# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' class Money include Comparable extend Forwardable NULL_CURRENCY = NullCurrency.new.freeze attr_reader :value, :currency def_delegators :@value, :zero?, :nonzero?, :positive?, :negative?, :to_i, :to_f, :hash class << self attr_accessor :parser, :default_currency def new(value = 0, currency = nil) value = Helpers.value_to_decimal(value) currency = Helpers.value_to_currency(currency) if value.zero? @@zero_money ||= {} @@zero_money[currency.iso_code] ||= super(Helpers::DECIMAL_ZERO, currency) else super(value, currency) end end alias_method :from_amount, :new def zero(currency = NULL_CURRENCY) new(0, currency) end alias_method :empty, :zero def parse(*args, **kwargs) parser.parse(*args, **kwargs) end def from_cents(cents, currency = nil) new(cents.round.to_f / 100, currency) end def from_subunits(subunits, currency_iso, format: :iso4217) currency = Helpers.value_to_currency(currency_iso) subunit_to_unit_value = if format == :iso4217 currency.subunit_to_unit elsif format == :stripe Helpers::STRIPE_SUBUNIT_OVERRIDE.fetch(currency.iso_code, currency.subunit_to_unit) else raise ArgumentError, "unknown format #{format}" end value = Helpers.value_to_decimal(subunits) / subunit_to_unit_value new(value, currency) end def rational(money1, money2) money1.send(:arithmetic, money2) do factor = money1.currency.subunit_to_unit * money2.currency.subunit_to_unit Rational((money1.value * factor).to_i, (money2.value * factor).to_i) end end def current_currency Thread.current[:money_currency] end def current_currency=(currency) Thread.current[:money_currency] = currency end # Set Money.default_currency inside the supplied block, resets it to # the previous value when done to prevent leaking state. Similar to # I18n.with_locale and ActiveSupport's Time.use_zone. This won't affect # instances being created with explicitly set currency. def with_currency(new_currency) begin old_currency = Money.current_currency Money.current_currency = new_currency yield ensure Money.current_currency = old_currency end end def default_settings self.parser = MoneyParser self.default_currency = Money::NULL_CURRENCY end end default_settings def initialize(value, currency) raise ArgumentError if value.nan? @currency = Helpers.value_to_currency(currency) @value = value.round(@currency.minor_units) freeze end def init_with(coder) initialize(Helpers.value_to_decimal(coder['value']), coder['currency']) end def encode_with(coder) coder['value'] = @value.to_s('F') coder['currency'] = @currency.iso_code end def cents # Money.deprecate('`money.cents` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use `money.subunits` instead. Keep in mind, subunits are currency aware.') (value * 100).to_i end def subunits(format: :iso4217) subunit_to_unit_value = if format == :iso4217 @currency.subunit_to_unit elsif format == :stripe Helpers::STRIPE_SUBUNIT_OVERRIDE.fetch(@currency.iso_code, @currency.subunit_to_unit) else raise ArgumentError, "unknown format #{format}" end (@value * subunit_to_unit_value).to_i end def no_currency? currency.is_a?(NullCurrency) end def -@ Money.new(-value, currency) end def <=>(other) return unless other.respond_to?(:to_money) arithmetic(other) do |money| value <=> money.value end end def +(other) arithmetic(other) do |money| Money.new(value + money.value, calculated_currency(money.currency)) end end def -(other) arithmetic(other) do |money| Money.new(value - money.value, calculated_currency(money.currency)) end end def *(numeric) unless numeric.is_a?(Numeric) Money.deprecate("Multiplying Money with #{numeric.class.name} is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.") end Money.new(value.to_r * numeric, currency) end def /(numeric) raise "[Money] Dividing money objects can lose pennies. Use #split instead" end def inspect "#<#{self.class} value:#{self} currency:#{self.currency}>" end def ==(other) eql?(other) end # TODO: Remove once cross-currency mathematical operations are no longer allowed def eql?