class CharacterSet module Writer class << self def write(codepoint_ranges, opts = {}, &block) content = do |range| if range.size > 2 && opts[:abbreviate] != false bounds = [range.min, range.max] { |cp| write_codepoint(cp, opts, &block) }.join('-') else { |cp| write_codepoint(cp, opts, &block) }.join end end.join opts[:in_brackets] ? "[#{content}]" : content end def write_codepoint(codepoint, opts = {}, &block), &block) end def write_surrogate_ranges(bmp_ranges, astral_ranges) astral_branches = surrogate_range_expressions(astral_ranges) bmp_set_with_alternatives(bmp_ranges, astral_branches) end def write_surrogate_alternation(bmp_ranges, astral_ranges) astral_branches = surrogate_pairs(astral_ranges) bmp_set_with_alternatives(bmp_ranges, astral_branches) end private def surrogate_range_expressions(astral_ranges) compressed_surrogate_range_pairs(astral_ranges).map do |hi_ranges, lo_ranges| [hi_ranges, lo_ranges].map do |ranges| use_brackets = ranges.size > 1 || ranges.first.size > 1 write(ranges, format: :js, in_brackets: use_brackets) end.join end end def compressed_surrogate_range_pairs(astral_ranges) halves = astral_ranges.flat_map { |range| surrogate_half_ranges(range) } # compress high surrogate codepoint ranges with common low range half with_common_lo = halves.group_by(&:last).map do |lo_range, pairs| hi_ranges = compressed_hi_ranges = hi_ranges.each_with_object([]) do |range, arr| prev = arr.last if prev.nil? || prev.max + 1 < range.min # first or gap arr << range else # continuous codepoints, expand previous range arr[-1] = (prev.min)..(range.max) end end [compressed_hi_ranges, lo_range] end # compress low surrogate codepoint ranges with common high ranges with_common_lo.each_with_object({}) do |(hi_ranges, lo_range), hash| (hash[hi_ranges] ||= []) << lo_range end end def surrogate_half_ranges(astral_range) hi_min, lo_min = surrogate_pair_codepoints(astral_range.min) hi_max, lo_max = surrogate_pair_codepoints(astral_range.max) hi_count = 1 + hi_max - hi_min return [[hi_min..hi_min, lo_min..lo_max]] if hi_count == 1 ranges = [] # first high surrogate might be partially covered (if lo_min > 0xDC00) ranges << [hi_min..hi_min, lo_min..0xDFFF] # any high surrogates in between are fully covered ranges << [(hi_min + 1)..(hi_max - 1), 0xDC00..0xDFFF] if hi_count > 2 # last high surrogate might be partially covered (if lo_max < 0xDFFF) ranges << [hi_max..hi_max, 0xDC00..lo_max] ranges end def surrogate_pair_codepoints(astral_codepoint) base = astral_codepoint - 0x10000 high = base / 1024 + 0xD800 low = base % 1024 + 0xDC00 [high, low] end def bmp_set_with_alternatives(bmp_ranges, alternatives) bmp_set = write(bmp_ranges, format: :js, in_brackets: true) return bmp_set if alternatives.empty? && bmp_ranges.any? "(?:#{((bmp_ranges.any? ? [bmp_set] : []) + alternatives).join('|')})" end def surrogate_pairs(astral_ranges) astral_ranges.flat_map { |range| { |cp| surrogate_pair(cp) } } end def surrogate_pair(astral_codepoint) surrogate_pair_codepoints(astral_codepoint) .map { |half| write_codepoint(half, format: :js) }.join end end end end