text, value = option selected = block_given? ? : nil haml_tag :option, text, options.merge(:selected => selected, :value => value) end end end end end helpers Helpers::Haml::Forms end