# 📗 Table of Contents
- [📗 Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents)
- [📖 api\_for\_asana ](#-api_for_asana-)
- [Installation ](#installation-)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [To get all section](#to-get-all-section)
- [To update the section](#to-update-the-section)
- [To delete the section](#to-delete-the-section)
- [To create new section](#to-create-new-section)
- [Run Test](#run-test)
- [👥 Authors ](#-authors-)
- [🤝 Contributing ](#-contributing-)
- [⭐️ Show your support ](#️-show-your-support-)
# 📖 api_for_asana
This gem is an API wrapper for interacting with Asana. It allows me to create sections, retrieve tasks from a given section, update sections, and delete sections.
## Installation
Add the following code to you Gemfile
gem 'api_for_asana'
Then run
`bundler install`
### Usage
`include` this gem on your controller like.
class HomesController < ApplicationController
include ApiForAsana
#### To get all section
Use get_sections method like below
#### To update the section
Use update_section method like below
update_section(id, name)
#### To delete the section
Use delete_section method like below
#### To create new section
Use create_section method like below
### Run Test
on your terminal run
`rspec spec`
## 👥 Authors
👤 Melashu Amare
- GitHub: [@melashu](https://github.com/melashu)
- Twitter: [@meshu102](https://twitter.com/meshu102)
- LinkedIn: [Melashu Amare](https://www.linkedin.com/in/melashu-amare/)
## 🤝 Contributing
This repo is open for contributions. Issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the [issues page.](https://github.com/melashu/api_for_asana/issues)
## ⭐️ Show your support
Give a star if you like this project!
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