#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path("../../vendor/deps/cli-ui/lib", __FILE__)) require 'open3' require 'fileutils' def fmt(tag, msg) # Not really CLI::UI.fmt compatible: no nesting support, for example. # While we could pull in CLI::UI here, it makes it more difficult to # bootstrap a new project and to fix a broken vendor. fmt_msg = msg .gsub(/{{yellow:(.*?)}}/, "\x1b[33m\\1\x1b[31m") .gsub(/{{green:(.*?)}}/, "\x1b[32m\\1\x1b[31m") .gsub(/{{blue:(.*?)}}/, "\x1b[34m\\1\x1b[31m") .gsub(/{{bold_blue:(.*?)}}/, "\x1b[1;34m\\1\x1b[0;31m") .gsub(/{{bold_green:(.*?)}}/, "\x1b[1;32m\\1\x1b[0;31m") "\x1b[1;31m[#{tag}] \x1b[0;31m#{fmt_msg}\x1b[0m" end def bail(msg) STDERR.puts(fmt("ERROR", msg)) exit 1 end def warn(msg) STDERR.puts(fmt("WARNING", msg)) end def source_path File.expand_path(ENV.fetch('SOURCE_ROOT', File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__))) end deps = %w(cli-ui cli-kit) deps.each do |dep| path = File.expand_path(dep, source_path) unless Dir.exist?(path) bail( "dependency is not checked out: {{yellow:#{dep}}}.\n" \ " This repo {{bold_blue:(github.com/shopify/#{dep})}} must be cloned at {{bold_blue:#{path}}} for this script to succeed.\n" \ " Currently, SOURCE_ROOT is set to {{bold_blue:#{source_path}}}.\n" \ " Alternatively, you can set {{bold_blue:SOURCE_ROOT}} to a directory containing {{yellow:#{dep}}}.\n" \ " {{bold_blue:SOURCE_ROOT}} defaults to {{bold_blue:../}}." ) end head_sha = nil dirty = false Dir.chdir(path) do _, _, stat = Open3.capture3('git fetch origin main') bail("couldn't git fetch in dependency: {{yellow:#{dep}}}") unless stat.success? head_sha, stat = Open3.capture2('git rev-parse HEAD') bail("couldn't determine HEAD: {{yellow:#{dep}}}") unless stat.success? head_sha.chomp! fetch_head_sha, stat = Open3.capture2('git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD') bail("couldn't determine FETCH_HEAD: {{yellow:#{dep}}}") unless stat.success? fetch_head_sha.chomp! git_status, stat = Open3.capture2('git status --porcelain') bail("couldn't determine git status: {{yellow:#{dep}}}") unless stat.success? if head_sha != fetch_head_sha warn( "Copying files from {{yellow:#{path}}} to satisfy dependency {{yellow:#{dep}}}.\n" \ " However, the repo at {{yellow:#{path}}} isn't up to date.\n" \ " The checked-out revision is {{yellow:#{head_sha[0..8]}}}, and "\ "{{yellow:origin/main}} is {{yellow:#{fetch_head_sha[0..8]}}}.\n" \ " Unless you know what you're doing, you should {{green:cd}} to that repo and {{green:git pull}}, then run this again." ) end unless git_status.chomp.empty? dirty = true warn("importing uncommitted changes from dependency: {{yellow:#{dep}}}") end end depdir = File.expand_path("../../vendor/deps/#{dep}", __FILE__) FileUtils.rm_rf(depdir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(depdir) dstlib = File.expand_path('lib', depdir) srclib = File.expand_path('lib', path) FileUtils.cp_r(srclib, dstlib) rev = head_sha rev << " (dirty)" if dirty rev << "\n" File.write("#{depdir}/REVISION", rev) end