# $Id: RMagick.rb,v 1.80 2009/01/02 21:08:14 rmagick Exp $ #============================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2008 by Timothy P. Hunter # Name: RMagick.rb # Author: Tim Hunter # Purpose: Extend Ruby to interface with ImageMagick. # Notes: RMagick2.so defines the classes. The code below adds methods # to the classes. #============================================================================== require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'rmagick4j', 'rmagick4j.rb') module Magick @@formats = nil def Magick.formats(&block) @@formats ||= Magick.init_formats if block_given? @@formats.each { |k,v| yield(k,v) } self else @@formats end end class << self attr_writer :trace_proc end # Geometry class and related enum constants class GeometryValue < Enum # no methods end PercentGeometry = GeometryValue.new(:PercentGeometry, 1).freeze AspectGeometry = GeometryValue.new(:AspectGeometry, 2).freeze LessGeometry = GeometryValue.new(:LessGeometry, 3).freeze GreaterGeometry = GeometryValue.new(:GreaterGeometry, 4).freeze AreaGeometry = GeometryValue.new(:AreaGeometry, 5).freeze MinimumGeometry = GeometryValue.new(:MinimumGeometry, 6).freeze class Geometry FLAGS = ['', '%', '!', '<', '>', '@', '^'] RFLAGS = { '%' => PercentGeometry, '!' => AspectGeometry, '<' => LessGeometry, '>' => GreaterGeometry, '@' => AreaGeometry, '^' => MinimumGeometry } attr_accessor :width, :height, :x, :y, :flag def initialize(width=nil, height=nil, x=nil, y=nil, flag=nil) raise(ArgumentError, "width set to #{width.to_s}") if width.is_a? GeometryValue raise(ArgumentError, "height set to #{height.to_s}") if height.is_a? GeometryValue raise(ArgumentError, "x set to #{x.to_s}") if x.is_a? GeometryValue raise(ArgumentError, "y set to #{y.to_s}") if y.is_a? GeometryValue # Support floating-point width and height arguments so Geometry # objects can be used to specify Image#density= arguments. if width && width.to_f >= 0.0 @width = width.to_f elsif width Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "width must be >= 0: #{width}" end if height && height.to_f >= 0.0 @height = height.to_f elsif height Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "height must be >= 0: #{height}" end @x = x.to_i @y = y.to_i @flag = flag end # Construct an object from a geometry string W = /(\d+\.\d+%?)|(\d*%?)/ H = W X = /(?:([-+]\d+))?/ Y = X RE = /\A#{W}x?#{H}#{X}#{Y}([!<>@\^]?)\Z/ def Geometry.from_s(str) m = RE.match(str) if m width = m[1].nil? && m[2].empty? ? nil : (m[1] || m[2]).to_f height = m[3].nil? && m[4].empty? ? nil : (m[3] || m[4]).to_f x = m[5].to_i y = m[6].to_i flag = RFLAGS[m[7]] else Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "invalid geometry format" end if str['%'] flag = PercentGeometry end Geometry.new(width, height, x, y, flag) end # Convert object to a geometry string def to_s str = '' if @width && @width > 0 fmt = @width.truncate == @width ? "%d" : "%.2f" str << sprintf(fmt, @width) str << '%' if @flag == PercentGeometry end if (@width && @width > 0 && @flag != PercentGeometry) || (@height && @height > 0) str << 'x' end if @height && @height > 0 fmt = @height.truncate == @height ? "%d" : "%.2f" str << sprintf(fmt, @height) str << '%' if @flag == PercentGeometry end str << sprintf("%+d%+d", @x, @y) if (@x != 0 || @y != 0) if @flag != PercentGeometry str << FLAGS[@flag.to_i] end str end end class Draw # Thse hashes are used to map Magick constant # values to the strings used in the primitives. ALIGN_TYPE_NAMES = { LeftAlign.to_i => 'left', RightAlign.to_i => 'right', CenterAlign.to_i => 'center' }.freeze ANCHOR_TYPE_NAMES = { StartAnchor.to_i => 'start', MiddleAnchor.to_i => 'middle', EndAnchor.to_i => 'end' }.freeze DECORATION_TYPE_NAMES = { NoDecoration.to_i => 'none', UnderlineDecoration.to_i => 'underline', OverlineDecoration.to_i => 'overline', LineThroughDecoration.to_i => 'line-through' }.freeze FONT_WEIGHT_NAMES = { AnyWeight.to_i => 'all', NormalWeight.to_i => 'normal', BoldWeight.to_i => 'bold', BolderWeight.to_i => 'bolder', LighterWeight.to_i => 'lighter', }.freeze GRAVITY_NAMES = { NorthWestGravity.to_i => 'northwest', NorthGravity.to_i => 'north', NorthEastGravity.to_i => 'northeast', WestGravity.to_i => 'west', CenterGravity.to_i => 'center', EastGravity.to_i => 'east', SouthWestGravity.to_i => 'southwest', SouthGravity.to_i => 'south', SouthEastGravity.to_i => 'southeast' }.freeze PAINT_METHOD_NAMES = { PointMethod.to_i => 'point', ReplaceMethod.to_i => 'replace', FloodfillMethod.to_i => 'floodfill', FillToBorderMethod.to_i => 'filltoborder', ResetMethod.to_i => 'reset' }.freeze STRETCH_TYPE_NAMES = { NormalStretch.to_i => 'normal', UltraCondensedStretch.to_i => 'ultra-condensed', ExtraCondensedStretch.to_i => 'extra-condensed', CondensedStretch.to_i => 'condensed', SemiCondensedStretch.to_i => 'semi-condensed', SemiExpandedStretch.to_i => 'semi-expanded', ExpandedStretch.to_i => 'expanded', ExtraExpandedStretch.to_i => 'extra-expanded', UltraExpandedStretch.to_i => 'ultra-expanded', AnyStretch.to_i => 'all' }.freeze STYLE_TYPE_NAMES = { NormalStyle.to_i => 'normal', ItalicStyle.to_i => 'italic', ObliqueStyle.to_i => 'oblique', AnyStyle.to_i => 'all' }.freeze private def enquote(str) if str.length > 2 && /\A(?:\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'|\{[^\}]+\})\z/.match(str) return str else return '"' + str + '"' end end public # Apply coordinate transformations to support scaling (s), rotation (r), # and translation (t). Angles are specified in radians. def affine(sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty) primitive "affine " + sprintf("%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g", sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty) end # Draw an arc. def arc(startX, startY, endX, endY, startDegrees, endDegrees) primitive "arc " + sprintf("%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g", startX, startY, endX, endY, startDegrees, endDegrees) end # Draw a bezier curve. def bezier(*points) if points.length == 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "no points specified" elsif points.length % 2 != 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "odd number of arguments specified" end primitive "bezier " + points.join(',') end # Draw a circle def circle(originX, originY, perimX, perimY) primitive "circle " + sprintf("%g,%g %g,%g", originX, originY, perimX, perimY) end # Invoke a clip-path defined by def_clip_path. def clip_path(name) primitive "clip-path #{name}" end # Define the clipping rule. def clip_rule(rule) if ( not ["evenodd", "nonzero"].include?(rule.downcase) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown clipping rule #{rule}" end primitive "clip-rule #{rule}" end # Define the clip units def clip_units(unit) if ( not ["userspace", "userspaceonuse", "objectboundingbox"].include?(unit.downcase) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown clip unit #{unit}" end primitive "clip-units #{unit}" end # Set color in image according to specified colorization rule. Rule is one of # point, replace, floodfill, filltoborder,reset def color(x, y, method) if ( not PAINT_METHOD_NAMES.has_key?(method.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown PaintMethod: #{method}" end primitive "color #{x},#{y},#{PAINT_METHOD_NAMES[method.to_i]}" end # Specify EITHER the text decoration (none, underline, overline, # line-through) OR the text solid background color (any color name or spec) def decorate(decoration) if ( DECORATION_TYPE_NAMES.has_key?(decoration.to_i) ) primitive "decorate #{DECORATION_TYPE_NAMES[decoration.to_i]}" else primitive "decorate #{enquote(decoration)}" end end # Define a clip-path. A clip-path is a sequence of primitives # bracketed by the "push clip-path " and "pop clip-path" # primitives. Upon advice from the IM guys, we also bracket # the clip-path primitives with "push(pop) defs" and "push # (pop) graphic-context". def define_clip_path(name) begin push('defs') push('clip-path', name) push('graphic-context') yield ensure pop('graphic-context') pop('clip-path') pop('defs') end end # Draw an ellipse def ellipse(originX, originY, width, height, arcStart, arcEnd) primitive "ellipse " + sprintf("%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g", originX, originY, width, height, arcStart, arcEnd) end # Let anything through, but the only defined argument # is "UTF-8". All others are apparently ignored. def encoding(encoding) primitive "encoding #{encoding}" end # Specify object fill, a color name or pattern name def fill(colorspec) primitive "fill #{enquote(colorspec)}" end alias fill_color fill alias fill_pattern fill # Specify fill opacity (use "xx%" to indicate percentage) def fill_opacity(opacity) primitive "fill-opacity #{opacity}" end def fill_rule(rule) if ( not ["evenodd", "nonzero"].include?(rule.downcase) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown fill rule #{rule}" end primitive "fill-rule #{rule}" end # Specify text drawing font def font(name) primitive "font #{name}" end def font_family(name) primitive "font-family \'#{name}\'" end def font_stretch(stretch) if ( not STRETCH_TYPE_NAMES.has_key?(stretch.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown stretch type" end primitive "font-stretch #{STRETCH_TYPE_NAMES[stretch.to_i]}" end def font_style(style) if ( not STYLE_TYPE_NAMES.has_key?(style.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown style type" end primitive "font-style #{STYLE_TYPE_NAMES[style.to_i]}" end # The font weight argument can be either a font weight # constant or [100,200,...,900] def font_weight(weight) if ( FONT_WEIGHT_NAMES.has_key?(weight.to_i) ) primitive "font-weight #{FONT_WEIGHT_NAMES[weight.to_i]}" else primitive "font-weight #{weight}" end end # Specify the text positioning gravity, one of: # NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast def gravity(grav) if ( not GRAVITY_NAMES.has_key?(grav.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown text positioning gravity" end primitive "gravity #{GRAVITY_NAMES[grav.to_i]}" end # IM 6.4.8-3 and later def interword_spacing(space) begin Float(space) rescue ArgumentError Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for interword_spacing" rescue TypeError Kernel.raise TypeError, "can't convert #{space.class} into Float" end primitive "interword-spacing #{space}" end # IM 6.4.8-3 and later def kerning(space) begin Float(space) rescue ArgumentError Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for kerning" rescue TypeError Kernel.raise TypeError, "can't convert #{space.class} into Float" end primitive "kerning #{space}" end # Draw a line def line(startX, startY, endX, endY) primitive "line " + sprintf("%g,%g %g,%g", startX, startY, endX, endY) end # Set matte (make transparent) in image according to the specified # colorization rule def matte(x, y, method) if ( not PAINT_METHOD_NAMES.has_key?(method.