#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'term/ansicolor' require 'tins' module Turing class Tape def initialize(*initials) @left = [] @head = 'B' @right = [] c = 0 first = true for initial in initials if first c += 1 first = false else @left.push 'B' c += 1 end for s in initial.split(//) @left.push s c += 1 end end c.times { left } end def read @head end def write(symbol) @head = symbol self end def left @right.push @head @head = @left.pop || 'B' self end def right @left.push @head @head = @right.pop || 'B' self end def clear @left.clear @right.clear @head = 'B' self end def to_s "#{@left.join}#{Term::ANSIColor.red(@head)}#{@right.join.reverse}" end alias inspect to_s end module States class State attr_accessor :tape end class Cond < State def initialize(opts = {}) @if, @then, @else = opts.values_at :if, :then, :else end def execute tape.read == @if ? @then : @else end def to_s "if #@if then #@then else #@else" end def to_graphviz(stateno, tapeno = nil) %{#{stateno} [ shape=diamond label="#{tapeno && "#{tapeno}: "}#@if" ]; #{stateno} -> #@then [ taillabel="+" ]; #{stateno} -> #@else [ taillabel="-" ]; #{stateno} -> #{stateno} [ label="#{stateno}" weight=4.0 color=transparent ];} end end class Left < State def initialize(opts = {}) @goto = opts[:goto] end def execute tape.left @goto end def to_s "left, goto #@goto" end def to_graphviz(stateno, tapeno = nil) %{#{stateno} [ shape=rect label="#{tapeno && "#{tapeno}: "}L" ]; #{stateno} -> #@goto; #{stateno} -> #{stateno} [ label="#{stateno}" weight=4.0 color=transparent ];} end end class Right < State def initialize(opts = {}) @goto = opts[:goto] end def execute tape.right @goto end def to_s "right, goto #@goto" end def to_graphviz(stateno, tapeno = nil) %{#{stateno} [ shape=rect label="#{tapeno && "#{tapeno}: "}R" ]; #{stateno} -> #@goto; #{stateno} -> #{stateno} [ label="#{stateno}" weight=4.0 color=transparent ];} end end class Write < State def initialize(opts = {}) @symbol, @goto = opts.values_at :symbol, :goto end def execute tape.write @symbol @goto end def to_s "write #@symbol, goto #@goto" end def to_graphviz(stateno, tapeno = nil) %{#{stateno} [ shape=rect label="#{tapeno && "#{tapeno}: "}#@symbol" ]; #{stateno} -> #@goto; #{stateno} -> #{stateno} [ label="#{stateno}" weight=4.0 color=transparent ];} end end class Halt < State def initialize(opts = {}) end def execute -1 end def to_s 'halt' end def to_graphviz(stateno, tapeno = nil) %{#{stateno} [ shape=rect label="HALT" ]; #{stateno} -> #{stateno} [ label="#{stateno}" weight=4.0 color=transparent ];} end end end class BaseMachine def initialize(program = nil, &block) @states = [] if program block_given? and raise "use either program source string or a block" interpret program else instance_eval(&block) end end def step(*tapes) @stepping = true run(*tapes) end end class SingleTapeMachine < BaseMachine include Tins::Deflect include Tins::Interpreter def initialize(program = nil) deflector = Deflector.new do |number, id, name, *args| opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} state = States.const_get(name.to_s.capitalize).new(opts) @states[number] = state end deflect_start(Integer, :method_missing, deflector) super ensure deflect_stop(Integer, :method_missing) if deflect?(Integer, :method_missing) end def run(*tape) @tape = Tape.new(*tape) @states.each { |s| s and s.tape = @tape } goto_state = -1 @states.any? { |s| goto_state += 1; s } begin printf "%3u: %s", goto_state, @tape @stepping ? STDIN.gets : puts goto_state = @states[goto_state].execute end until goto_state < 0 end def to_s result = '' @states.each_with_index do |state, i| result << "%3u. %s\n" % [ i, state ] end result end def to_graphviz result = "digraph {\n" start_edge = false @states.each_with_index do |state, stateno| state or next unless start_edge result << "start [ fontcolor=transparent color=transparent ];" result << "start -> #{stateno};" start_edge = true end result << state.to_graphviz(stateno) << "\n" end result << "}\n" end end class MultiTapeMachine < BaseMachine include Tins::Deflect include Tins::Interpreter def initialize(program = nil) deflector = Deflector.new do |number, id, name, *args| opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} tape, = *args state = States.const_get(name.to_s.capitalize).new(opts) @states[number] = [ tape, state ] end deflect_start(Integer, :method_missing, deflector) super ensure deflect_stop(Integer, :method_missing) if deflect?(Integer, :method_missing) end def run(*tapes) tapes.unshift '' @tapes = tapes.map { |tape| Tape.new(tape) } goto_state = -1 @states.any? { |s| goto_state += 1; s } begin printf "%3u: %s", goto_state, @tapes * ' ' @stepping ? STDIN.gets : puts tape, state = @states[goto_state] state.tape = tape ? @tapes[tape] : nil goto_state = state.execute end until goto_state < 0 end def to_s result = '' @states.each_with_index do |(tape, state), i| result << "%3u. %1u: %s\n" % [ i, tape, state ] end result end def to_graphviz result = "digraph {\n" start_edge = false @states.each_with_index do |(tapeno,state), stateno| state or next unless start_edge result << "start [ fontcolor=transparent color=transparent ];" result << "start -> #{stateno};" start_edge = true end result << state.to_graphviz(stateno, tapeno) << "\n" end result << "}\n" end end end if $0 == __FILE__ and ARGV.any? include Turing filename, *tapes = ARGV machine_type = case ext = File.extname(filename) when '.stm' SingleTapeMachine when '.mtm' MultiTapeMachine else raise "unknown turing machine suffix: #{ext}, use .stm or .mtm" end tm = machine_type.new(File.read(filename)) $DEBUG ? tm.step(*tapes) : tm.run(*tapes) end