# Drupal VM Config [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/drupal-vm-sites.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/drupal-vm-sites) This Vagrant plugin makes it easy to manage multiple Drupal sites on a single Vagrant instance. It is used to generate a `config.yml` file for Drupal VM. See [Drupal VM Documentation](http://docs.drupalvm.com/en/latest/) for additional documentation. ## Setup 1. `vagrant plugin install drupal-vm-sites` 2. `touch sites.yml` 3. Add Drupal websites to `sites.yml` ```yml site1: url: site1.com site2: url: site2.edu path: ~/path/to/site site3: url: site3.us.gov path: ~/some/other/path ``` **Note:** path defaults to `~/Sites/site.com/www` if not specified 4. `vagrant up` You now have a functional Drupal vagrant install for your sites! Now you can configure Drupal. ## Configure Drupal #### New Database? A new database was created during Vagrant provision so you're all set. - dbname: `sitename` - user: `root` - pass: `root` #### Existing Database? Export database from the base site and then use [Drush](http://www.drush.org/en/master/): drush @skycatchfire.dev sql-drop drush @skycatchfire.dev sql-cli < ~/my-sql-dump-file-name.sql