(other) return false unless other.is_a?(Money) return false unless currency.compatible?(other.currency) value == other.value end class ReverseOperationProxy include Comparable def initialize(value) @value = value end def <=>(other) -(other <=> @value) end def +(other) other + @value end def -(other) -(other - @value) end def *(other) other * @value end end def coerce(other) raise TypeError, "Money can't be coerced into #{other.class}" unless other.is_a?(Numeric) [ReverseOperationProxy.new(other), self] end def to_money(curr = nil) if !curr.nil? && no_currency? return Money.new(value, curr) end curr = Helpers.value_to_currency(curr) unless currency.compatible?(curr) Money.deprecate("mathematical operation not permitted for Money objects with different currencies #{curr} and #{currency}. " \ "A Money::IncompatibleCurrencyError will raise in the next major release") end self end def to_d value end def to_s(style = nil) units = case style when :legacy_dollars 2 when :amount, nil currency.minor_units else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected style: #{style}" end rounded_value = value.round(units) if units == 0 sprintf("%d", rounded_value) else sign = rounded_value < 0 ? '-' : '' rounded_value = rounded_value.abs sprintf("%s%d.%0#{units}d", sign, rounded_value.truncate, rounded_value.frac * (10 ** units)) end end def to_liquid cents end def to_json(options = {}) to_s end def as_json(*args) to_s end def abs Money.new(value.abs, currency) end def floor Money.new(value.floor, currency) end def round(ndigits=0) Money.new(value.round(ndigits), currency) end def fraction(rate) raise ArgumentError, "rate should be positive" if rate < 0 result = value / (1 + rate) Money.new(result, currency) end # @see Money::Allocator#allocate def allocate(splits, strategy = :roundrobin) Money::Allocator.new(self).allocate(splits, strategy) end # @see Money::Allocator#allocate_max_amounts def allocate_max_amounts(maximums) Money::Allocator.new(self).allocate_max_amounts(maximums) end # Split money amongst parties evenly without losing pennies. # # @param [2] number of parties. # # @return [Array<Money, Money, Money>] # # @example # Money.new(100, "USD").split(3) #=> [Money.new(34), Money.new(33), Money.new(33)] def split(num) calculate_splits(num).sum([]) { |value, count| Array.new(count, value) } end # Calculate the splits evenly without losing pennies. # Returns the number of high and low splits and the value of the high and low splits. # Where high represents the Money value with the extra penny # and low a Money without the extra penny. # # @param [2] number of parties. # # @return [Hash<Money, Integer>] # # @example # Money.new(100, "USD").calculate_splits(3) #=> {Money.new(34) => 1, Money.new(33) => 2} def calculate_splits(num) raise ArgumentError, "need at least one party" if num < 1 subunits = self.subunits low = Money.from_subunits(subunits / num, currency) high = Money.from_subunits(low.subunits + 1, currency) num_high = subunits % num {}.tap do |result| result[high] = num_high if num_high > 0 result[low] = num - num_high end end # Clamps the value to be within the specified minimum and maximum. Returns # self if the value is within bounds, otherwise a new Money object with the # closest min or max value. # # @example # Money.new(50, "CAD").clamp(1, 100) #=> Money.new(50, "CAD") # # Money.new(120, "CAD").clamp(0, 100) #=> Money.new(100, "CAD") def clamp(min, max) raise ArgumentError, 'min cannot be greater than max' if min > max clamped_value = min if self.value < min clamped_value = max if self.value > max if clamped_value.nil? self else Money.new(clamped_value, self.currency) end end private def arithmetic(money_or_numeric) raise TypeError, "#{money_or_numeric.class.name} can't be coerced into Money" unless money_or_numeric.respond_to?(:to_money) other = money_or_numeric.to_money(currency) yield(other) end def calculated_currency(other) no_currency? ? other : currency end end