require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper') require 'rbbt/util/misc' require 'test/unit' require 'rbbt/tsv' require 'rbbt/entity' class TestMisc < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_object_delta a = [] b = nil d = Misc.object_delta(String) do a << rand.to_s end assert_equal 1, a.length assert_match /^0\.\d+$/, a.first end def test_format_seconds t = 61.3232 assert_equal "00:01:01", Misc.format_seconds(t) assert_equal "00:01:01.32", Misc.format_seconds(t, true) end def test_format_paragraph p = <<-EOF Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. * one * two * three EOF assert Misc.format_paragraph(p, 70, 10, 5) =~ /\n\s*\* two/sm end def test_format_dl p1 = <<-EOF Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. EOF p2 = <<-EOF Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" EOF assert Misc.format_definition_list({:paragraph_first => p1, :paragraph_second => p2}) =~ / / end def test_parse_cmd_params assert_equal ["workflow", "task", "Translation", "translate", "-f", "Associated Gene Name", "-l", "-"], Misc.parse_cmd_params("workflow task Translation translate -f 'Associated Gene Name' -l -") end def test_fixutf8 string = "abc\xffdef" string = string.force_encoding("UTF-8") if string.respond_to? :force_encoding assert(! string.valid_encoding?) if string.respond_to? :valid_encoding? assert(! string.valid_encoding) if string.respond_to? :valid_encoding assert( Misc.fixutf8(string).valid_encoding?) if string.respond_to? :valid_encoding? assert( Misc.fixutf8(string).valid_encoding) if string.respond_to? :valid_encoding end def test_colors_for colors, used = Misc.colors_for([1,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,3,3,2,3,2]) assert_equal Misc::COLOR_LIST[1], used[2] end def test_total_length ranges = [(0..100), (50..150), (120..160)] ranges = [(0..100), (50..150), (120..160), (51..70)] assert_equal 161, Misc.total_length(ranges) end def test_id_filename? TmpFile.with_file("") do |file| assert Misc.is_filename?(file) assert ! Misc.is_filename?("TEST STRING") end end def test_merge_sorted_arrays assert_equal [1,2,3,4], Misc.merge_sorted_arrays([1,3], [2,4]) end def test_intersect_sorted_arrays assert_equal [2,4], Misc.intersect_sorted_arrays([1,2,3,4], [2,4]) end def test_sorted_array_matches assert_equal [1,3], Misc.sorted_array_hits(%w(a b c d e), %w(b d)) end def test_binary_include? a = %w(a b c d e).sort assert Misc.binary_include?(a, "a") assert(!Misc.binary_include?(a, "z")) assert(Misc.binary_include?(a, "b")) assert(Misc.binary_include?(a, "c")) assert(Misc.binary_include?(a, "d")) end def test_process_to_hash list = [1,2,3,4] assert_equal 4, Misc.process_to_hash(list){|l| l.collect{|e| e * 2}}[2] end def test_pipe_fork sout, sin = Misc.pipe pid = Process.fork do Misc.purge_pipes(sin) sleep 2 sin.close end sin.close assert sout.eof? Process.kill :INT, pid end def test_open_pipe t = 5 stream = Misc.open_pipe do |sin| t.times do |i| sleep 0.5 sin.puts "LINE #{ i }" end end time = lines = [] while line = stream.gets lines << line.strip end time_spent = - time assert time_spent >= t * 0.5 assert time_spent <= (t+1) * 0.5 assert_equal (0..t-1).to_a.collect{|i| "LINE #{ i }"}, lines end def test_open_pipe_fork t = 5 stream = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| t.times do |i| sleep 0.5 sin.puts "LINE #{ i }" end sin.close end time = lines = [] while line = stream.gets lines << line.strip end time_spent = - time assert time_spent >= t * 0.5 assert time_spent <= (t+1) * 0.5 assert_equal (0..t-1).to_a.collect{|i| "LINE #{ i }"}, lines end def test_open_pipe_fork_cascade t = 500 sleep_time = 2.0 / t time = stream1 = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| t.times do |i| sleep sleep_time sin.puts "LINE #{ i }" end end stream2 = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| while line = stream1.gets sin.puts line.strip.reverse end end stream3 = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| while line = stream2.gets sin.puts line.downcase end end lines = [] while line = stream3.gets lines << line.strip end time_spent = - time assert time_spent >= t * sleep_time assert time_spent <= t * 1.2 * sleep_time assert_equal (0..t-1).to_a.collect{|i| "LINE #{ i }".reverse.downcase}, lines end def test_tee_stream t = 500 sleep_time = 2.0 / t time = stream1 = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| t.times