module Katello class Api::V2::ProductsBulkActionsController < Api::V2::ApiController before_action :find_products before_action :find_optional_proxy, :only => :update_http_proxy api :PUT, "/products/bulk/destroy", N_("Destroy one or more products") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids"), :required => true def destroy_products deletable_products = @products.deletable deletable_products.each do |prod| async_task(::Actions::Katello::Product::Destroy, prod) end messages = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => _("Successfully initiated removal of %s product(s)"), :error => _("You were not allowed to delete %s"), :models => @products, :authorized => deletable_products ) respond_for_show :template => 'bulk_action', :resource_name => 'common', :resource => { 'displayMessages' => messages } end api :PUT, "/products/bulk/sync", N_("Sync one or more products") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids"), :required => true param :skip_metadata_check, :bool, :desc => N_("Force sync even if no upstream changes are detected. Non-yum repositories are skipped."), :required => false param :validate_contents, :bool, :desc => N_("Force a sync and validate the checksums of all content. Non-yum repositories (or those with \ On Demand download policy) are skipped."), :required => false def sync_products skip_metadata_check = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:skip_metadata_check]) validate_contents = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:validate_contents]) syncable_products = @products.syncable syncable_roots = RootRepository.where(:product_id => syncable_products).has_url syncable_roots = syncable_roots.skipable_metadata_check if skip_metadata_check || validate_contents syncable_roots = syncable_roots.where.not(:download_policy => ::Katello::RootRepository::DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND) if validate_contents syncable_repositories = Katello::Repository.where(:root_id => syncable_roots).in_default_view fail _("No syncable repositories found for selected products and options.") if syncable_roots.empty? task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync, syncable_repositories, :skip_metadata_check => skip_metadata_check, :validate_contents => validate_contents) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/products/bulk/verify_checksum", N_("Verify checksum for one or more products") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids"), :required => true def verify_checksum_products repairable_products = @products.syncable repairable_roots = RootRepository.where(:product_id => repairable_products) { |r| r.library_instance }.uniq repairable_repositories = Katello::Repository.library.where(:root_id => repairable_roots) task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::VerifyChecksum, repairable_repositories) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/products/bulk/http_proxy", N_("Update the HTTP proxy configuration on the repositories of one or more products.") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids"), :required => true param :http_proxy_policy, ::Katello::RootRepository::HTTP_PROXY_POLICIES, :desc => N_("policy for HTTP proxy for content sync") param :http_proxy_id, :number, :desc => N_("HTTP Proxy identifier to associated"), :required => false def update_http_proxy task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Product::UpdateHttpProxy, @products.editable, params[:http_proxy_policy], @http_proxy) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/products/bulk/sync_plan", N_("Sync one or more products") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of product ids"), :required => true param :plan_id, :number, :desc => N_("Sync plan identifier to attach"), :required => true def update_sync_plans editable_products = @products.editable editable_products.each do |product| product.sync_plan_id = params[:plan_id]! end messages = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => _("Successfully changed sync plan for %s product(s)"), :error => _("You were not allowed to change sync plan for %s"), :models => @products, :authorized => editable_products ) respond_for_show :template => 'bulk_action', :resource_name => 'common', :resource => { 'displayMessages' => messages } end private def find_optional_proxy @http_proxy = ::HttpProxy.find(params[:http_proxy_id]) if params[:http_proxy_id] end def find_products params.require(:ids) @products = Product.readable.where(:id => params[:ids]) end end end