require 'rake' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rubygems' Gem.manage_gems # # =========================== U N I T T E S T S =========================== # desc 'Run unit tests' task :test do # Might wait until I've got some... end # # =========================== P A C K A G I N G ============================= # PKG_VERSION ='VERSION').strip spec = do |s| = 'dev-utils' s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = 'Debugging utilities: breakpoints, debugging, and tracing.' s.description = s.summary s.add_dependency('extensions', '>= 0.5') s.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.8.1' s.files = FileList['[A-Z]*', 'setup.rb', '{etc,lib,test}/**/*', 'examples/*.rb'].to_a s.require_path = 'lib' s.autorequire = nil s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = FileList['[A-Z]*'].to_a s.rdoc_options << '--main' << 'README.txt' << '--title' << 'dev-utils API Documentation' s.test_files = [] = 'Gavin Sinclair' = '' s.homepage = '' s.rubyforge_project = 'dev-utils' end do |pkg| pkg.package_dir = 'build/pkg' pkg.need_zip = false pkg.need_tar = true end desc "Install the gem" task :install => :repackage do sh "gem install --local --no-rdoc build/pkg/dev-utils-#{PKG_VERSION}" end # # ============================== W E B S I T E =============================== # directory 'build/www' directory 'build/www/api' desc "Build the RDoc documentation" do |rt| rt.rdoc_dir = 'build/www/api' rt.rdoc_files.include('[A-Z]*', 'lib/**/*.rb') rt.main = 'README.txt' rt.title = 'dev-utils API Documentation' rt.options << '--inline-source' end # # Building the web pages (source: etc/doc/*.textile; target: build/www/*.html) # # I should be able to name the targets, generated from the sources, and have a rule that # generates HTML from Textile. This rule should take account of timestamps, and keep in mind # that a change in the CSS or generate.rb or links.dat requires regeneration throughout. # desc "Build the Textile documentation" task :textile => ['build/www'] dependencies = FileList['etc/doc/{*.css,*.rb,*.dat}'].to_a Dir['etc/doc/*.textile'].each do |source| target = source.sub('etc/doc', 'build/www').sub('.textile', '.html') # Set the file task, so Rake knows about it. file target => [source, *dependencies] do require 'etc/doc/generate' generate_document source, 'build/www' end # Collect the targets, so the 'textile' task can aggregate them all. task :textile => target end desc "Build the web page" task :www => [:rerdoc, :textile] do end desc 'Build a text version of the home page' task :textpage => :textile do text = `lynx -dump build/www/index.html` # There is some filtering we need to do. # ***** This is very delicate and needs to be kept up to date! ***** if true # Remove top of page until the text "About dev-utils" text.sub!(/\A.*?^\s*About dev-utils/m, "\nAbout dev-utils") # Remove unwanted references. unwanted_refs = '5678' text.gsub!(/\[[#{unwanted_refs}]\]/, '') unwanted_refs.split(//).each do |label| text.sub!(/^\s*#{label}\. \S+\s*$/, '') end # Turn file:// URLs into http:// URLs. text.gsub!(%r{file://\S+/www/}, '') end puts text end # # =========================== P U B L I S H I N G =========================== # desc 'Publish the web stuff to RubyForge' task 'publish-textile' => :textile do Dir.chdir 'build/www' do system "scp #{Dir['*.html'].join(' ')}" end end desc 'Publish the API documentation to RubyForge' task 'publish-api' => :rerdoc do Dir.chdir 'build/www' do system "scp -r api" end end # vim: ft=ruby