require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Safely do describe "configuration" do it "should accept a Hoptoad api key" do Safely.configure do |c| c.hoptoad_key = "foo" end Safely.config.hoptoad_key.should == "foo" end end describe "integration" do it "should be mixed into Kernel" do Object.should respond_to(:safely) end it "should be mixed into instances" do respond_to(:safely) end end describe "strategies" do it "should load Toadhopper if present" do Safely.load_strategies! defined?( Toadhopper ).should be_true end end describe "usage" do it "should report exceptions to hoptoad" do Safely.configure do |c| c.hoptoad_key = "foo" end Toadhopper.any_instance.expects(:post!) safely do raise "Hello" end end end end