# frozen_string_literal: true class Serega module SeregaPlugins # # Plugin `:preloads` # # Allows to define `:preloads` to attributes and then allows to merge preloads # from serialized attributes and return single associations hash. # # Plugin accepts options: # - `auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate` - default false # - `auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer` - default false # - `auto_hide_attributes_with_preload` - default false # # This options are very handy if you want to forget about finding preloads manually. # # Preloads can be disabled with `preload: false` attribute option. # Also automatically added preloads can be overwritten with manually specified `preload: :another_value`. # # Some examples, **please read comments in the code below** # # @example # class AppSerializer < Serega # plugin :preloads, # auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate: true, # auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer: true, # auto_hide_attributes_with_preload: true # end # # class UserSerializer < AppSerializer # # No preloads # attribute :username # # # Specify `preload: :user_stats` manually # attribute :followers_count, preload: :user_stats, value: proc { |user| user.user_stats.followers_count } # # # Automatically `preloads: :user_stats` as `auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate` option is true # attribute :comments_count, delegate: { to: :user_stats } # # # Automatically `preloads: :albums` as `auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer` option is true # attribute :albums, serializer: 'AlbumSerializer' # end # # class AlbumSerializer < AppSerializer # attribute :images_count, delegate: { to: :album_stats } # end # # # By default preloads are empty, as we specify `auto_hide_attributes_with_preload = true`, # # and attributes with preloads will be not serialized # UserSerializer.new.preloads # => {} # UserSerializer.new.to_h(OpenStruct.new(username: 'foo')) # => {:username=>"foo"} # # UserSerializer.new(with: :followers_count).preloads # => {:user_stats=>{}} # UserSerializer.new(with: %i[followers_count comments_count]).preloads # => {:user_stats=>{}} # UserSerializer.new(with: [:followers_count, :comments_count, { albums: :images_count }]).preloads # => {:user_stats=>{}, :albums=>{:album_stats=>{}}} # module Preloads DEFAULT_CONFIG = { auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate: false, auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer: false, auto_hide_attributes_with_preload: false }.freeze private_constant :DEFAULT_CONFIG # @return [Symbol] Plugin name def self.plugin_name :preloads end # # Applies plugin code to specific serializer # # @param serializer_class [Class<Serega>] Current serializer class # @param _opts [Hash] Loaded plugins options # # @return [void] # def self.load_plugin(serializer_class, **_opts) require_relative "lib/format_user_preloads" require_relative "lib/modules/attribute" require_relative "lib/modules/attribute_normalizer" require_relative "lib/modules/check_attribute_params" require_relative "lib/modules/config" require_relative "lib/modules/plan_point" require_relative "lib/preload_paths" require_relative "lib/preloads_config" require_relative "lib/preloads_constructor" require_relative "validations/check_opt_preload" require_relative "validations/check_opt_preload_path" serializer_class.include(InstanceMethods) serializer_class::SeregaAttribute.include(AttributeInstanceMethods) serializer_class::SeregaAttributeNormalizer.include(AttributeNormalizerInstanceMethods) serializer_class::SeregaConfig.include(ConfigInstanceMethods) serializer_class::SeregaPlanPoint.include(PlanPointInstanceMethods) serializer_class::CheckAttributeParams.include(CheckAttributeParamsInstanceMethods) end # # Adds config options and runs other callbacks after plugin was loaded # # @param serializer_class [Class<Serega>] Current serializer class # @param opts [Hash] loaded plugins opts # # @return [void] # def self.after_load_plugin(serializer_class, **opts) config = serializer_class.config config.attribute_keys << :preload << :preload_path preloads_opts = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(opts.slice(*DEFAULT_CONFIG.keys)) config.opts[:preloads] = {} preloads_config = config.preloads preloads_config.auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate = preloads_opts[:auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate] preloads_config.auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer = preloads_opts[:auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer] preloads_config.auto_hide_attributes_with_preload = preloads_opts[:auto_hide_attributes_with_preload] end # # Serega additional/patched instance methods # # @see Serega # module InstanceMethods # @return [Hash] merged preloads of all serialized attributes def preloads @preloads ||= PreloadsConstructor.call(plan) end end end register_plugin(Preloads.plugin_name, Preloads) end end