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown paint method" end primitive "matte #{x},#{y} #{PAINT_METHOD_NAMES[method.to_i]}" end # Specify drawing fill and stroke opacities. If the value is a string # ending with a %, the number will be multiplied by 0.01. def opacity(opacity) if (Numeric === opacity) if (opacity < 0 || opacity > 1.0) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "opacity must be >= 0 and <= 1.0" end end primitive "opacity #{opacity}" end # Draw using SVG-compatible path drawing commands. Note that the # primitive requires that the commands be surrounded by quotes or # apostrophes. Here we simply use apostrophes. def path(cmds) primitive "path '" + cmds + "'" end # Define a pattern. In the block, call primitive methods to # draw the pattern. Reference the pattern by using its name # as the argument to the 'fill' or 'stroke' methods def pattern(name, x, y, width, height) begin push('defs') push("pattern #{name} #{x} #{y} #{width} #{height}") push('graphic-context') yield ensure pop('graphic-context') pop('pattern') pop('defs') end end # Set point to fill color. def point(x, y) primitive "point #{x},#{y}" end # Specify the font size in points. Yes, the primitive is "font-size" but # in other places this value is called the "pointsize". Give it both names. def pointsize(points) primitive "font-size #{points}" end alias font_size pointsize # Draw a polygon def polygon(*points) if points.length == 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "no points specified" elsif points.length % 2 != 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "odd number of points specified" end primitive "polygon " + points.join(',') end # Draw a polyline def polyline(*points) if points.length == 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "no points specified" elsif points.length % 2 != 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "odd number of points specified" end primitive "polyline " + points.join(',') end # Return to the previously-saved set of whatever # pop('graphic-context') (the default if no arguments) # pop('defs') # pop('gradient') # pop('pattern') def pop(*what) if what.length == 0 primitive "pop graphic-context" else # to_s allows a Symbol to be used instead of a String primitive "pop " + what.map {|w| w.to_s}.join(' ') end end # Push the current set of drawing options. Also you can use # push('graphic-context') (the default if no arguments) # push('defs') # push('gradient') # push('pattern') def push(*what) if what.length == 0 primitive "push graphic-context" else # to_s allows a Symbol to be used instead of a String primitive "push " + what.map {|w| w.to_s}.join(' ') end end # Draw a rectangle def rectangle(upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y) primitive "rectangle " + sprintf("%g,%g %g,%g", upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y) end # Specify coordinate space rotation. "angle" is measured in degrees def rotate(angle) primitive "rotate #{angle}" end # Draw a rectangle with rounded corners def roundrectangle(center_x, center_y, width, height, corner_width, corner_height) primitive "roundrectangle " + sprintf("%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g", center_x, center_y, width, height, corner_width, corner_height) end # Specify scaling to be applied to coordinate space on subsequent drawing commands. def scale(x, y) primitive "scale #{x},#{y}" end def skewx(angle) primitive "skewX #{angle}" end def skewy(angle) primitive "skewY #{angle}" end # Specify the object stroke, a color name or pattern name. def stroke(colorspec) primitive "stroke #{enquote(colorspec)}" end alias stroke_color stroke alias stroke_pattern stroke # Specify if stroke should be antialiased or not def stroke_antialias(bool) bool = bool ? '1' : '0' primitive "stroke-antialias #{bool}" end # Specify a stroke dash pattern def stroke_dasharray(*list) if list.length == 0 primitive "stroke-dasharray none" else list.each { |x| if x <= 0 then Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "dash array elements must be > 0 (#{x} given)" end } primitive "stroke-dasharray #{list.join(',')}" end end # Specify the initial offset in the dash pattern def stroke_dashoffset(value=0) primitive "stroke-dashoffset #{value}" end def stroke_linecap(value) if ( not ["butt", "round", "square"].include?(value.downcase) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown linecap type: #{value}" end primitive "stroke-linecap #{value}" end def stroke_linejoin(value) if ( not ["round", "miter", "bevel"].include?(value.downcase) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown linejoin type: #{value}" end primitive "stroke-linejoin #{value}" end def stroke_miterlimit(value) if (value < 1) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "miterlimit must be >= 1" end primitive "stroke-miterlimit #{value}" end # Specify opacity of stroke drawing color # (use "xx%" to indicate percentage) def stroke_opacity(value) primitive "stroke-opacity #{value}" end # Specify stroke (outline) width in pixels. def stroke_width(pixels) primitive "stroke-width #{pixels}" end # Draw text at position x,y. Add quotes to text that is not already quoted. def text(x, y, text) if text.to_s.empty? Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "missing text argument" end if text.length > 2 && /\A(?:\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'|\{[^\}]+\})\z/.match(text) ; # text already quoted elsif !text['\''] text = '\''+text+'\'' elsif !text['"'] text = '"'+text+'"' elsif !(text['{'] || text['}']) text = '{'+text+'}' else # escape existing braces, surround with braces text = '{' + text.gsub(/[}]/) { |b| '\\' + b } + '}' end primitive "text #{x},#{y} #{text}" end # Specify text alignment relative to a given point def text_align(alignment) if ( not ALIGN_TYPE_NAMES.has_key?(alignment.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown alignment constant: #{alignment}" end primitive "text-align #{ALIGN_TYPE_NAMES[alignment.to_i]}" end # SVG-compatible version of text_align def text_anchor(anchor) if ( not ANCHOR_TYPE_NAMES.has_key?