# encoding: utf-8 usage 'watch [options]' summary 'start the watcher' description <<-EOS Start the watcher. When a change is detected, the site will be recompiled. EOS module Nanoc::CLI::Commands class Watch < ::Nanoc::CLI::CommandRunner def run require 'listen' require 'pathname' require_site watcher_config = self.site.config[:watcher] || {} @notifier = Notifier.new # Define rebuilder rebuilder = lambda do |file_path| # Determine filename if file_path.nil? filename = nil else filename = ::Pathname.new(file_path).relative_path_from(::Pathname.new(Dir.getwd)).to_s end # Notify if filename print "Change detected to #{filename}; recompiling… " else print "Watcher started; compiling the entire site… " end # Recompile start = Time.now site = Nanoc::Site.new('.') begin site.compile # TODO include icon (--image misc/success-icon.png) notify_on_compilation_success = watcher_config.fetch(:notify_on_compilation_success) { true } if notify_on_compilation_success @notifier.notify('Compilation complete') end time_spent = ((Time.now - start)*1000.0).round puts "done in #{format '%is %ims', *(time_spent.divmod(1000))}" rescue Exception => e # TODO include icon (--image misc/error-icon.png) notify_on_compilation_failure = watcher_config.fetch(:notify_on_compilation_failure) { true } if notify_on_compilation_failure @notifier.notify('Compilation failed') end puts Nanoc::CLI::ErrorHandler.print_error(e) puts end end # Rebuild once rebuilder.call(nil) # Get directories to watch dirs_to_watch = watcher_config[:dirs_to_watch] || ['content', 'layouts', 'lib'] files_to_watch = watcher_config[:files_to_watch] || ['config.yaml', 'Rules', 'rules', 'Rules.rb', 'rules.rb'] files_to_watch = Regexp.new(files_to_watch.map { |name| "#{Regexp.quote(name)}$"}.join("|")) ignore_dir = Regexp.new(Dir.glob("*").map{|dir| dir if File::ftype(dir) == "directory" }.compact.join("|")) # Watch puts "Watching for changes…" callback = Proc.new do |modified, added, removed| rebuilder.call(modified[0]) if modified[0] rebuilder.call(added[0]) if added[0] rebuilder.call(removed[0]) if removed[0] end listener = Listen::MultiListener.new(*dirs_to_watch).change(&callback) listener_root = Listen::MultiListener.new('', :filter => files_to_watch, :ignore => ignore_dir).change(&callback) begin listener_root.start(false) listener.start rescue Interrupt listener.stop listener_root.stop end end # Allows sending user notifications in a cross-platform way. class Notifier # A list of commandline tool names that can be used to send notifications TOOLS = %w( growlnotify notify-send ) unless defined? TOOLS # The tool to use for discovering binaries' locations FIND_BINARY_COMMAND = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ ? "where" : "which" unless defined? FIND_BINARY_COMMAND # Send a notification. If no notifier is found, no notification will be # created. # # @param [String] message The message to include in the notification def notify(message) return if tool.nil? send(tool.tr('-', '_'), message) end private def tool @tool ||= begin require 'terminal-notifier' 'terminal-notify' rescue LoadError begin TOOLS.find { |t| !`#{FIND_BINARY_COMMAND} #{t}`.empty? } rescue Errno::ENOENT nil end end end def terminal_notify(message) TerminalNotifier.notify(message, :title => "nanoc") end def growlnotify(message) system('growlnotify', '-m', message) end def notify_send(message) system('notify-send', message) end end end end runner Nanoc::CLI::Commands::Watch