#ifdef _WIN32 #define PATH_SEP ';' #else #define PATH_SEP ':' #endif #include "ast.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "sass.h" #include "context.hpp" #include "plugins.hpp" #include "constants.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "file.hpp" #include "inspect.hpp" #include "output.hpp" #include "expand.hpp" #include "eval.hpp" #include "contextualize.hpp" #include "contextualize_eval.hpp" #include "cssize.hpp" #include "listize.hpp" #include "extend.hpp" #include "remove_placeholders.hpp" #include "color_names.hpp" #include "functions.hpp" #include "backtrace.hpp" #include "sass2scss.h" #include "prelexer.hpp" #include "emitter.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Sass { using namespace Constants; using namespace File; using namespace Sass; using std::cerr; using std::endl; Sass_Queued::Sass_Queued(const string& load_path, const string& abs_path, const char* source) { this->load_path = load_path; this->abs_path = abs_path; this->source = source; } inline bool sort_importers (const Sass_Importer_Entry& i, const Sass_Importer_Entry& j) { return sass_importer_get_priority(i) > sass_importer_get_priority(j); } Context::Context(Context::Data initializers) : // Output(this), head_imports(0), mem(Memory_Manager()), c_options (initializers.c_options()), c_compiler (initializers.c_compiler()), source_c_str (initializers.source_c_str()), sources (vector()), plugin_paths (initializers.plugin_paths()), include_paths (initializers.include_paths()), queue (vector()), style_sheets (map()), emitter (this), c_headers (vector()), c_importers (vector()), c_functions (vector()), indent (initializers.indent()), linefeed (initializers.linefeed()), input_path (make_canonical_path(initializers.input_path())), output_path (make_canonical_path(initializers.output_path())), source_comments (initializers.source_comments()), output_style (initializers.output_style()), source_map_file (make_canonical_path(initializers.source_map_file())), source_map_root (initializers.source_map_root()), // pass-through source_map_embed (initializers.source_map_embed()), source_map_contents (initializers.source_map_contents()), omit_source_map_url (initializers.omit_source_map_url()), is_indented_syntax_src (initializers.is_indented_syntax_src()), names_to_colors (map()), colors_to_names (map()), precision (initializers.precision()), plugins(), subset_map (Subset_Map >()) { cwd = get_cwd(); // enforce some safe defaults // used to create relative file links if (input_path == "") input_path = "stdin"; if (output_path == "") output_path = "stdout"; include_paths.push_back(cwd); collect_include_paths(initializers.include_paths_c_str()); // collect_include_paths(initializers.include_paths_array()); collect_plugin_paths(initializers.plugin_paths_c_str()); // collect_plugin_paths(initializers.plugin_paths_array()); setup_color_map(); for (size_t i = 0, S = plugin_paths.size(); i < S; ++i) { plugins.load_plugins(plugin_paths[i]); } for(auto fn : plugins.get_functions()) { c_functions.push_back(fn); } for(auto fn : plugins.get_headers()) { c_headers.push_back(fn); } for(auto fn : plugins.get_importers()) { c_importers.push_back(fn); } sort (c_headers.begin(), c_headers.end(), sort_importers); sort (c_importers.begin(), c_importers.end(), sort_importers); string entry_point = initializers.entry_point(); if (!entry_point.empty()) { string result(add_file(entry_point)); if (result.empty()) { throw "File to read not found or unreadable: " + entry_point; } } emitter.set_filename(resolve_relative_path(output_path, source_map_file, cwd)); } void Context::add_c_function(Sass_Function_Entry function) { c_functions.push_back(function); } void Context::add_c_header(Sass_Importer_Entry header) { c_headers.push_back(header); // need to sort the array afterwards (no big deal) sort (c_headers.begin(), c_headers.end(), sort_importers); } void Context::add_c_importer(Sass_Importer_Entry importer) { c_importers.push_back(importer); // need to sort the array afterwards (no big deal) sort (c_importers.begin(), c_importers.end(), sort_importers); } Context::~Context() { // everything that gets put into sources will be freed by us