(anchor.to_i) ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown anchor constant: #{anchor}" end primitive "text-anchor #{ANCHOR_TYPE_NAMES[anchor.to_i]}" end # Specify if rendered text is to be antialiased. def text_antialias(boolean) boolean = boolean ? '1' : '0' primitive "text-antialias #{boolean}" end # Specify color underneath text def text_undercolor(color) primitive "text-undercolor #{enquote(color)}" end # Specify center of coordinate space to use for subsequent drawing # commands. def translate(x, y) primitive "translate #{x},#{y}" end end # class Magick::Draw # Define IPTC record number:dataset tags for use with Image#get_iptc_dataset module IPTC module Envelope Model_Version = "1:00" Destination = "1:05" File_Format = "1:20" File_Format_Version = "1:22" Service_Identifier = "1:30" Envelope_Number = "1:40" Product_ID = "1:50" Envelope_Priority = "1:60" Date_Sent = "1:70" Time_Sent = "1:80" Coded_Character_Set = "1:90" UNO = "1:100" Unique_Name_of_Object = "1:100" ARM_Identifier = "1:120" ARM_Version = "1:122" end module Application Record_Version = "2:00" Object_Type_Reference = "2:03" Object_Name = "2:05" Title = "2:05" Edit_Status = "2:07" Editorial_Update = "2:08" Urgency = "2:10" Subject_Reference = "2:12" Category = "2:15" Supplemental_Category = "2:20" Fixture_Identifier = "2:22" Keywords = "2:25" Content_Location_Code = "2:26" Content_Location_Name = "2:27" Release_Date = "2:30" Release_Time = "2:35" Expiration_Date = "2:37" Expiration_Time = "2:35" Special_Instructions = "2:40" Action_Advised = "2:42" Reference_Service = "2:45" Reference_Date = "2:47" Reference_Number = "2:50" Date_Created = "2:55" Time_Created = "2:60" Digital_Creation_Date = "2:62" Digital_Creation_Time = "2:63" Originating_Program = "2:65" Program_Version = "2:70" Object_Cycle = "2:75" By_Line = "2:80" Author = "2:80" By_Line_Title = "2:85" Author_Position = "2:85" City = "2:90" Sub_Location = "2:92" Province = "2:95" State = "2:95" Country_Primary_Location_Code = "2:100" Country_Primary_Location_Name = "2:101" Original_Transmission_Reference = "2:103" Headline = "2:105" Credit = "2:110" Source = "2:115" Copyright_Notice = "2:116" Contact = "2:118" Abstract = "2:120" Caption = "2:120" Editor = "2:122" Caption_Writer = "2:122" Rasterized_Caption = "2:125" Image_Type = "2:130" Image_Orientation = "2:131" Language_Identifier = "2:135" Audio_Type = "2:150" Audio_Sampling_Rate = "2:151" Audio_Sampling_Resolution = "2:152" Audio_Duration = "2:153" Audio_Outcue = "2:154" ObjectData_Preview_File_Format = "2:200" ObjectData_Preview_File_Format_Version = "2:201" ObjectData_Preview_Data = "2:202" end module Pre_ObjectData_Descriptor Size_Mode = "7:10" Max_Subfile_Size = "7:20" ObjectData_Size_Announced = "7:90" Maximum_ObjectData_Size = "7:95" end module ObjectData Subfile = "8:10" end module Post_ObjectData_Descriptor Confirmed_ObjectData_Size = "9:10" end # Make all constants above immutable constants.each do |record| rec = const_get(record) rec.constants.each { |ds| rec.const_get(ds).freeze } end end # module Magick::IPTC # Ruby-level Magick::Image methods class Image include Comparable alias_method :affinity, :remap # Provide an alternate version of Draw#annotate, for folks who # want to find it in this class. def annotate(draw, width, height, x, y, text, &block) check_destroyed draw.annotate(self, width, height, x, y, text, &block) self end # Set the color at x,y def color_point(x, y, fill) f = copy f.pixel_color(x, y, fill) return f end # Set all pixels that have the same color as the pixel at x,y and # are neighbors to the fill color def color_floodfill(x, y, fill) target = pixel_color(x, y) color_flood_fill(target, fill, x, y, Magick::FloodfillMethod) end # Set all pixels that are neighbors of x,y and are not the border color # to the fill color def color_fill_to_border(x, y, fill) color_flood_fill(border_color, fill, x, y, Magick::FillToBorderMethod) end # Set all pixels to the fill color. Very similar to Image#erase! # Accepts either String or Pixel arguments def color_reset!(fill) save = background_color # Change the background color _outside_ the begin block # so that if this object is frozen the exeception will be # raised before we have to handle it explicitly. self.background_color = fill begin erase! ensure self.background_color = save end self end # Used by ImageList methods - see ImageList#cur_image def cur_image self end # Thanks to Russell Norris! def each_pixel get_pixels(0, 0, columns, rows).each_with_index do |p, n| yield(p, n%columns, n/columns) end self end # Retrieve EXIF data by entry or all. If one or more entry names specified, # return the values associated with the entries. If no entries specified, # return all entries and values. The return value is an array of [name,value] # arrays. def get_exif_by_entry(*entry) ary = Array.new if entry.length == 0 exif_data = self['EXIF:*'] if exif_data exif_data.split("\n").each { |exif| ary.push(exif.split('=')) } end else get_exif_by_entry() # ensure properties is populated with exif data entry.each do |name| rval = self["EXIF:#{name}"] ary.push([name, rval]) end end return ary end # Retrieve EXIF data by tag number or all tag/value pairs. The return value is a hash. def get_exif_by_number(*tag) hash = Hash.new if tag.length == 0 exif_data = self['EXIF:!'] if exif_data exif_data.split("\n").each do |exif| tag, value = exif.split('=') tag = tag[1,4].hex hash[tag] = value end end else get_exif_by_number() # ensure properties is populated with exif data tag.each do |num| rval = self['#%04X' % num.to_i] hash[num] = rval == 'unknown' ? nil : rval end end return hash end # Retrieve IPTC information by record number:dataset tag constant defined in # Magick::IPTC, above. def