=begin * Name: ResultsetTextView * Description View text in this widget. * Author: rkumar (arunachalesha) * file created 2009-01-08 15:23 * major change: 2010-02-10 19:43 simplifying the buffer stuff. * major change: 2011-10-14 reducing repaint, calling only if scrolled also, printing row focus and selection outside of repaint so only 2 rows affected. -------- * License: Same as Ruby's License (http://www.ruby-lang.org/LICENSE.txt) =end require 'rbcurse/rtextview' include RubyCurses module RubyCurses extend self ## # An extension of textview that allows viewing a resultset, one record # at a time, paging records. class ResultsetTextView < TextView # The offset of the current record in the resultset, starting 0 attr_accessor :current_record # not used, and may not be used since i would have to reserve on more column for this #dsl_accessor :row_selected_symbol # Should the row focussed on show a highlight or not, default is false # By default, the cursor will be placed on focussed row. dsl_accessor :should_show_focus # # Attribute of selected row 'reverse' 'bold' # By default, it is reverse. dsl_accessor :selected_attrib # Attribute of focussed row 'reverse' 'bold' # By default, it is not set. dsl_accessor :focussed_attrib # attribute of focussed row 'bold' 'underline' dsl_accessor :editing_allowed # can user edit values and store in database def initialize form = nil, config={}, &block @row_offset = @col_offset = 1 @row = 0 @col = 0 @should_show_focus = false # don;t show focus and unfocus by default @list = [] # this is only the currently visible record @rows = nil # this is the entire resultset @old_record = @current_record = 0 # index of currently displayed record from resultset @editing_allowed = true super @win = @graphic @datatypes = nil; # to be set when we query data, an array one for each column @widget_scrolled = true @record_changed = false @help_text = "C to edit a column, Navigation: M-lhjk,jk gg G, Space. Next Record M-period or period, Previous M-comma or comma. Last Record '>' First Record '<' View sortable tabular view" bind(:PRESS){ |eve| s = eve.source r = s.current_record col = @columns[@current_index] #alert "You clicked on #{r} , #{col} , #{eve.text} " #edit_record } #@selected_attrib = 'standout' #@focussed_attrib = 'underline' end def edit_record unless @editing_allowed say "You clicked on #{r} , #{col} , #{eve.text}. If editing_allowed was true you could have modified the db " return end col = @columns[@current_index] text = @rows[@current_record][@current_index] value = ask("Edit #{col}: "){ |q| q.default = text } if value && value != "" && value != text @rows[@current_record][@current_index] = value @widget_scrolled = true # force repaint of data begin sql_update @tablename, id=@rows[@current_record][0], col, value say_with_wait "Update to database successful" rescue => err alert "UPDATE ERROR:#{err.to_s} " end else say_with_pause "Editing aborted", :color_pair => $errorcolor end end ## # update a row from bugs based on id, giving one fieldname and value # @param [Fixnum] id unique key # @param [String] fieldname # @param [String] value to update # @example sql_update "bugs", 9, :name, "Roger" # I need to know keyfields for 2 reasons , disallow update and use in update XXX def sql_update table, id, field, value # 2010-09-12 11:42 added to_s to now, due to change in sqlite3 1.3.x alert "No database connection" unless @db return unless @db ret = @db.execute( "update #{table} set #{field} = ? where id = ?", [value, id]) $log.debug "SQLITE ret value : #{ret}, #{table} #{field} #{id} #{value} " end def repaint_all tf super @widget_scrolled = true end def next_record num=(($multiplier.nil? or $multiplier == 0) ? 1 : $multiplier) @old_record = @current_record @record_changed = true num.times { @current_record += 1 if @current_record < @rows.count-1; } @repaint_required = true $multiplier = 0 end def previous_record num=(($multiplier.nil? or $multiplier == 0) ? 1 : $multiplier) @old_record = @current_record @record_changed = true num.times { @current_record -= 1 if @current_record > 0 ; } @repaint_required = true end def last_record @old_record = @current_record @record_changed = true @current_record = @rows.count-1; @repaint_required = true end def first_record @old_record = @current_record @record_changed = true @current_record = 0; @repaint_required = true end def map_keys super bind_key([?\C-x, ?6], :scroll_backward) bind_key([?\C-x, ?v], :scroll_forward) bind_key([?\C-x, ?n], :next_record) bind_key([?\C-x, ?p], :previous_record) bind_keys([?\M-,,?,], :previous_record ) bind_keys([?\M-.,?.], :next_record) bind_keys([?