module Fastlane module Actions class EnsureNoDebugCodeAction < Action def command = "grep -RE '#{params[:text]}' '#{File.absolute_path(params[:path])}'" extensions = [] extensions << params[:extension] unless params[:extension].nil? if params[:extensions] params[:extensions].each do |extension| extension.delete!('.') if extension.include? "." extensions << extension end end if extensions.count > 1 command << " --include=\\*.{#{extensions.join(',')}}" elsif extensions.count > 0 command << " --include=\\*.#{extensions.join(',')}" end command << " --exclude #{params[:exclude]}" if params[:exclude] if params[:exclude_dirs] params[:exclude_dirs].each do |dir| command << " --exclude-dir #{dir.shellescape}" end end return command if Helper.is_test? UI.important(command) results = `#{command}` # we don't use `sh` as the return code of grep is wrong for some reason # Example Output # ./fastlane.gemspec: spec.add_development_dependency 'my_word' # ./Gemfile.lock: my_word (0.10.1) found = [] results.split("\n").each do |current_raw| found << current_raw.strip end UI.user_error!("Found debug code '#{params[:text]}': \n\n#{found.join("\n")}") if found.count > 0 UI.message("No debug code found in code base 🐛") end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Ensures the given text is nowhere in the code base" end def self.details [ "You don't want any debug code to slip into production. This can be used", "to check if there is any debug code still in your code base or if you have", "things like // TO DO or similar" ].join("\n") end def self.available_options [ :text, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_NO_DEBUG_CODE_TEXT", description: "The text that must not be in the code base"), :path, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_NO_DEBUG_CODE_PATH", description: "The directory containing all the source files", default_value: ".", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find the folder at '#{File.absolute_path(value)}'") unless end), :extension, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_NO_DEBUG_CODE_EXTENSION", description: "The extension that should be searched for", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| value.delete!('.') if value.include?(".") end), :extensions, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_NO_DEBUG_CODE_EXTENSIONS", description: "An array of file extensions that should be searched for", optional: true, is_string: false), :exclude, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_NO_DEBUG_CODE_EXCLUDE", description: "Exclude a certain pattern from the search", optional: true, is_string: true), :exclude_dirs, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_NO_DEBUG_CODE_EXCLUDE_DIRS", description: "An array of dirs that should not be included in the search", optional: true, type: Array, is_string: false) ] end def self.output [] end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.example_code [ 'ensure_no_debug_code(text: "// TODO")', 'ensure_no_debug_code(text: "Log.v", extension: "java")', 'ensure_no_debug_code(text: "NSLog", path: "./lib", extension: "m")', 'ensure_no_debug_code(text: "(^#define DEBUG|NSLog)", path: "./lib", extension: "m")', 'ensure_no_debug_code(text: "<<<<<<", extensions: ["m", "swift", "java"])' ] end def self.category :misc end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end