get_iptc_dataset(ds) self['IPTC:'+ds] end # Iterate over IPTC record number:dataset tags, yield for each non-nil dataset def each_iptc_dataset Magick::IPTC.constants.each do |record| rec = Magick::IPTC.const_get(record) rec.constants.each do |dataset| data_field = get_iptc_dataset(rec.const_get(dataset)) yield(dataset, data_field) unless data_field.nil? end end nil end # Patches problematic change to the order of arguments in 1.11.0. # Before this release, the order was # black_point, gamma, white_point # RMagick 1.11.0 changed this to # black_point, white_point, gamma # This fix tries to determine if the arguments are in the old order and # if so, swaps the gamma and white_point arguments. Then it calls # level2, which simply accepts the arguments as given. # Inspect the gamma and white point values and swap them if they # look like they're in the old order. # (Thanks to Al Evans for the suggestion.) def level(black_point=0.0, white_point=nil, gamma=nil) black_point = Float(black_point) white_point ||= Magick::QuantumRange - black_point white_point = Float(white_point) gamma_arg = gamma gamma ||= 1.0 gamma = Float(gamma) if gamma.abs > 10.0 || white_point.abs <= 10.0 || white_point.abs < gamma.abs gamma, white_point = white_point, gamma unless gamma_arg white_point = Magick::QuantumRange - black_point end end return level2(black_point, white_point, gamma) end # These four methods are equivalent to the Draw#matte method # with the "Point", "Replace", "Floodfill", "FilltoBorder", and # "Replace" arguments, respectively. # Make the pixel at (x,y) transparent. def matte_point(x, y) f = copy f.opacity = OpaqueOpacity unless f.matte pixel = f.pixel_color(x,y) pixel.opacity = TransparentOpacity f.pixel_color(x, y, pixel) return f end # Make transparent all pixels that are the same color as the # pixel at (x, y). def matte_replace(x, y) f = copy f.opacity = OpaqueOpacity unless f.matte target = f.pixel_color(x, y) f.transparent(target) end # Make transparent any pixel that matches the color of the pixel # at (x,y) and is a neighbor. def matte_floodfill(x, y) f = copy f.opacity = OpaqueOpacity unless f.matte target = f.pixel_color(x, y) f.matte_flood_fill(target, TransparentOpacity, x, y, FloodfillMethod) end # Make transparent any neighbor pixel that is not the border color. def matte_fill_to_border(x, y) f = copy f.opacity = Magick::OpaqueOpacity unless f.matte f.matte_flood_fill(border_color, TransparentOpacity, x, y, FillToBorderMethod) end # Make all pixels transparent. def matte_reset! self.opacity = Magick::TransparentOpacity self end # Corresponds to ImageMagick's -resample option def resample(x_res=72.0, y_res=nil) y_res ||= x_res width = x_res * columns / x_resolution + 0.5 height = y_res * rows / y_resolution + 0.5 self.x_resolution = x_res self.y_resolution = y_res resize(width, height) end # Force an image to exact dimensions without changing the aspect ratio. # Resize and crop if necessary. (Thanks to Jerett Taylor!) def resize_to_fill(ncols, nrows=nil, gravity=CenterGravity) copy.resize_to_fill!(ncols, nrows, gravity) end def resize_to_fill!(ncols, nrows=nil, gravity=CenterGravity) nrows ||= ncols if ncols != columns || nrows != rows scale = [ncols/columns.to_f, nrows/rows.to_f].max resize!(scale*columns+0.5, scale*rows+0.5) end crop!(gravity, ncols, nrows, true) if ncols != columns || nrows != rows self end # Preserve aliases used < RMagick 2.0.1 alias_method :crop_resized, :resize_to_fill alias_method :crop_resized!, :resize_to_fill! # Convenience method to resize retaining the aspect ratio. # (Thanks to Robert Manni!) def resize_to_fit(cols, rows=nil) rows ||= cols change_geometry(Geometry.new(cols, rows)) do |ncols, nrows| resize(ncols, nrows) end end def resize_to_fit!(cols, rows=nil) rows ||= cols change_geometry(Geometry.new(cols, rows)) do |ncols, nrows| resize!(ncols, nrows) end end # Replace matching neighboring pixels with texture pixels def texture_floodfill(x, y, texture) target = pixel_color(x, y) texture_flood_fill(target, texture, x, y, FloodfillMethod) end # Replace neighboring pixels to border color with texture pixels def texture_fill_to_border(x, y, texture) texture_flood_fill(border_color, texture, x, y, FillToBorderMethod) end # Construct a view. If a block is present, yield and pass the view # object, otherwise return the view object. def view(x, y, width, height) view = View.new(self, x, y, width, height) if block_given? begin yield(view) ensure view.sync end return nil else return view end end # Magick::Image::View class class View attr_reader :x, :y, :width, :height attr_accessor :dirty def initialize(img, x, y, width, height) img.check_destroyed if width <= 0 || height <= 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "invalid geometry (#{width}x#{height}+#{x}+#{y})" end if x < 0 || y < 0 || (x+width) > img.columns || (y+height) > img.rows Kernel.raise RangeError, "geometry (#{width}x#{height}+#{x}+#{y}) exceeds image boundary" end @view = img.get_pixels(x, y, width, height) @img = img @x = x @y = y @width = width @height = height @dirty = false end def [](*args) rows = Rows.new(@view, @width, @height, args) rows.add_observer(self) return rows end # Store changed pixels back to image def sync(force=false) @img.store_pixels(x, y, width, height, @view) if (@dirty || force) return (@dirty || force) end # Get update from Rows - if @dirty ever becomes # true, don't change it back to false! def update(rows) @dirty = true rows.delete_observer(self) # No need to tell us again. nil end # Magick::Image::View::Pixels # Defines channel attribute getters/setters class Pixels < Array include Observable # Define a getter and a setter for each channel. [:red, :green, :blue, :opacity].each do |c| module_eval <<-END_EVAL def #{c} return collect { |p| p.