module Radius class Scanner # The regular expression used to find (1) opening and self-enclosed tag names, (2) self-enclosing trailing slash, # (3) attributes and (4) closing tag def scanner_regex(prefix = nil) %r{<#{prefix}:([-\w:]+?)(\s+(?:[-\w]+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?')\s*)*|)(\/?)>|<\/#{prefix}:([-\w:]+?)\s*>} end # Parses a given string and returns an array of nodes. # The nodes consist of strings and hashes that describe a Radius tag that was found. def operate(prefix, data) data = data @nodes = [''] re = scanner_regex(prefix) if md = re.match(data) remainder = '' while md start_tag, attributes, self_enclosed, end_tag = $1, $2, $3, $4 flavor = self_enclosed == '/' ? :self : (start_tag ? :open : :close) # save the part before the current match as a string node @nodes << md.pre_match # save the tag that was found as a tag hash node @nodes << {:prefix=>prefix, :name=>(start_tag || end_tag), :flavor => flavor, :attrs => parse_attributes(attributes)} # remember the part after the current match remainder = md.post_match # see if we find another tag in the remaining string md = re.match(md.post_match) end # add the last remaining string after the last tag that was found as a string node @nodes << remainder else @nodes << data end return @nodes end private def parse_attributes(text) # :nodoc: attr = {} re = /([-\w]+?)\s*=\s*('|")(.*?)\2/ while md = re.match(text) attr[$1] = $3 text = md.post_match end attr end end end