for (size_t n = 0; n < import_stack.size(); ++n) sass_delete_import(import_stack[n]); // sources are allocated by strdup or malloc (overtaken from C code) for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); ++i) free((void*)sources[i]); // clear inner structures (vectors) sources.clear(); import_stack.clear(); } void Context::setup_color_map() { size_t i = 0; while (color_names[i]) { string name(color_names[i]); Color* value = new (mem) Color(ParserState("[COLOR TABLE]"), color_values[i*4], color_values[i*4+1], color_values[i*4+2], color_values[i*4+3]); names_to_colors[name] = value; // only map fully opaque colors if (color_values[i*4+3] >= 1) { int numval = static_cast(color_values[i*4])*0x10000; numval += static_cast(color_values[i*4+1])*0x100; numval += static_cast(color_values[i*4+2]); colors_to_names[numval] = name; } ++i; } } void Context::collect_include_paths(const char* paths_str) { if (paths_str) { const char* beg = paths_str; const char* end = Prelexer::find_first(beg); while (end) { string path(beg, end - beg); if (!path.empty()) { if (*path.rbegin() != '/') path += '/'; include_paths.push_back(path); } beg = end + 1; end = Prelexer::find_first(beg); } string path(beg); if (!path.empty()) { if (*path.rbegin() != '/') path += '/'; include_paths.push_back(path); } } } void Context::collect_include_paths(const char** paths_array) { if (paths_array) { for (size_t i = 0; paths_array[i]; i++) { collect_include_paths(paths_array[i]); } } } void Context::collect_plugin_paths(const char* paths_str) { if (paths_str) { const char* beg = paths_str; const char* end = Prelexer::find_first(beg); while (end) { string path(beg, end - beg); if (!path.empty()) { if (*path.rbegin() != '/') path += '/'; plugin_paths.push_back(path); } beg = end + 1; end = Prelexer::find_first(beg); } string path(beg); if (!path.empty()) { if (*path.rbegin() != '/') path += '/'; plugin_paths.push_back(path); } } } void Context::collect_plugin_paths(const char** paths_array) { if (paths_array) { for (size_t i = 0; paths_array[i]; i++) { collect_plugin_paths(paths_array[i]); } } } void Context::add_source(string load_path, string abs_path, const char* contents) { sources.push_back(contents); included_files.push_back(abs_path); queue.push_back(Sass_Queued(load_path, abs_path, contents)); emitter.add_source_index(sources.size() - 1); include_links.push_back(resolve_relative_path(abs_path, source_map_file, cwd)); } // Add a new import file to the context string Context::add_file(const string& file) { using namespace File; string path(make_canonical_path(file)); string resolved(find_file(path, include_paths)); if (resolved == "") return resolved; if (char* contents = read_file(resolved)) { add_source(path, resolved, contents); style_sheets[path] = 0; return path; } return string(""); } // Add a new import file to the context // This has some previous directory context string Context::add_file(const string& base, const string& file) { using namespace File; string path(make_canonical_path(file)); string base_file(join_paths(base, path)); string resolved(resolve_file(base_file)); if (style_sheets.count(base_file)) return base_file; if (char* contents = read_file(resolved)) { add_source(base_file, resolved, contents); style_sheets[base_file] = 0; return base_file; } // now go the regular code path return add_file(path); } void register_function(Context&, Signature sig, Native_Function f, Env* env); void register_function(Context&, Signature sig, Native_Function f, size_t arity, Env* env); void register_overload_stub(Context&, string name, Env* env); void register_built_in_functions(Context&, Env* env); void register_c_functions(Context&, Env* env, Sass_Function_List); void register_c_function(Context&, Env* env, Sass_Function_Entry); char* Context::compile_block(Block* root) { if (!root) return 0; root->perform(&emitter); emitter.finalize(); OutputBuffer emitted = emitter.get_buffer(); string output = emitted.buffer; if (source_map_file != "" && !omit_source_map_url) { output += linefeed + format_source_mapping_url(source_map_file); } return sass_strdup(output.c_str()); } Block* Context::parse_file() { Block* root = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < queue.size(); ++i) { Sass_Import_Entry import = sass_make_import( queue[i].load_path.c_str(), queue[i].abs_path.c_str(), 0, 0 ); import_stack.push_back(import); Parser p(Parser::from_c_str(queue[i].source, *this, ParserState(queue[i].abs_path, queue[i].source, i))); Block* ast = p.parse(); sass_delete_import(import_stack.back()); import_stack.pop_back(); if (i == 0) root = ast; style_sheets[queue[i].load_path] = ast; } if (root == 0) return 0; Env tge; Backtrace backtrace(0, ParserState("", 0), ""); register_built_in_functions(*this, &tge); for (size_t i = 0, S = c_functions.size(); i < S; ++i) { register_c_function(*this, &tge, c_functions[i]); } Contextualize contextualize(*this, &tge, &backtrace); Listize listize(*this); Eval eval(*this, &contextualize, &listize, &tge, &backtrace); Contextualize_Eval contextualize_eval(*this, &eval, &tge, &backtrace); Expand expand(*this, &eval, &contextualize_eval, &tge, &backtrace); Cssize cssize(*this, &tge, &backtrace); root = root->perform(&expand)->block(); root = root->perform(&cssize)->block(); if (!subset_map.empty()) { Extend extend(*this, subset_map); root->perform(&extend); } Remove_Placeholders remove_placeholders(*this); root->perform(&remove_placeholders); return root; } Block* Context::parse_string() { if (!source_c_str) return 0; queue.clear(); if(is_indented_syntax_src) { char * contents = sass2scss(source_c_str, SASS2SCSS_PRETTIFY_1 | SASS2SCSS_KEEP_COMMENT); add_source(input_path, input_path, contents); delete [] source_c_str; return parse_file(); } add_source(input_path, input_path, source_c_str); return parse_file(); } char* Context::compile_file() { // returns NULL if something fails return compile_block(parse_file()); } char* Context::compile_string() { // returns NULL if something fails return compile_block(parse_string()); } string Context::format_source_mapping_url(const string& file) { string url = resolve_relative_path(file, output_path, cwd); if (source_map_embed) { string map = emitter.generate_source_map(*this); istringstream is( map ); ostringstream buffer; base64::encoder E; E.encode(is, buffer); url = "data:application/json;base64," + buffer.str(); url.erase(url.size() - 1); } return "/*# sourceMappingURL=" + url + " */"; } char* Context::generate_source_map() { if (source_map_file == "") return 0; char* result = 0; string map = emitter.generate_source_map(*this); result = sass_strdup(map.c_str()); return result; } std::vector Context::get_included_files(size_t skip) { vector includes = included_files; if (includes.size() == 0) return includes; std::sort( includes.begin() + skip, includes.end() ); includes.erase( includes.begin(), includes.begin() + skip ); includes.erase( std::unique( includes.begin(), includes.end() ), includes.end() ); // the skip solution seems more robust, as we may have real files named stdin // includes.erase( std::remove( includes.begin(), includes.end(), "stdin" ), includes.end() ); return includes; } string Context::get_cwd() { return Sass::File::get_cwd(); } void register_function(Context& ctx, Signature sig, Native_Function f, Env* env) { Definition* def = make_native_function(sig, f, ctx); def->environment(env); (*env)[def->name() + "[f]"] = def; } void register_function(Context& ctx, Signature sig, Native_Function f, size_t arity, Env* env) { Definition* def = make_native_function(sig, f, ctx); stringstream ss; ss << def->name() << "[f]" << arity; def->environment(env); (*env)[ss.str()] = def; } void register_overload_stub(Context& ctx, string name, Env* env) { Definition* stub = new (ctx.mem) Definition(ParserState("[built-in function]"), 0, name, 0, 0, &ctx, true); (*env)[name + "[f]"] = stub; } void register_built_in_functions(Context& ctx, Env* env) { using namespace Functions; // RGB Functions register_function(ctx, rgb_sig, rgb, env); register_overload_stub(ctx, "rgba", env); register_function(ctx, rgba_4_sig, rgba_4, 4, env); register_function(ctx, rgba_2_sig, rgba_2, 2, env); register_function(ctx, red_sig, red, env); register_function(ctx, green_sig, green, env); register_function(ctx, blue_sig, blue, env); register_function(ctx, mix_sig, mix, env); // HSL