#{c} } end def #{c}=(v) each { |p| p.#{c} = v } changed notify_observers(self) nil end END_EVAL end end # class Magick::Image::View::Pixels # Magick::Image::View::Rows class Rows include Observable def initialize(view, width, height, rows) @view = view @width = width @height = height @rows = rows end def [](*args) cols(args) # Both View::Pixels and Magick::Pixel implement Observable if @unique pixels = @view[@rows[0]*@width + @cols[0]] pixels.add_observer(self) else pixels = View::Pixels.new each do |x| p = @view[x] p.add_observer(self) pixels << p end end pixels end def []=(*args) rv = args.delete_at(-1) # get rvalue if ! rv.is_a?(Pixel) # must be a Pixel or a color name begin rv = Pixel.from_color(rv) rescue TypeError Kernel.raise TypeError, "cannot convert #{rv.class} into Pixel" end end cols(args) each { |x| @view[x] = rv.dup } changed notify_observers(self) nil end # A pixel has been modified. Tell the view. def update(pixel) changed notify_observers(self) pixel.delete_observer(self) # Don't need to hear again. nil end private def cols(*args) @cols = args[0] # remove the outermost array @unique = false # Convert @rows to an Enumerable object case @rows.length when 0 # Create a Range for all the rows @rows = Range.new(0, @height, true) when 1 # Range, Array, or a single integer # if the single element is already an Enumerable # object, get it. if @rows.first.respond_to? :each @rows = @rows.first else @rows = Integer(@rows.first) if @rows < 0 @rows += @height end if @rows < 0 || @rows > @height-1 Kernel.raise IndexError, "index [#{@rows}] out of range" end # Convert back to an array @rows = Array.new(1, @rows) @unique = true end when 2 # A pair of integers representing the starting column and the number of columns start = Integer(@rows[0]) length = Integer(@rows[1]) # Negative start -> start from last row if start < 0 start += @height end if start > @height || start < 0 || length < 0 Kernel.raise IndexError, "index [#{@rows.first}] out of range" else if start + length > @height length = @height - length length = [length, 0].max end end # Create a Range for the specified set of rows @rows = Range.new(start, start+length, true) end case @cols.length when 0 # all rows @cols = Range.new(0, @width, true) # convert to range @unique = false when 1 # Range, Array, or a single integer # if the single element is already an Enumerable # object, get it. if @cols.first.respond_to? :each @cols = @cols.first @unique = false else @cols = Integer(@cols.first) if @cols < 0 @cols += @width end if @cols < 0 || @cols > @width-1 Kernel.raise IndexError, "index [#{@cols}] out of range" end # Convert back to array @cols = Array.new(1, @cols) @unique &&= true end when 2 # A pair of integers representing the starting column and the number of columns start = Integer(@cols[0]) length = Integer(@cols[1]) # Negative start -> start from last row if start < 0 start += @width end if start > @width || start < 0 || length < 0 ; #nop else if start + length > @width length = @width - length length = [length, 0].max end end # Create a Range for the specified set of columns @cols = Range.new(start, start+length, true) @unique = false end end # iterator called from subscript methods def each maxrows = @height - 1 maxcols = @width - 1 @rows.each do |j| if j > maxrows Kernel.raise IndexError, "index [#{j}] out of range" end @cols.each do |i| if i > maxcols Kernel.raise IndexError, "index [#{i}] out of range" end yield j*@width + i end end nil # useless return value end end # class Magick::Image::View::Rows end # class Magick::Image::View end # class Magick::Image class ImageList include Comparable include Enumerable attr_reader :scene private def get_current() return @images[@scene].__id__ rescue nil end protected def is_an_image(obj) unless obj.kind_of? Magick::Image Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Magick::Image required (#{obj.class} given)" end true end # Ensure array is always an array of Magick::Image objects def is_an_image_array(ary) unless ary.respond_to? :each Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Magick::ImageList or array of Magick::Images required (#{ary.class} given)" end ary.each { |obj| is_an_image obj } true end # Find old current image, update scene number # current is the id of the old current image. def set_current(current) if length() == 0 self.scene = nil return # Don't bother looking for current image elsif scene() == nil || scene() >= length() self.scene = length() - 1 return elsif current != nil # Find last instance of "current" in the list. # If "current" isn't in the list, set current to last image. self.scene = length() - 1 each_with_index do |f,i| if f.__id__ == current self.scene = i end end return end self.scene = length() - 1 end public # Allow scene to be set to nil def scene=(n) if n.nil? Kernel.raise IndexError, "scene number out of bounds" unless @images.length == 0 @scene = nil return @scene elsif @images.length == 0 Kernel.raise IndexError, "scene number out of bounds" end n = Integer(n) if n < 0 || n > length - 1 Kernel.raise IndexError, "scene number out of bounds" end @scene = n return @scene end # All the binary operators work the same way. # 'other' should be either an ImageList or an Array %w{& + - |}.each do |op| module_eval <<-END_BINOPS def #{op}(other) ilist = self.class.new begin a = other #{op} @images rescue TypeError Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Magick::ImageList expected, got " + other.class.to_s end current = get_current() a.each do |image| is_an_image image ilist << image end ilist.set_current current return ilist end END_BINOPS end def *(n) unless n.kind_of? Integer Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Integer required (#{n.class} given)" end current = get_current() ilist = self.class.new (@images * n).each {|image| ilist << image} ilist.set_current current return ilist end def <<(obj) is_an_image obj @images << obj @scene = @images.length - 1 self end # Compare ImageLists # Compare each image in turn until the result of a comparison # is not 0. If all comparisons return 0, then # return if A.scene != B.scene # return A.length <=> B.length def <=>(other) unless other.kind_of? self.class Kernel.raise TypeError, "#{self.class} required (#{other.class} given)" end size = [self.length, other.length].min size.times do |x| r = self[x] <=> other[x] return r unless r == 0 end if @scene.nil? && other.scene.nil? return 0 elsif @scene.nil? && ! other.scene.nil? Kernel.raise TypeError, "cannot convert nil into #{other.scene.class}" elsif ! @scene.nil? && other.scene.nil? Kernel.raise TypeError, "cannot convert nil into #{self.scene.class}" end r = self.scene <=> other.scene return r unless r == 0 return self.length <=> other.length end def [](*args) a = @images[*args] if a.respond_to?(:each) then ilist = self.class.new a.each {|image| ilist << image} a = ilist end return a end def []=(*args) obj = @images.[]=(*args) if obj && obj.respond_to?(:each) then is_an_image_array(obj) set_current obj.last.__id__ elsif obj is_an_image(obj) set_current obj.__id__ else set_current nil end return obj end [:at, :each, :each_index, :empty?, :fetch, :first, :hash, :include?, :index, :length, :rindex, :sort!].each do |mth| module_eval <<-END_SIMPLE_DELEGATES def #{mth}(*args, &block) @images.#{mth}(*args, &block) end END_SIMPLE_DELEGATES end alias_method :size, :length # Array#nitems is not available in 1.9 if Array.instance_methods.include?("nitems") def nitems() @images.nitems() end end def clear @scene = nil @images.clear end def clone ditto = dup ditto.freeze if frozen? return ditto end # override Enumerable#collect def collect(&block) current = get_current() a = @images.collect(&block) ilist = self.class.new a.each {|image| ilist << image} ilist.set_current current return ilist end def collect!(&block) @images.collect!(&block) is_an_image_array @images self end # Make a deep copy def copy ditto = self.class.new @images.each { |f| ditto << f.copy } ditto.scene = @scene ditto.taint if tainted? return ditto end # Return the current image def cur_image if ! @scene Kernel.raise IndexError, "no images in this list" end @images[@scene] end # ImageList#map took over the "map" name. Use alternatives. alias_method :__map__, :collect alias_method :map!, :collect! alias_method :__map__!, :collect! # ImageMagic used affinity in 6.4.3, switch to remap in 6.4.4. alias_method :affinity, :remap def compact current = get_current() ilist = self.class.new a = @images.compact a.each {|image| ilist << image} ilist.set_current current return ilist end def compact! current = get_current() a = @images.compact! # returns nil if no changes were made set_current current return a.nil? ? nil : self end def concat(other) is_an_image_array other other.each {|image| @images << image} @scene = length-1 return self end # Set same delay for all images def delay=(d) if Integer(d) < 0 raise ArgumentError, "delay must be greater than or equal to 0" end @images.each { |f| f.delay = Integer(d) } end def delete(obj, &block) is_an_image obj current = get_current() a = @images.delete(obj, &block) set_current current return a end def delete_at(ndx) current = get_current() a = @images.delete_at(ndx) set_current current return a end def delete_if(&block) current = get_current() @images.delete_if(&block) set_current current self end def dup ditto = self.class.new @images.each {|img| ditto << img} ditto.scene = @scene ditto.taint if tainted? return ditto end def eql?(other) is_an_image_array other eql = other.eql?(@images) begin # "other" is another ImageList eql &&= @scene == other.scene rescue NoMethodError # "other" is a plain Array end return eql end def fill(*args, &block) is_an_image args[0] unless block_given? current = get_current() @images.fill(*args, &block) is_an_image_array self set_current current self end # Override Enumerable's find_all def find_all(&block) current = get_current() a = @images.find_all(&block) ilist = self.class.new a.each {|image| ilist << image} ilist.set_current current return ilist end alias_method :select, :find_all def from_blob(*blobs, &block) if (blobs.length == 0) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "no blobs given" end blobs.each { |b| Magick::Image.from_blob(b, &block).each { |n| @images << n } } @scene = length - 1 self end # Initialize new instances def initialize(*filenames, &block) @images = [] @scene = nil filenames.each { |f| Magick::Image.read(f, &block).each { |n| @images << n } } if length > 0 @scene = length - 1 # last image in array end self end def insert(index, *args) args.each {|image| is_an_image image} current = get_current() @images.insert(index, *args) set_current current return self end # Call inspect for all the images def inspect img = [] @images.each {|image| img << image.inspect } img = "[" + img.join(",\n") + "]\nscene=#{@scene}" end # Set the number of iterations of an animated GIF def iterations=(n) n = Integer(n) if n < 0 || n > 65535 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "iterations must be between 0 and 65535" end @images.each {|f| f.iterations=n} self end def last(*args) if args.length == 0 a = @images.last else a = @images.last(*args) ilist = self.class.new a.each {|img| ilist << img} @scene = a.length - 1 a = ilist end return a end # Custom marshal/unmarshal for