require "singleton" module Jets::Api class Config include Singleton extend Memoist def initialize(options={}) @options = options @config_path = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.jets/config.yml" end def token data['token'] || data['key'] # keep key for backwards compatibility end def data @data ||= load end # Ensure a Hash is returned def load return {} unless File.exist?(@config_path) data = YAML.load_file(@config_path) if data.is_a?(Hash) data else puts "WARN: #{@config_path} is not in the correct format. Loading an empty hash.".color(:yellow) {} end end def prompt puts <<~EOL You are about to configure your #{pretty_path(@config_path)} You can get a token from EOL print "Please provide your token: " $stdin.gets.strip end # interface method: do not remove def update_token(token=nil) token ||= prompt write(token: token) # specify keys to allow end def write(values={}) data = load data.merge!(values.deep_stringify_keys) data.delete('key') if data.key?('key') # remove legacy key that used to store token FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(@config_path)) IO.write(@config_path, YAML.dump(data)) puts "Updated #{pretty_path(@config_path)}" end def pretty_path(path) path.sub(ENV['HOME'], '~') end end end