\M-<,?<], :first_record ) bind_keys([?\M->,?>], :last_record) bind_key('C', :edit_record) #bind_key([?\C-x, ?>], :scroll_right) #bind_key([?\C-x, ?<], :scroll_left) #bind_key([?\C-x, ?\C-s], :saveas) #bind_key(?r) { getstr("Enter a word: ") } #bind_key(?m, :disp_menu) end # connect to database, run sql and set data, columns and datatypes # Similar can be done with another database def sqlite dbname, table, sql raise "file not found" unless File.exist? dbname require 'sqlite3' db = SQLite3::Database.new(dbname) columns, *rows = db.execute2(sql) @db = db # for update @dbname = dbname @tablename = table $log.debug "XXX sql #{sql}, #{rows.count} " content = rows return nil if content.nil? or content[0].nil? self.datatypes = content[0].types set_content rows, columns end ## # send in a dataset (array of arrays) and array of column names # e.g. set_content File.open("README.txt","r").readlines # set wrap at time of passing :WRAP_NONE :WRAP_WORD # XXX if we widen the textview later, as in a vimsplit that data # will still be wrapped at this width !! def set_content list, columns @rows = list @columns = columns @current_record = 0 init_vars self end def data=(list) @rows = list end def columns=(list) @columns = list end # set array of datatypes, one per column def datatypes=(list) @datatypes = list end def remove_all $log.warn "ResultsetTextView remove_all not yet tested XXX" @list = [] @rows = [] init_vars @repaint_required = true end def repaint # textview :nodoc: #$log.debug "TEXTVIEW repaint r c #{@row}, #{@col} " $log.debug "RESULTSETTEXTVIEW repaint r c #{@row}, #{@col}, key: #{$current_key}, reqd #{@repaint_required} " # TRYING OUT dangerous 2011-10-13 @repaint_required = false @repaint_required = true if @widget_scrolled || @pcol != @old_pcol || @record_changed paint if @repaint_required print_foot if @print_footer && !@suppress_borders && @repaint_footer_required end def print_foot #:nodoc: return unless @rows @footer_attrib ||= Ncurses::A_DIM gb = get_color($datacolor, 'green','black') footer = "%15s" % " [#{@current_record+1}/ #{@rows.length} ]" $log.debug " print_foot calling printstring with #{@row} + #{@height} -1, #{@col}+2" pos = @col + 2 right = true if right pos = @col + @width - footer.length - 1 end @graphic.printstring( @row + @height -1 , pos, footer, gb, @footer_attrib) @repaint_footer_required = false # 2010-01-23 22:55 end def getvalue @list end # not sure what to return, returning data value def current_value return nil if @list.nil? || @rows.nil? #@list[@current_record][@current_index] @rows[@current_record][@current_index] end def fire_action_event if @current_index == @selected_index @old_selected_index = @current_index unhighlight_row @current_index color_field @current_index @selected_index = nil return end unhighlight_row @selected_index color_field @selected_index @selected_index = @current_index highlight_selected_row @old_selected_index = @selected_index @repaint_required = true super tabular end def handle_key ch #:nodoc: return :UNHANDLED if @rows.nil? super end def tabular require 'rbcurse/extras/tabularwidget' w = Ncurses.COLS h = Ncurses.LINES-1 v_window = VER::Window.new(h,w,0,0) v_form = RubyCurses::Form.new v_window tabula = TabularWidget.new v_form, :width => w, :height => h-1, :print_footer => true begin tabula.set_content @rows, @columns yield tabula if block_given? v_form.repaint v_window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels # allow closing using q and Ctrl-q in addition to any key specified # user should not need to specify key, since that becomes inconsistent across usages while((ch = v_window.getchar()) != ?\C-q.getbyte(0) ) break if ch == config[:close_key] || ch == ?q.ord # if you've asked for RETURN then i also check for 10 and 13 break if (ch == 10 || ch == 13) && config[:close_key] == KEY_RETURN v_form.handle_key ch #v_form.repaint v_window.wrefresh end rescue => err $log.error " Tabularwidget Resultsetview ERROR #{err} " $log.error(err.backtrace.join("\n")) alert err.to_s ensure v_window.destroy if !v_window.nil? end end # newly added to check curpos when moving up or down # set cursor on correct column tview def set_form_col col1=@curpos #:nodoc: @cols_panned ||= 0 @pad_offset ||= 0 # added 2010-02-11 21:54 since padded widgets get an offset. @curpos = col1 maxlen = @maxlen || @width-@internal_width #@curpos = maxlen if @curpos > maxlen if @curpos > maxlen @pcol = @curpos - maxlen @curpos = maxlen - 1 @repaint_required = true # this is required so C-e can pan screen else @pcol = 0 end # the rest only determines cursor placement win_col = 0 # 