Ruby 1.8. def marshal_dump() ary = [@scene] @images.each {|i| ary << Marshal.dump(i)} ary end def marshal_load(ary) @scene = ary.shift @images = [] ary.each {|a| @images << Marshal.load(a)} end # The ImageList class supports the Magick::Image class methods by simply sending # the method to the current image. If the method isn't explicitly supported, # send it to the current image in the array. If there are no images, send # it up the line. Catch a NameError and emit a useful message. def method_missing(methID, *args, &block) begin if @scene @images[@scene].send(methID, *args, &block) else super end rescue NoMethodError Kernel.raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{methID.id2name}' for #{self.class}" rescue Exception $@.delete_if { |s| /:in `send'$/.match(s) || /:in `method_missing'$/.match(s) } Kernel.raise end end # Create a new image and add it to the end def new_image(cols, rows, *fill, &info_blk) self << Magick::Image.new(cols, rows, *fill, &info_blk) end def partition(&block) a = @images.partition(&block) t = self.class.new a[0].each { |img| t << img} t.set_current nil f = self.class.new a[1].each { |img| f << img} f.set_current nil [t, f] end # Ping files and concatenate the new images def ping(*files, &block) if (files.length == 0) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "no files given" end files.each { |f| Magick::Image.ping(f, &block).each { |n| @images << n } } @scene = length - 1 self end def pop current = get_current() a = @images.pop # can return nil set_current current return a end def push(*objs) objs.each do |image| is_an_image image @images << image end @scene = length - 1 self end # Read files and concatenate the new images def read(*files, &block) if (files.length == 0) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "no files given" end files.each { |f| Magick::Image.read(f, &block).each { |n| @images << n } } @scene = length - 1 self end # override Enumerable's reject def reject(&block) current = get_current() ilist = self.class.new a = @images.reject(&block) a.each {|image| ilist << image} ilist.set_current current return ilist end def reject!(&block) current = get_current() a = @images.reject!(&block) @images = a if !a.nil? set_current current return a.nil? ? nil : self end def replace(other) is_an_image_array other current = get_current() @images.clear other.each {|image| @images << image} @scene = self.length == 0 ? nil : 0 set_current current self end # Ensure respond_to? answers correctly when we are delegating to Image alias_method :__respond_to__?, :respond_to? def respond_to?(methID, priv=false) return true if __respond_to__?(methID, priv) if @scene @images[@scene].respond_to?(methID, priv) else super end end def reverse current = get_current() a = self.class.new @images.reverse_each {|image| a << image} a.set_current current return a end def reverse! current = get_current() @images.reverse! set_current current self end def reverse_each @images.reverse_each {|image| yield(image)} self end def shift current = get_current() a = @images.shift set_current current return a end def slice(*args) current = get_current() slice = @images.slice(*args) if slice ilist = self.class.new if slice.respond_to?(:each) then slice.each {|image| ilist << image} else ilist << slice end else ilist = nil end return ilist end def slice!(*args) current = get_current() a = @images.slice!(*args) set_current current return a end def ticks_per_second=(t) if Integer(t) < 0 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "ticks_per_second must be greater than or equal to 0" end @images.each { |f| f.ticks_per_second = Integer(t) } end def to_a a = Array.new @images.each {|image| a << image} return a end def uniq current = get_current() a = self.class.new @images.uniq.each {|image| a << image} a.set_current current return a end def uniq!(*args) current = get_current() a = @images.uniq! set_current current return a.nil? ? nil : self end # @scene -> new object def unshift(obj) is_an_image obj @images.unshift(obj) @scene = 0 self end def values_at(*args) a = @images.values_at(*args) a = self.class.new @images.values_at(*args).each {|image| a << image} a.scene = a.length - 1 return a end alias_method :indexes, :values_at alias_method :indices, :values_at end # Magick::ImageList # Collects non-specific optional method arguments class OptionalMethodArguments def initialize(img) @img = img end # miscellaneous options like -verbose def method_missing(mth, val) @img.define(mth.to_s.tr('_', '-'), val) end # set(key, val) corresponds to -set option:key val def define(key, val = nil) @img.define(key, val) end # accepts Pixel object or color name def highlight_color=(color) color = @img.to_color(color) if color.respond_to?(:to_color) @img.define("highlight-color", color) end # accepts Pixel object or color name def lowlight_color=(color) color = @img.to_color(color) if color.respond_to?(:to_color) @img.define("lowlight-color", color) end end # Example fill class. Fills the image with the specified background # color, then crosshatches with the specified crosshatch color. # @dist is the number of pixels between hatch lines. # See Magick::Draw examples. class HatchFill def initialize(bgcolor, hatchcolor="white", dist=10) @bgcolor = bgcolor @hatchpixel = Pixel.from_color(hatchcolor) @dist = dist end def fill(img) # required img.background_color = @bgcolor img.erase! # sets image to background color pixels = Array.new([img.rows, img.columns].max, @hatchpixel) @dist.step((img.columns-1)/@dist*@dist, @dist) { |x| img.store_pixels(x,0,1,img.rows,pixels) } @dist.step((img.rows-1)/@dist*@dist, @dist) { |y| img.store_pixels(0,y,img.columns,1,pixels) } end end end # Magick