/* Copyright (c) 2001-2008, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb; import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName; import org.hsqldb.lib.IntKeyHashMap; import org.hsqldb.lib.IntKeyIntValueHashMap; import org.hsqldb.lib.IntValueHashMap; import org.hsqldb.lib.Iterator; /** * This class manages the reuse of CompiledStatement objects for prepared * statements for a Database instance.

* * A compiled statement is registered by a session to be managed. Once * registered, it is linked with one or more sessions.

* * The sql statement text distinguishes different compiled statements and acts * as lookup key when a session initially looks for an existing instance of * the compiled sql statement.

* * Once a session is linked with a statement, it uses the uniqe compiled * statement id for the sql statement to access the statement.

* * Changes to database structure via DDL statements, will result in all * registered CompiledStatement objects to become invalidated. This is done by * setting to null all the managed CompiledStatement instances, while keeping * their id and sql string. When a session subsequently attempts to use an * invalidated (null) CompiledStatement via its id, it will reinstantiate the * CompiledStatement using its sql statement still held by this class.

* * This class keeps count of the number of different sessions that are linked * to each registered compiled statement, and the number of times each session * is linked. It unregisters a compiled statement when no session remains * linked to it.

* * Modified by fredt@users from the original by boucherb@users to simplify, * support multiple identical prepared statements per session, and avoid * keeping references to CompiledStatement objects after DDL changes which * could result in memory leaks. Modified further to support schemas.

