require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Postmark" do context "configuration" do it "should allow configuration of host" do Postmark.configure { |config| = "test" } == "test" end end let :message do do |mail| mail.from = "" = "" mail.subject = "Hello!" mail.body = "Hello Sheldon!" end end let :html_message do do |mail| mail.from = "" = "" mail.subject = "Hello!" mail.body = "Hello Sheldon!" mail.content_type = "text/html" end end let :net_http_proxy do stub(:new => http_request) end def http_response(code)"1.1", code, nil).tap do |resp| resp.stub! :body => '{ "Message": "OK" }' end end let :http_response_ok do http_response(200) end let :http_response_unauthorized do http_response(401) end let :http_response_invalid do http_response(422) end let :http_response_server_error do http_response(500) end let :http_response_unknown do http_response(503) end let :http_request do stub(:read_timeout= => nil, :open_timeout= => nil, :use_ssl= => nil) end before do Net::HTTP.stub!(:Proxy).and_return(net_http_proxy) end context "service call" do it "should send email successfully" do http_request.stub! :post => http_response_ok lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(message) }.should_not raise_error end it "should warn when header is invalid" do http_request.stub! :post => http_response_unauthorized lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::InvalidApiKeyError) end it "should warn when json is not ok" do http_request.stub! :post => http_response_invalid lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::InvalidMessageError) end it "should warn when server fails" do http_request.stub! :post => http_response_server_error lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::InternalServerError) end it "should warn when unknown stuff fails" do http_request.stub! :post => http_response_unknown lambda { Postmark.send_through_postmark(message) }.should raise_error(Postmark::UnknownError) end end context "tmail parse" do it "should set text body for plain message" do Postmark.convert_tmail(message)['TextBody'].should_not be_nil end it "should set html body for html message" do Postmark.convert_tmail(html_message)['HtmlBody'].should_not be_nil end end context "custom headers" do let :message_with_headers do do |mail| mail.from = "" = "" mail.subject = "Hello!" mail.body = "Hello Sheldon!" mail['CUSTOM-HEADER'] = "header" mail.reply_to = ['', ''] end end it "should encode headers properly" do json = %q[{"Subject":"Hello!", "From":"", "ReplyTo":",", "To":"", "TextBody":"Hello Sheldon!", "Headers":[{"Name":"CUSTOM-HEADER", "Value":"header"}]}] result = Postmark.convert_tmail(message_with_headers) result.should == JSON.parse(json) end end context "JSON library support" do [:Json, :ActiveSupport, :Yajl].each do |lib| begin original_parser_class = Postmark.response_parser_class it "decodes json with #{lib}" do Postmark.response_parser_class = lib Postmark.decode_json(%({"Message":"OK"})).should == { "Message" => "OK" } end Postmark.response_parser_class = original_parser_class rescue LoadError # No ActiveSupport or Yajl :( end end end end