Functions register_function(ctx, hsl_sig, hsl, env); register_function(ctx, hsla_sig, hsla, env); register_function(ctx, hue_sig, hue, env); register_function(ctx, saturation_sig, saturation, env); register_function(ctx, lightness_sig, lightness, env); register_function(ctx, adjust_hue_sig, adjust_hue, env); register_function(ctx, lighten_sig, lighten, env); register_function(ctx, darken_sig, darken, env); register_function(ctx, saturate_sig, saturate, env); register_function(ctx, desaturate_sig, desaturate, env); register_function(ctx, grayscale_sig, grayscale, env); register_function(ctx, complement_sig, complement, env); register_function(ctx, invert_sig, invert, env); // Opacity Functions register_function(ctx, alpha_sig, alpha, env); register_function(ctx, opacity_sig, alpha, env); register_function(ctx, opacify_sig, opacify, env); register_function(ctx, fade_in_sig, opacify, env); register_function(ctx, transparentize_sig, transparentize, env); register_function(ctx, fade_out_sig, transparentize, env); // Other Color Functions register_function(ctx, adjust_color_sig, adjust_color, env); register_function(ctx, scale_color_sig, scale_color, env); register_function(ctx, change_color_sig, change_color, env); register_function(ctx, ie_hex_str_sig, ie_hex_str, env); // String Functions register_function(ctx, unquote_sig, sass_unquote, env); register_function(ctx, quote_sig, sass_quote, env); register_function(ctx, str_length_sig, str_length, env); register_function(ctx, str_insert_sig, str_insert, env); register_function(ctx, str_index_sig, str_index, env); register_function(ctx, str_slice_sig, str_slice, env); register_function(ctx, to_upper_case_sig, to_upper_case, env); register_function(ctx, to_lower_case_sig, to_lower_case, env); // Number Functions register_function(ctx, percentage_sig, percentage, env); register_function(ctx, round_sig, round, env); register_function(ctx, ceil_sig, ceil, env); register_function(ctx, floor_sig, floor, env); register_function(ctx, abs_sig, abs, env); register_function(ctx, min_sig, min, env); register_function(ctx, max_sig, max, env); register_function(ctx, random_sig, random, env); // List Functions register_function(ctx, length_sig, length, env); register_function(ctx, nth_sig, nth, env); register_function(ctx, set_nth_sig, set_nth, env); register_function(ctx, index_sig, index, env); register_function(ctx, join_sig, join, env); register_function(ctx, append_sig, append, env); register_function(ctx, zip_sig, zip, env); register_function(ctx, list_separator_sig, list_separator, env); // Map Functions register_function(ctx, map_get_sig, map_get, env); register_function(ctx, map_merge_sig, map_merge, env); register_function(ctx, map_remove_sig, map_remove, env); register_function(ctx, map_keys_sig, map_keys, env); register_function(ctx, map_values_sig, map_values, env); register_function(ctx, map_has_key_sig, map_has_key, env); register_function(ctx, keywords_sig, keywords, env); // Introspection Functions register_function(ctx, type_of_sig, type_of, env); register_function(ctx, unit_sig, unit, env); register_function(ctx, unitless_sig, unitless, env); register_function(ctx, comparable_sig, comparable, env); register_function(ctx, variable_exists_sig, variable_exists, env); register_function(ctx, global_variable_exists_sig, global_variable_exists, env); register_function(ctx, function_exists_sig, function_exists, env); register_function(ctx, mixin_exists_sig, mixin_exists, env); register_function(ctx, feature_exists_sig, feature_exists, env); register_function(ctx, call_sig, call, env); // Boolean Functions register_function(ctx, not_sig, sass_not, env); register_function(ctx, if_sig, sass_if, env); // Misc Functions register_function(ctx, inspect_sig, inspect, env); register_function(ctx, unique_id_sig, unique_id, env); } void register_c_functions(Context& ctx, Env* env, Sass_Function_List descrs) { while (descrs && *descrs) { register_c_function(ctx, env, *descrs); ++descrs; } } void register_c_function(Context& ctx, Env* env, Sass_Function_Entry descr) { Definition* def = make_c_function(descr, ctx); def->environment(env); (*env)[def->name() + "[f]"] = def; } }