do |i| sleep sleep_time sin.puts "LINE #{ i }" end end stream2, stream3 = Misc.tee_stream stream1 stream4 = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| while line = stream2.gets sin.puts line.strip.reverse end end stream2.close stream5 = Misc.open_pipe(true) do |sin| while line = stream3.gets sin.puts line.strip.downcase end end stream3.close lines1 = [] th1 = do while line = stream4.gets lines1 << line.strip end end lines2 = [] th2 = do while line = stream5.gets lines2 << line.strip end end th1.join and th2.join time_spent = - time assert time_spent >= t * sleep_time assert time_spent <= t * 1.5 * sleep_time assert_equal (0..t-1).to_a.collect{|i| "LINE #{ i }".reverse}, lines1 assert_equal (0..t-1).to_a.collect{|i| "LINE #{ i }".downcase}, lines2 end def test_string2hash assert(Misc.string2hash("--user-agent=firefox").include? "--user-agent") assert_equal(true, Misc.string2hash(":true")[:true]) assert_equal(true, Misc.string2hash("true")["true"]) assert_equal(1, Misc.string2hash("a=1")["a"]) assert_equal('b', Misc.string2hash("a=b")["a"]) assert_equal('d', Misc.string2hash("a=b#c=d#:h='j'")["c"]) assert_equal('j', Misc.string2hash("a=b#c=d#:h='j'")[:h]) assert_equal(:j, Misc.string2hash("a=b#c=d#:h=:j")[:h]) end def test_named_array a = NamedArray.setup([1,2,3,4], %w(a b c d)) assert_equal(1, a['a']) end def test_path_relative_to assert_equal "test/foo", Misc.path_relative_to('/test', '/test/test/foo') end def test_hash2string hash = {} assert_equal hash, Misc.string2hash(Misc.hash2string(hash)) hash = {:a => 1} assert_equal hash, Misc.string2hash(Misc.hash2string(hash)) hash = {:a => true} assert_equal hash, Misc.string2hash(Misc.hash2string(hash)) hash = {:a => :b} assert_equal hash, Misc.string2hash(Misc.hash2string(hash)) hash = {:a => /test/} assert_equal({}, Misc.string2hash(Misc.hash2string(hash))) end def test_merge a = [[1],[2]] a = NamedArray.setup a, %w(1 2) a.merge [3,4] assert_equal [1,3], a[0] end def test_indiferent_hash a = {:a => 1, "b" => 2} a.extend IndiferentHash assert_equal 1, a[:a] assert_equal 1, a["a"] assert_equal 2, a["b"] assert_equal 2, a[:b] end def test_lockfile TmpFile.with_file do |tmpfile| pids = [] 4.times do |i| pids << Process.fork do status = Misc.lock(tmpfile) do pid = Open.write(tmpfile, pid) sleep rand * 1 if pid == 0 else 1 end end exit(status) end end pids.each do |pid| Process.waitpid pid; assert $?.success? end end end def test_positions2hash inputs = Misc.positional2hash([:one, :two, :three], 1, :two => 2, :four => 4) assert_equal 1, inputs[:one] assert_equal 2, inputs[:two] assert_equal nil, inputs[:three] assert_equal nil, inputs[:four] end def test_mean assert_equal 2, Misc.mean([1,2,3]) assert_equal 3, Misc.mean([1,2,3,4,5]) end def test_zip_fields current = [[:a,1], [:b,2]] assert_equal [[:a, :b],[1,2]], Misc.zip_fields(current) assert_equal current, Misc.zip_fields(Misc.zip_fields(current)) end def test_zip_fields_large current = (1..1500).to_a.collect{|i| ["A#{i}", "B#{i}"]} assert_equal current, Misc.zip_fields(Misc.zip_fields(current)) current = (1..150000).to_a.collect{|i| ["A#{i}", "B#{i}"]} assert_equal current, Misc.zip_fields(Misc.zip_fields(current)) end def test_zip_fields_comp current = [[:a,1], [:b,2], [:c]] assert_equal [[:a, :b, :c],[1,2,nil]], Misc.zip_fields(current) assert_equal current, Misc.zip_fields(Misc.zip_fields(current)).collect{|v| v.compact } end def test_add_zipped current = [[:a,1], [:b,2]] new = %w(A B) Misc.append_zipped current, new assert_equal [[:a,1,"A"], [:b,2,"B"]], current end def test_divide assert_equal 2, Misc.divide(%w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9),2).length end def test_ordered_divide assert_equal 5, Misc.ordered_divide(%w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9),2).length end def test_collapse_ranges ranges = [(0..100), (50..150), (51..61),(200..250), (300..324),(320..350)] assert_equal [(0..150),(200..250), (300..350)], Misc.collapse_ranges(ranges) end def test_humanize str1 = "test_string" str2 = "TEST_string" str3 = "test" assert_equal "Test string", Misc.humanize(str1) assert_equal "TEST string", Misc.humanize(str2) assert_equal "Test", Misc.humanize(str3) assert_equal "mutation_enrichment", Misc.snake_case("MutationEnrichment") end def test_snake_case str1 = "ACRONIMTest" str2 = "ACRONIM_test" assert_equal "ACRONIM_test", Misc.snake_case(str1) assert_equal "ACRONIM_test", Misc.snake_case(str2) end def test_correct_vcf_mutations assert_equal [737407, ["-----", "-----G", "-----GTTAAT"]], Misc.correct_vcf_mutation(737406, "GTTAAT", "G,GG,GGTTAAT") end def test_mutation_to_ensembl_format assert_equal Misc.mutation_to_ensembl_format("1:100:T", "A"), %w(1 100 100 A/T) end def test_fingerprint assert_equal '{:a=>1}', Misc.fingerprint({:a => 1}) end def test_tarize dir = Path.caller_lib_dir(__FILE__) path = File.expand_path(dir) stream = Misc.tarize(path) TmpFile.with_file do |res| Misc.in_dir(res) do CMD.cmd("tar xvfz - ", :in => stream) end end end def test_camel_case assert_equal "DbSNP", Misc.camel_case("db_SNP") assert_equal "D3Js", Misc.camel_case("D3Js") assert_equal "Structure", Misc.camel_case("Structure") assert_equal "MutEval", Misc.camel_case("mut_eval") assert_equal "COSMIC", Misc.camel_case("COSMIC") end def test_texar ppp Misc.html_tag('textarea', "hola\nadios\nagain") end def test_link_title ppp Misc.html_tag('a', "hola\nadios\nagain", :title => "Hola adios") end def __test_lock_fd require 'rbbt/workflow'"*")[0..1000].each do |file| next if file =~ /\.info$/ step = file step.path end puts `ls -l /proc/#{ }/fd` end def test_snake_case ppp Misc.snake_case("KinaseSARfari") end def test_bootstrap Log.severity = 0 res = Misc.bootstrap((1..10).to_a, 2, :bar => "Test bootstrap ticks", :respawn => :always, :into => []) do |num| sleep 1 + rand(2) num end end def test_obj2md5 str = "string" * 1000000 obj1 = [1,2,"test", 0.3, [1,2,3], {:a => [1,2], :b => str}] obj2 = [1,2,"test", 0.3, [1,2,3], {:a => [1,2,3], :b => str}] obj3 = [1,2,:test, 0.3, [1,2,3], {:a => [1,2,"3"], :b => str}] assert_not_equal Misc.obj2md5(obj1), Misc.obj2md5(obj2) assert_equal Misc.obj2md5(obj2), Misc.obj2md5(obj3) hash = Hash[*(0..obj1.length).zip(obj1).flatten] Misc.benchmark(1000) do Misc.hash2md5(hash) end Misc.benchmark(1000) do Misc.obj2md5(obj1) end Misc.profile do 10.times do Misc.hash2md5(hash) end end Misc.profile do 10.times do Misc.obj2md5(obj1) end end end def test_obj2md5_str_float assert_equal Misc.obj2md5([1,2]), Misc.obj2md5(["1","2"]) end def test_sample_large_string str = "string" * 1000000 max = 100 assert_equal Misc.sample_large_obj(str, max).length, max+51 max = 1000 assert_equal Misc.sample_large_obj(str, max).length, max+51 end def test_sample_large_array str = (0..1000000).to_a max = 100 assert_equal Misc.sample_large_obj(str, max).length, max+29 max = 1000 assert_equal Misc.sample_large_obj(str, max).length, max+29 end def test_match_value assert Misc.match_value("10", "10") assert Misc.match_value("Hi", /hi/i) assert Misc.match_value("Hi", /Hi/) assert Misc.match_value("Hi", "/Hi/") assert Misc.match_value("Hi", "/hi/i") assert Misc.match_value("15", "<=20") assert Misc.match_value("15", ">14") assert Misc.match_value("15", "! >15") assert Misc.match_value("15", "! >15") assert Misc.match_value("15", [14, 15, 25]) assert ! Misc.match_value("15", [14, 25]) end def __test_bench_log Log.severity = 1 Misc.benchmark(1000) do { "Hola" } end Misc.benchmark(1000) do Log.debug { "Hola" } end Misc.benchmark(1000) do Log.debug "Hola" end p = Misc.pipe Misc.benchmark(1000) do Log.debug "Hola #{[p.first.inspect, p.last.inspect] * "=>"}" end end def test_sanitize_filename text = "This is a very long line that needs to be split in several lines" assert Misc.break_lines(text, 10).split("\n").length == 1 + text.length / 10 assert Misc.break_lines(text, 10).split("\n").select{|l| l.length > 10 }.empty? end def test_parse_sql_values str=<<'EOF' (xxx,yyy,zzz),(aaa,'bb(,)b',ccc) EOF assert Misc.parse_sql_values(str)[1][1] == "bb(,)b" end def test_match_fields f1 = "Target (Associated Gene Name)" f2 = "Source (Associated Gene Name)" f3 = "Associated Gene Name" assert Misc.match_fields(f1, f2) assert Misc.match_fields(f1, f3) assert Misc.match_fields(f3, f1) end def test_case_insensitive hash = {"A" => 1, :b => 2, "c" => 3} CaseInsensitiveHash.setup hash assert_equal 1, hash["A"] assert_equal 1, hash[:A] assert_equal 1, hash[:a] assert_equal 2, hash["B"] assert_equal 2, hash["b"] assert_equal 1, hash[:A] assert_equal 3, hash[:C] end def test_time_stamp assert_equal 10, Misc.timespan('10') assert_equal 10, Misc.timespan('10s') assert_equal 60, Misc.timespan('1min') assert_equal 60*60*24, Misc.timespan('1d') assert_equal 60*60*24, Misc.timespan('1d') end end