# *Flexirest:* Faking calls There are times when an API hasn't been developed yet, so you want to fake the API call response. To do this, you can simply pass a `:fake` option when mapping the call containing the response. ```ruby class Person < Flexirest::Base get :all, '/people', fake: [{first_name:"Johnny"}, {first_name:"Bob"}] end ``` You may want to run a proc when faking data (to put information from the parameters in to the response or return different responses depending on the parameters). To do this just pass a proc to `:fake`: ```ruby class Person < Flexirest::Base get :all, '/people', fake: ->(request) { {result: request.get_params[:id]} } end ``` ----- [< Parallel requests](parallel-requests.md) | [Per-request timeouts >](per-request-timeouts.md)