2010-02-07 23:19 new cursor stuff col2 = win_col + @col + @col_offset + @curpos + @cols_panned + @pad_offset $log.debug "TV SFC #{@name} setting c to #{col2} #{win_col} #{@col} #{@col_offset} #{@curpos} " #@form.setrowcol @form.row, col setrowcol nil, col2 @repaint_footer_required = true end # # prepares row data for paint to print # Creates a string for each row, which is great for textview operation, all of them # work just fine. But does not allow paint to know what part is title and what is # data # def get_content return nil unless @rows id = @current_record row = @rows[id] @lens = [] a = [] f = "%14s %-*s" #f = "%14s %-20s" @columns.each_with_index { |e, i| value = row[i] len = value.to_s.length type = @datatypes[i] if type == "TEXT" value = value.gsub(/\n/," ") if value end @lens << len a << f % [e, len, value] } @list = a # this keeps it compatible with textview operations. return a end ## NOTE: earlier print_border was called only once in constructor, but when ##+ a window is resized, and destroyed, then this was never called again, so the ##+ border would not be seen in splitpane unless the width coincided exactly with ##+ what is calculated in divider_location. def paint #:nodoc: $log.debug "XXX TEXTVIEW PAINT HAPPENING #{@current_index} " #@left_margin ||= @row_selected_symbol.length @left_margin = 0 @fieldbgcolor ||= get_color($datacolor,@bgcolor, 'cyan') my_win = nil if @form my_win = @form.window else my_win = @target_window end @graphic = my_win unless @graphic @win_left = my_win.left @win_top = my_win.top print_borders if (@suppress_borders == false && @repaint_all) # do this once only, unless everything changes maxlen = @maxlen || @width-@internal_width #$log.debug " #{@name} textview repaint width is #{@width}, height is #{@height} , maxlen #{maxlen}/ #{@maxlen}, #{@graphic.name} roff #{@row_offset} coff #{@col_offset}" tm = get_content return unless tm # no data rc = tm.size # row_count tr = @toprow acolor = get_color $datacolor h = scrollatrow() r,c = rowcol @longest_line = @width-@internal_width #maxlen $log.debug "XXX: SELECTED ROW IS #{@selected_index} " 0.upto(h) do |hh| crow = tr+hh if crow < rc focussed = @current_index == crow # row focussed ? selected = is_row_selected crow content = tm[crow] content = content.dup sanitize content if @sanitization_required truncate content @graphic.printstring r+hh, c+@left_margin, "%-*s" % [@width-@internal_width,content], acolor, @attr if selected #print_selected_row r+hh, c+@left_margin, content, acolor highlight_selected_row r+hh, c #@graphic.printstring r+hh, c+@left_margin, "%-*s" % [@width-@internal_width,content], acolor, @focussed_attrib || 'reverse' elsif focussed # i am keeping this here just since sometimes repaint gets called highlight_focussed_row :FOCUSSED, r+hh, c end #print_focussed_row :FOCUSSED, nil, nil, content, acolor #@graphic.printstring r+hh, c+@left_margin, "%-*s" % [@width-@internal_width,content], acolor, @focussed_attrib || 'bold' color_field crow =begin # paint field portion separately, take care of when panned # hl only field length, not whole thing. startpoint = [c+14+1-@pcol,c].max # don't let it go < 0 clen = @lens[crow] # take into account when we've scrolled off right clen -= @pcol-14-1 if 14+1-@pcol < 0 hlwidth = [clen,@width-@internal_width-14-1+@pcol, @width-@internal_width].min hlwidth = 0 if hlwidth < 0 @graphic.mvchgat(y=r+hh, x=startpoint, hlwidth, Ncurses::A_NORMAL, @fieldbgcolor, nil) #@graphic.mvchgat(y=r+hh, x=startpoint, hlwidth, Ncurses::A_BOLD, acolor, nil) =end # highlighting search results. if @search_found_ix == tr+hh if !@find_offset.nil? # handle exceed bounds, and if scrolling if @find_offset1 < maxlen+@pcol and @find_offset > @pcol @graphic.mvchgat(y=r+hh, x=c+@find_offset-@pcol, @find_offset1-@find_offset, Ncurses::A_NORMAL, $reversecolor, nil) end end end else # clear rows @graphic.printstring r+hh, c, " " * (@width-@internal_width), acolor,@attr end end @repaint_required = false @repaint_footer_required = true @repaint_all = false # 2011-10-13 @widget_scrolled = false @record_changed = false @old_pcol = @pcol end def color_field index return unless index _r,c = rowcol r = _convert_index_to_printable_row index return unless r # paint field portion separately, take care of when panned # hl only field length, not whole thing. startpoint = [c+14+1-@pcol,c].max # don't let it go < 0 clen = @lens[index] # take into account when we've scrolled off right clen -= @pcol-14-1 if 14+1-@pcol < 0 hlwidth = [clen,@width-@internal_width-14-1+@pcol, @width-@internal_width].min hlwidth = 0 if hlwidth < 0 @graphic.mvchgat(y=r, x=startpoint, hlwidth, Ncurses::A_NORMAL, @fieldbgcolor, nil) end # the idea here is to be able to call externally or from loop # However, for that content has to be truncated here, not in loop def DELprint_focussed_row type, r=nil, c=nil, content=nil, acolor=nil return unless @should_show_focus case type when :FOCUSSED r = _convert_index_to_printable_row() unless r attrib = @focussed_attrib || 'bold' ix = @current_index when :UNFOCUSSED return if @oldrow.nil? || @oldrow == @current_index r = _convert_index_to_printable_row(@oldrow) unless r return unless r # row is not longer visible ix = @oldrow attrib = @attr end unless c _r, c = rowcol end if content.nil? content = @list[ix] content = content.dup sanitize content if @sanitization_required truncate content end acolor ||= get_color $datacolor #@graphic.printstring r+hh, c+@left_margin, "%-*s" % [@width-@internal_width,content], acolor, @focussed_attrib || 'bold' @graphic.printstring r, c+@left_margin, "%-*s" % [@width-@internal_width, content], acolor, attrib end # this only highlights the selcted row, does not print data again # so its safer and should be used instead of print_selected_row def highlight_selected_row r=nil, c=nil, acolor=nil return unless @selected_index # no selection r = _convert_index_to_printable_row(@selected_index) unless r return unless r # not on screen unless c _r, c = rowcol end acolor ||= get_color $datacolor att = FFI::NCurses::A_REVERSE att = get_attrib(@selected_attrib) if @selected_attrib @graphic.mvchgat(y=r, x=c, @width-@internal_width, att , acolor , nil) end def highlight_focussed_row type, r=nil, c=nil, acolor=nil return unless @should_show_focus case type when :FOCUSSED r = _convert_index_to_printable_row() unless r attrib = @focussed_attrib || 'bold' ix = @current_index when :UNFOCUSSED return if @oldrow.nil? || @oldrow == @current_index r = _convert_index_to_printable_row(@oldrow) unless r return unless r # row is not longer visible ix = @oldrow attrib = @attr end unless c _r, c = rowcol end acolor ||= get_color $datacolor att = get_attrib(attrib) #if @focussed_attrib @graphic.mvchgat(y=r, x=c, @width-@internal_width, att , acolor , nil) #@graphic.printstring r, c+@left_margin, "%-*s" % [@width-@internal_width,content], acolor, @focussed_attrib || 'reverse' end def unhighlight_row index, r=nil, c=nil, acolor=nil return unless index # no selection r = _convert_index_to_printable_row(index) unless r return unless r # not on screen unless c _r, c = rowcol end acolor ||= get_color $datacolor att = FFI::NCurses::A_NORMAL att = get_attrib(@normal_attrib) if @normal_attrib @graphic.mvchgat(y=r, x=c, @width-@internal_width, att , acolor , nil) end def is_row_selected row @selected_index == row end def on_enter_row arow if @should_show_focus highlight_focussed_row :FOCUSSED unless @oldrow == @selected_index highlight_focussed_row :UNFOCUSSED color_field @oldrow end end super end # no such method in superclass !!! XXX FIXME no such event too def on_leave_row arow #print_focussed_row :UNFOCUSSED #print_normal_row #super end # this is just a test of the simple "most" menu # How can application add to this, or override def disp_menu #:nodoc: require 'rbcurse/extras/menutree' # we need to put this into data-structure so that i can be manipulated by calling apps # This should not be at the widget level, too many types of menus. It should be at the app # level only if the user wants his app to use this kind of menu. @menu = RubyCurses::MenuTree.new "Main", { s: :goto_start, r: :scroll_right, l: :scroll_left, m: :submenu } @menu.submenu :m, "submenu", {s: :noignorecase, t: :goto_last_position, f: :next3 } menu = PromptMenu.new self menu.menu_tree @menu =begin menu = PromptMenu.new self menu.add( menu.create_mitem( 's', "Goto start ", "Going to start", Proc.new { goto_start} )) menu.add(menu.create_mitem( 'r', "scroll right", "I have scrolled ", :scroll_right )) menu.add(menu.create_mitem( 'l', "scroll left", "I have scrolled ", :scroll_left )) item = menu.create_mitem( 'm', "submenu", "submenu options" ) menu1 = PromptMenu.new( self, "Submenu Options") menu1.add(menu1.create_mitem( 's', "CASE sensitive", "Ignoring Case in search" )) menu1.add(menu1.create_mitem( 't', "goto last position", "moved to previous position", Proc.new { goto_last_position} )) item.action = menu1 menu.add(item) # how do i know what's available. the application or window should know where to place #menu.display @form.window, 23, 1, $datacolor #, menu =end menu.display @form.window, $error_message_row, $error_message_col, $datacolor #, menu end end # class textview end # modul