# Settings in the config.yml are overriding Squib's defaults. Anything in the main script will override this. # DPI is used in making PDFs and in unit conversions # Default: 300 #dpi: 72 #antialias: best #recommended. Only about 10% slower than fast #antialias: default # set the anti-aliasing algorithm. default defers to the underlying graphics device. See http://www.cairographics.org/manual/cairo-cairo-t.html#cairo-antialias-t # Text hints are used to show the boundaries of text boxes. # Can be enabled/disabled at the command-level, or set globally with `set` #text_hint: '#F00' # Show progress bars on the command line for potentially long-running operations #progress_bars: true #Enable some custom colors that can be used in any color #custom_colors: # foo: '#abc' #For reading image file command (e.g. png and svg), read from this directory instead #img_dir: img-color #img_dir: img-bw # Use a SVG cairo back end, instead of an in-memory buffer # backend: :memory # default # backend: :svg # can create scalable pdfs, but rendering done at the printer level is not as good as Cairo. # Configure what text markup uses replace characters # Below are the defaults # lsquote: "\u2018" #note that Yaml wants double quotes here to use escape chars # rsquote: "\u2019" # ldquote: "\u201C" # rdquote: "\u201D" # em_dash: "\u2014" # en_dash: "\u2013" # ellipsis: "\u2026" # We can also disallow smart quotes and only allow explicit replacements with ``LaTeX-style'' quotes. # smart_quotes: false # By default, Squib warns when a text box is ellipsized. This can get verbose # and can be turned off here # warn_ellipsize: true # default # warn_ellipsize: false # default