ja: active_scaffold: ? "!=" : "!=" <: < <=: <= ? ">" : ">" ? ">=" : ">=" _select_: "- 選択してください -" _to_: " to " add: 追加 add_existing: 既存のものを追加 add_existing_model: "既存の%{model}を追加" update_apply: Apply create_apply: Create and continue are_you_sure_to_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete %{label}?" average: Average begins_with: "Begins with" between: Between cancel: キャンセル cant_destroy_record: "%{record}を削除で来ません" click_to_edit: クリックして編集 click_to_reset: "Click to reset" close: 閉じる config_list: Configure config_list_model: "Configure Columns for %{model}" contains: Contains create: 作成 create_another: "Create Another %{model}" create_model: "%{model}を作成" create_new: 新規作成 created_model: "%{model}を作成しました" customize: カスタマイズ date_picker_options: firstDay: 0 isRTL: false showMonthAfterYear: false weekHeader: Wk datetime_picker_options: closeText: ~ currentText: ~ timeText: ~ days: Days delete: 削除 deleted_model: "%{model}を削除しました" delimiter: Delimiter download: ダウンロード edit: 編集 ends_with: "Ends with" error_500: "(コード500: 内部エラー)" errors: template: body: "There were problems with the following fields:" header: one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved." other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" export: Export ? "false" : "False" filtered: (フィルタ中) found: 個ありました future: Future hide: (隠す) hours: Hours human_conditions: association: "%{column} = %{value}" boolean: "%{column} = %{value}" inplace_edit_handle: "--" internal_error: リクエストが失敗しました live_search: その場で検索 loading: 読み込み中… mark_all_records: "Mark all" maximum: Maximum minimum: Minimum minutes: Minutes months: Months nested_for_model: "%{parent_model}の%{nested_model}" nested_of_model: "%{nested_model} of %{parent_model}" next: 次 next_month: "Next Month" next_week: "Next Week" next_year: "Next Year" no_authorization_for_action: "No Authorization for action %{action}" no_entries: 見つかりませんでした no_options: オプション無し not_null: "Not Null" ? "null" : "Null" omit_header: "Omit Header" optional_attributes: "Further Options" options: オプション past: Past pdf: PDF prev_month: "Last Month" prev_week: "Last Week" prev_year: "Last Year" previous: 前 print: 印刷 range: Range record_not_saved: "Failed to save record cause of an unknown error" records_marked: one: "1 marked %{model}" other: "%{count} marked %{model}" refresh: Refresh remove: 削除 remove_file: ファイルを削除または置換 replace_existing: "Replace existing" replace_with_new: 新しいもので置換 reset: リセット revisions_for_model: "Revisions for %{model}" saving: 保存中… search: 検索 search_terms: 検索単語 seconds: Seconds show: 表示 show_block: (表示) show_model: "%{model}を表示" sum: Sum this_month: "This Month" this_week: "This Week" this_year: "This Year" today: Today tomorrow: Tomorrow ? "true" : "True" update: 更新 update_model: "%{model}を更新" updated_model: "%{model}を更新しました" version_inconsistency: "バージョンが一致しません - あなたが編集している間にこのレコードが変更されました。" weeks: Weeks years: Years yesterday: Yesterday time: formats: picker: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"