Ruby gem for logging to LogDNA

--- * **[Installation](#installation)** * **[Quick Setup](#quick-setup)** * **[API](#api)** * **[Contributing](#contributing)** * **[License](#license)** # Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'logdna' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install logdna # Quick Setup After installation, call logger =, options) => # to set up the logger. Options are optional variables that may contain hostname, app name, mac address, ip address, log level specified. options = { :hostname => myHostName, :ip => myIpAddress, :mac => myMacAddress, :app => myAppName, :level => "INFO", # LOG_LEVELS = ['TRACE', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL'] or your customized log level (custom levels for Rails have to be sent with a log message) :env => "PRODUCTION", :meta => {:once => {:first => "nested1", :another => "nested2"}}, :endpoint => "https://fqdn/logs/ingest" } To send logs, use "log" method. Default log level is "INFO" logger.log('This is my first log') => "Saved" # Saved to buffer. Ready to be flushed automatically Optionally you can use a block to do so logger.log { 'This is my second log' } => "Saved" Log a message with particular metadata, level, appname, environment (one-time) logger.log('This is warn message', {:meta => {:meta => "data"}, :level => "WARN", :app => "awesome", :env => "DEVELOPMENT"}) Log a message with lasting metadata, level, appname, environment (lasting) logger.meta = {:once => {:first => "nested1", :another => "nested2"}} logger.level = 'FATAL' or logger.level = Logger::FATAL = 'NEW APP NAME' logger.env = 'PRODUCTION' logger.log('This messages and messages afterwards all have the above values') Clear current metadata, level, appname, environment logger.clear Check current log level: => true logger.warn? => false Log a message with a particular level easily logger.warn('This is a warning message') logger.fatal('This is a fatal message') logger.debug { 'This is a debug message' } Hostname and app name cannot be more than 80 characters. ### Rails Setup In your `config/environments/environment.rb`: ``` Rails.application.configure do config.logger =, options) end ``` # Important Notes 1. This logger assumes that you pass in json formatted data 2. This logger is a singleton (do not create mutiple instances of the logger) even though the singleton structure is not strongly enforced. # API ##, options = {}) Instantiates a new instance of the class it is called on. ingestion_key is required. | Options | Default | |---------|---------| |{ :hostname => Host name } | Device's default hostname | |{ :mac => MAC address } | Nil | |{ :ip => IP address } | Nil | |{ :app => App name } | 'default' | |{ :level => Log level } | 'INFO' | |{ :env => STAGING, PRODUCTION .. etc} | Nil | |{ :meta => metadata} | Nil | |{ :endpoint => LogDNA Ingestion URI | '' | |{ :flush_interval => Limit to trigger a flush in seconds } | 0.25 seconds | |{ :flush_size => Limit to trigger a flush in bytes } | 2097152 bytes = 2 MiB | |{ :request_size => Upper limit of request in bytes } | 2097152 bytes = 2 MiB | |{ :retry_timeout => Base timeout for retries in seconds } | 0.25 seconds | |{ :retry_max_attempts => Maximum number of retries per request } | 3 attempts | |{ :retry_max_jitter => Maximum amount of jitter to add to each retry request in seconds } | 0.25 seconds | Different log level displays log messages in different colors as well. - ![TRACE DEBUG INFO Colors]( "Trace" "Debug" "Info" - ![WARN Color]( "Warn" - ![ERROR Fatal Colors]( "Error" "Fatal" # Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at # License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](