Interface PreparedQuery

public interface PreparedQuery

Contains methods for fetching and returning entities from a Query. If the Query specified a sort order, Entities are returned in that order. Otherwise, the order is undefined.

A PreparedQuery does not cache results. Each use of PreparedQuery results in a new trip to the datastore.

Nested Class Summary
static class PreparedQuery.TooManyResultsException
          Indicates that too many results were found for asSingleEntity().
Method Summary
 java.lang.Iterable<Entity> asIterable()
          Equivalent to asIterable(FetchOptions) but uses default FetchOptions.
 java.lang.Iterable<Entity> asIterable(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
          Retrieves the Query Entities as an Iterable using the provided FetchOptions.
 java.util.Iterator<Entity> asIterator()
          Equivalent to asIterator(FetchOptions) but uses default FetchOptions.
 java.util.Iterator<Entity> asIterator(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
          Retrieves the Query Entities as an Iterator using the provided FetchOptions.
 java.util.List<Entity> asList(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
          Retrieves the Query Entities as a List using the provided FetchOptions.
 QueryResultIterable<Entity> asQueryResultIterable()
          Similar to asIterable() except a QueryResultIterable is returned.
 QueryResultIterable<Entity> asQueryResultIterable(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
          Similar to asIterable(FetchOptions) except a QueryResultIterable is returned.
 QueryResultIterator<Entity> asQueryResultIterator()
          Similar to asIterator() except a QueryResultIterator is returned.
 QueryResultIterator<Entity> asQueryResultIterator(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
          Similar to asIterator(FetchOptions) except a QueryResultIterator is returned.
 QueryResultList<Entity> asQueryResultList(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
          Similar to asList( except a QueryResultIterator is returned.
 Entity asSingleEntity()
          Retrieves the one and only result for the Query.
 int countEntities()
          Retrieves the number of Entities that currently match this Query.

Method Detail


java.util.List<Entity> asList(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
Retrieves the Query Entities as a List using the provided FetchOptions.

Note that if FetchOptions.getLimit() is greater than the number of Entities, the length of the returned List will be smaller thanFetchOptions.getLimit().

To operate on large result sets, you should prefer asIterable( and asIterator(, which stream the results from the datastore.

fetchOptions - The fetch options to apply.
The result of the PreparedQuery, represented as a List.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the query being executed is associated with a Transaction that is not active.
See Also:


QueryResultList<Entity> asQueryResultList(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
Similar to asList( except a QueryResultIterator is returned.


java.lang.Iterable<Entity> asIterable(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
Retrieves the Query Entities as an Iterable using the provided FetchOptions. Each use of Iterable.iterator() results in an entirely new and independent Iterator.

fetchOptions - The fetch options to apply.
The result of the PreparedQuery, represented as an Iterable.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the query being executed is associated with a Transaction that is not active.
See Also:


QueryResultIterable<Entity> asQueryResultIterable(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
Similar to asIterable(FetchOptions) except a QueryResultIterable is returned. Call this method to have access to Cursors for your result set.


java.lang.Iterable<Entity> asIterable()
Equivalent to asIterable(FetchOptions) but uses default FetchOptions.


QueryResultIterable<Entity> asQueryResultIterable()
Similar to asIterable() except a QueryResultIterable is returned. Call this method to have access to Cursors for your result set.


java.util.Iterator<Entity> asIterator(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
Retrieves the Query Entities as an Iterator using the provided FetchOptions.

fetchOptions - The fetch strategy to apply.
The result of the PreparedQuery, represented as an Iterator.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the query being executed is associated with a Transaction that is not active.
See Also:


java.util.Iterator<Entity> asIterator()
Equivalent to asIterator(FetchOptions) but uses default FetchOptions.


QueryResultIterator<Entity> asQueryResultIterator(FetchOptions fetchOptions)
Similar to asIterator(FetchOptions) except a QueryResultIterator is returned. Call this method to have access to Cursors for your result set.


QueryResultIterator<Entity> asQueryResultIterator()
Similar to asIterator() except a QueryResultIterator is returned. Call this method to have access to Cursors for your result set.


Entity asSingleEntity()
                      throws PreparedQuery.TooManyResultsException
Retrieves the one and only result for the Query.

the single, matching result, or null if no entities match
PreparedQuery.TooManyResultsException - if more than one result is returned from the Query.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the query being executed is associated with a Transaction that is not active.


int countEntities()
Retrieves the number of Entities that currently match this Query.

a count >= 0
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the query being executed is associated with a Transaction that is not active.