Noder ===== Node.js for Ruby Overview -------- Noder brings the architecture of Node.js to Ruby. It focuses on the implementation of Node.js's HTTP-related support, as Ruby's standard library and other gems already provide great analogs of many of Node.js's other core modules. You may also be interested in [Expressr]( (Express.js for Ruby), which Noder was built to support, and [EM-Synchrony]( Noder runs on [EventMachine]( Example ------- A web server can be created and started using the following script: ```ruby require 'noder' server = do |request, response| response.write_head(200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }) response.end('Hello world!') end server.listen(1337, '') ``` To start the app, put the code into a file named `my_server.rb` and run it: ```bash $ ruby my_server.rb Running Noder at ``` HTTP ---- ### Noder::HTTP::Server `Noder::HTTP::Server` lets you create and run HTTP servers. #### .new(options={}, &block) Creates the server. ##### options * `:address` - The server's address (default: `''`) * `:port` - The server's port (default: `8000`) * `:environment` - The server's environment name (default: `'development'`) * `:threadpool_size` - The size of the server's threadpool default: `20`) * `:enable_ssl` - A boolean of whether SSL is enabled (default: `false`) * `:ssl_key` - A filepath to the SSL key (default: `nil`) * `:ssl_cert` - A filepath to the SSL cert (default: `nil`) ##### &block A block that will be called for every request. It will be passed the request (a Noder::HTTP::Request) and response (a Noder::HTTP::Response) as arguments. #### #listen(port=nil, address=nil, options={}, &block) Starts accepting connections to the server. `options` are the same as the options in `.new`, and `&block` behaves the same as in `.new`. ```ruby server = server.listen(8001) do |request, response| response.write("Hello world!") response.end end ``` #### #close Stops the server. This is called when an `INT` or `TERM` signal is sent to a running server's process (e.g. when `Control-C` is pressed). #### Event 'request' Emitted for every request. The request and response are passed as arguments. ```ruby server.on('request') do |request, response| "Request params: #{request.params}" response.set_header('MyHeader', 'My value') end ``` #### Event 'close' Emitted when the server is closing. No arguments are passed. ```ruby server.on('close') do "Stopping server..." end ``` ### Noder::HTTP::Request A representation of an HTTP request. #### #params A hash of the request's params (the query string and POST data). The hash's keys are strings (e.g. `/?foo=bar` yields `{ 'foo' => 'bar' }`) #### #headers A hash of the request's headers (e.g. `{ 'Accept' => '*/*', 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) [...]' }`). #### #request_method The request's verb (e.g. `'GET'`, `'POST'`, etc). #### #cookie The request's Cookie header (e.g. `'my_cookie=123; my_other_cookie=foo'`). #### #content_type The request's Content-Type header (e.g. `'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'`). #### #request_uri The request's path, without the query string (e.g. `'/users/1/profile'`). #### #query_string The request's query string (e.g. `/about?foo=bar&baz=1` yields `'foo=bar&baz=1'`). #### #protocol The request's protocol (e.g. `'HTTP/1.1'`). #### #ip The client's IP address (e.g. `''`). ### Noder::HTTP::Response A representation of an HTTP response. #### #write(content) Writes the content to the response's body. ```ruby response.write('Hello world!') ``` #### #write_head(status, headers={}) Sets the response's status code and sets the specified headers (if any). ```ruby response.write_head(500, { 'MyHeader' => 'My value' }) ``` #### #status_code Gets or sets the response's status code ```ruby response.status_code # 200 response.status_code = 500 ``` #### #set_header(name, value) Sets the specified header. ```ruby response.set_header('MyHeader', 'My value') ``` #### #get_header(name, value) Gets the specified header. ```ruby response.get_header('MyHeader') # 'My value' ``` #### #remove_header(name) Gets the specified header. ```ruby response.remove_header('MyHeader') ``` #### #end(content=nil) Sends the response. This must be called on every response instance. If `content` is provided, it is equivalent to calling `write(content)` followed by `end`. Events ------ ### Noder::Events::EventEmitter Include `EventEmitter` in classes which should manage events. For example: ```ruby class MyServer include Noder::Events::EventEmitter def initialize(&block) on('start', &block) on('stop', proc { puts 'Stopping...' }) end def run emit('start') emit('stop') end end server = do puts 'Starting up...' end server.on('start') do puts 'Still starting up...' end # Starting up... # Still starting up... # Stopping... ``` #### #on(event, callback=nil, options={}, &block) Adds a listener to the specified event. The listener can either be an instance of a Proc (as the `callback` argument) or a block. `add_listener` is an alias of `on`. #### #emit(event) Call the listeners for the specified event. #### #remove_listener(event, listener) Remove the listener. Listeners are compared using the `==` operator. ```ruby listener = proc { puts 'Working...' } server.on('start', listener) server.remove_listener('start', listener) ``` #### #remove_all_listeners(event) Removes all of the listeners from the event. You probably don't want to call this on core Noder events. ```ruby server.remove_all_listeners('start') ``` #### #set_max_listeners(event, count) Sets the maximum number of listeners for the specified event. A warning will be logged every time any additional listeners are added. ```ruby server.set_max_listeners('start', 100) ``` #### #listeners(event) Returns an array of the listeners for the specified event. ```ruby server.listeners('start') ``` #### #listener_count(event) Returns the number of listeners for the specified event. ```ruby server.listener_count('start') ``` Logging ------- Noder's `Logger` is available at `Noder.logger`. You can write to it: ```ruby Noder.logger.debug 'My debug message...' Noder.logger.error 'My error message...' ``` You can modify it or replace it if you like, too: ```ruby # Adjust attributes of the logger Noder.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG # Or create a custom Logger Noder.logger = Noder.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG ``` See the [Logger docs]( for more. HTTPS ----- To support HTTPS, set `:enable_ssl` to `true` and set the `:ssl_key` and `:ssl_cert` values to the appropriate file paths: ```ruby options = { enable_ssl: true, ssl_key: File.expand_path('../certs/key.pem', __FILE__), ssl_cert: File.expand_path('../certs/cert.pem', __FILE__) } server = ``` Notes ----- Noder is not currently a full implementation of Node.js, and some of its underlying architecture differs from Node.js's. If you see any places where it could be improved or added to, absolutely feel free to submit a PR. License ------- Noder is released under the MIT License. Please see the MIT-LICENSE file for details.