* * @author boucherb@users * @author fredt@users * * @since 1.7.2 * @version 1.8.0 */ final public class CompiledStatementManager { /** * The Database for which this object is managing * CompiledStatement objects. */ private Database database; /** Map: Schema id (int) => {Map: SQL String => Compiled Statement id (int)} */ private IntKeyHashMap schemaMap; /** Map: Compiled Statement id (int) => SQL String */ private IntKeyHashMap sqlLookup; /** Map: Compiled statment id (int) => CompiledStatement object. */ private IntKeyHashMap csidMap; /** Map: Session id (int) => {Map: compiled statement id (int) => use count in session} */ private IntKeyHashMap sessionUseMap; /** Map: Compiled statment id (int) => number of sessions that use the statement */ private IntKeyIntValueHashMap useMap; /** * Monotonically increasing counter used to assign unique ids to compiled * statements. */ private int next_cs_id; /** * Constructs a new instance of CompiledStatementManager. * * @param database the Database instance for which this object is to * manage compiled statement objects. */ CompiledStatementManager(Database database) { this.database = database; schemaMap = new IntKeyHashMap(); sqlLookup = new IntKeyHashMap(); csidMap = new IntKeyHashMap(); sessionUseMap = new IntKeyHashMap(); useMap = new IntKeyIntValueHashMap(); next_cs_id = 0; } /** * Clears all internal data structures, removing any references to compiled statements. */ synchronized void reset() { schemaMap.clear(); sqlLookup.clear(); csidMap.clear(); sessionUseMap.clear(); useMap.clear(); next_cs_id = 0; } /** * Used after a DDL change that could impact the compiled statements. * Clears references to CompiledStatement objects while keeping the counts * and references to the sql strings. */ synchronized void resetStatements() { Iterator it = csidMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CompiledStatement cs = (CompiledStatement) it.next(); cs.clearVariables(); } } /** * Retrieves the next compiled statement identifier in the sequence. * * @return the next compiled statement identifier in the sequence. */ private int nextID() { next_cs_id++; return next_cs_id; } /** * Retrieves the registered compiled statement identifier associated with * the specified SQL String, or a value less than zero, if no such * statement has been registered. * * @param schema the schema id * @param sql the SQL String * @return the compiled statement identifier associated with the * specified SQL String */ private int getStatementID(HsqlName schema, String sql) { IntValueHashMap sqlMap = (IntValueHashMap) schemaMap.get(schema.hashCode()); if (sqlMap == null) { return -1; } return sqlMap.get(sql, -1); } /** * Returns an existing CompiledStatement object with the given * statement identifier. Returns null if the CompiledStatement object * has been invalidated and cannot be recompiled * * @param session the session * @param csid the identifier of the requested CompiledStatement object * @return the requested CompiledStatement object */ synchronized CompiledStatement getStatement(Session session, int csid) { CompiledStatement cs = (CompiledStatement) csidMap.get(csid); if (cs == null) { return null; } if (!cs.isValid) { String sql = (String) sqlLookup.get(csid); // revalidate with the original schema try { cs = compileSql(session, sql, cs.schemaHsqlName.name); cs.id = csid; csidMap.put(csid, cs); } catch (Exception t) { freeStatement(csid, session.getId(), true); return null; } } return cs; } /** * Links a session with a registered compiled statement. * * If this session has not already been linked with the given * statement, then the statement use count is incremented. * * @param csid the compiled statement identifier * @param sid the session identifier */ private void linkSession(int csid, int sid) { IntKeyIntValueHashMap scsMap; scsMap = (IntKeyIntValueHashMap) sessionUseMap.get(sid); if (scsMap == null) { scsMap = new IntKeyIntValueHashMap(); sessionUseMap.put(sid, scsMap); } int count = scsMap.get(csid, 0); scsMap.put(csid, count + 1); if (count == 0) { useMap.put(csid, useMap.get(csid, 0) + 1); } } /** * Registers a compiled statement to be managed. * * The only caller should be a Session that is attempting to prepare * a statement for the first time or process a statement that has been * invalidated due to DDL changes. * * @param csid existing id or negative if the statement is not yet managed * @param cs The CompiledStatement to add * @return The compiled statement id assigned to the CompiledStatement * object */ private int registerStatement(int csid, CompiledStatement cs) { if (csid < 0) { csid = nextID(); int schemaid = cs.schemaHsqlName.hashCode(); IntValueHashMap sqlMap = (IntValueHashMap) schemaMap.get(schemaid); if (sqlMap == null) { sqlMap = new IntValueHashMap(); schemaMap.put(schemaid, sqlMap); } sqlMap.put(cs.sql, csid); sqlLookup.put(csid, cs.sql); } cs.id = csid; csidMap.put(csid, cs); return csid; } /** * Removes one (or all) of the links between a session and a compiled statement. * * If the statement is not linked with any other session, it is removed * from management. * * @param csid the compiled statment identifier * @param sid the session identifier * @param freeAll if true, remove all links to the session */ void freeStatement(int csid, int sid, boolean freeAll) { if (csid == -1) { // statement was never added return; } IntKeyIntValueHashMap scsMap = (IntKeyIntValueHashMap) sessionUseMap.get(sid); if (scsMap == null) { // statement already removed due to invalidation return; } int sessionUseCount = scsMap.get(csid, 0); if (sessionUseCount == 0) { // statement already removed due to invalidation } else if (sessionUseCount == 1 || freeAll) { scsMap.remove(csid); int usecount = useMap.get(csid, 0); if (usecount == 0) { // statement already removed due to invalidation } else if (usecount == 1) { CompiledStatement cs = (CompiledStatement) csidMap.remove(csid); if (cs != null) { int schemaid = cs.schemaHsqlName.hashCode(); IntValueHashMap sqlMap = (IntValueHashMap) schemaMap.get(schemaid); String sql = (String) sqlLookup.remove(csid); sqlMap.remove(sql); } useMap.remove(csid); } else { useMap.put(csid, usecount - 1); } } else { scsMap.put(csid, sessionUseCount - 1); } } /** * Releases the link betwen the session and all compiled statement objects * it is linked to. * * If any such statement is not linked with any other session, it is * removed from management. * * @param sid the session identifier */ synchronized void removeSession(int sid) { IntKeyIntValueHashMap scsMap; int csid; Iterator i; scsMap = (IntKeyIntValueHashMap) sessionUseMap.remove(sid); if (scsMap == null) { return; } i = scsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { csid = i.nextInt(); int usecount = useMap.get(csid, 1) - 1; if (usecount == 0) { CompiledStatement cs = (CompiledStatement) csidMap.remove(csid); if (cs != null) { int schemaid = cs.schemaHsqlName.hashCode(); IntValueHashMap sqlMap = (IntValueHashMap) schemaMap.get(schemaid); String sql = (String) sqlLookup.remove(csid); sqlMap.remove(sql); } useMap.remove(csid); } else { useMap.put(csid, usecount); } } } /** * Retrieves a MULTI Result describing three aspects of the * CompiledStatement prepared from the SQL argument for execution * in this session context.

* *

  1. A PREPARE_ACK mode Result describing id of the statement * prepared by this request. This is used by the JDBC implementation * to later identify to the engine which prepared statement to execute. * *
  2. A DATA mode result describing the statement's result set metadata. * This is used to generate the JDBC ResultSetMetaData object returned * by PreparedStatement.getMetaData and CallableStatement.getMetaData. * *
  3. A DATA mode result describing the statement's parameter metdata. * This is used to by the JDBC implementation to determine * how to send parameters back to the engine when executing the * statement. It is also used to construct the JDBC ParameterMetaData * object for PreparedStatements and CallableStatements. * * @param session the session * @param sql a string describing the desired statement object * @return a MULTI Result describing the compiled statement. */ public synchronized CompiledStatement compile(Session session, String sql) throws HsqlException { int csid = getStatementID(session.currentSchema, sql); CompiledStatement cs = (CompiledStatement) csidMap.get(csid); if (cs == null ||!cs.isValid ||!session.isAdmin()) { cs = compileSql(session, sql, session.currentSchema.name); csid = registerStatement(csid, cs); } linkSession(csid, session.getId()); return cs; } private CompiledStatement compileSql(Session session, String sql, String schemaName) throws HsqlException { Session sys = database.sessionManager.getSysSession(schemaName, session.getUser()); return sys.sqlCompileStatement(sql); } }