require "rdf" require "linkeddata" require "sparql" require "mechanize" require "relaton_w3c/data_parser" module RelatonW3c class DataFetcher attr_reader :data, :group_names # # Data fetcher initializer # # @param [String] output directory to save files # @param [String] format format of output files (xml, yaml, bibxml) # def initialize(output, format) @output = output @format = format @ext = format.sub(/^bib/, "") dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) @group_names = YAML.load_file(File.join(dir, "workgroups.yaml")) @index = end # # Initialize fetcher and run fetch # # @param [String] source source name "w3c-tr-archive" or "w3c-rdf" # @param [Strin] output directory to save files, default: "data" # @param [Strin] format format of output files (xml, yaml, bibxml), default: yaml # def self.fetch(source, output: "data", format: "yaml") t1 = puts "Started at: #{t1}" FileUtils.mkdir_p output new(output, format).fetch source t2 = puts "Stopped at: #{t2}" puts "Done in: #{(t2 - t1).round} sec." end # # Parse documents # # @param [String] source source name "w3c-tr-archive" or "w3c-rdf" # def fetch(source) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength each_dataset(source) do |rdf| %i[versioned unversioned].each do |type| send("query_#{type}_docs", rdf).each do |sl| bib = DataParser.parse(rdf, sl, self) add_has_edition_relation(bib) if type == :unversioned save_doc bib rescue StandardError => e link = sl.respond_to?(:link) ? : sl.version_of warn "Error: document #{link} #{e.message}" warn e.backtrace.join("\n") end end end @index.sort!.save end # # Add hasEdition relations form previous parsed document # # @param [RelatonW3c::W3cBibliographicItem] bib bibligraphic item # def add_has_edition_relation(bib) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity file = file_name bib.docnumber return unless File.exist? file b = case @format when "xml" then XMLParser.from_xml(, encoding: "UTF-8")) when "yaml" hash = YAML.load_file(file) W3cBibliographicItem.from_hash(hash) when "bibxml" then BibXMLParser.parse, encoding: "UTF-8") end b.relation.each do |r| same_edition = bib.relation.detect { |r2| same_edition?(r, r2) } bib.relation << r unless same_edition end end # # Compare two relations # # @param [RelatonW3c::W3cBibliographicItem] rel1 relation 1 # @param [RelatonW3c::W3cBibliographicItem] rel2 relation 2 # # @return [Boolean] true if relations are same # def same_edition?(rel1, rel2) return false unless rel1.type == "hasEdition" && rel1.type == rel2.type ids1 = ids2 = (ids1 & ids2).any? end # # Yield fetching for each dataset # # @param [String] source source name "w3c-tr-archive" or "w3c-rdf" # # @yield [RDF::Repository] RDF repository # def each_dataset(source, &_block) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength case source when "w3c-tr-archive" Dir["w3c-tr-archive/*.rdf"].map do |f| @files = [] yield RDF::Repository.load(f) end when "w3c-rdf" @files = [] rdf = RDF::Repository.load("") yield rdf parse_static_dataset end end # # Parse static dataset # def parse_static_dataset Dir[File.expand_path("../../data/*", __dir__)].each do |file| xml = file, encoding: "UTF-8" save_doc BibXMLParser.parse(xml), warn_duplicate: false rescue StandardError => e warn "Error: document #{file} #{e.message}" warn e.backtrace.join("\n") end end # # Query RDF source for versioned documents # # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] query results # def query_versioned_docs(rdf) sse = SPARQL.parse(%( PREFIX : PREFIX dc: PREFIX doc: PREFIX rdf: SELECT ?link ?title ?date WHERE { ?link dc:title ?title ; dc:date ?date . } )) rdf.query sse end # # Query RDF source for unversioned documents # # @return [Array] query results # def query_unversioned_docs(rdf) sse = SPARQL.parse(%( PREFIX doc: SELECT ?version_of WHERE { ?link doc:versionOf ?version_of . FILTER ( isURI(?link) && isURI(?version_of) && ?link != ?version_of ) } )) rdf.query(sse).uniq { |s| s.version_of.to_s.sub(/^https?:\/\//, "").sub(/\/$/, "") } end # # Save document to file # # @param [RelatonW3c::W3cBibliographicItem, nil] bib bibliographic item # def save_doc(bib, warn_duplicate: true) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity return unless bib c = case @format when "xml" then bib.to_xml(bibdata: true) when "yaml" then bib.to_hash.to_yaml else bib.send("to_#{@format}") end # id = bib.docidentifier.detect(&:primary)&.id || bib.formattedref.content file = file_name(bib.docnumber) if @files.include?(file) warn "File #{file} already exists. Document: #{bib.docnumber}" if warn_duplicate else @index.add bib.docnumber, file @files << file File.write file, c, encoding: "UTF-8" end end # # Generate file name # # @param [String] id document id # # @return [String] file name # def file_name(id) name = id.sub(/^W3C\s/, "").gsub(/[\s,:\/+]/, "_").squeeze("_").downcase File.join @output, "#{name}.#{@ext}" end end end