class Wordle module View class AppView include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell COLOR_TO_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAP = { green: rgb(106, 170, 100), yellow: rgb(201, 180, 88), gray: rgb(120, 124, 126), } COLOR_TO_TEXT_COLOR_MAP = { green: :white, yellow: :white, gray: :white, } ALPHABET_LAYOUTS = { alphabetical: [ %w[A B C D E F G H I J], %w[K L M N O P Q R S], %w[T U V W X Y Z], ], querty: [ %w[Q W E R T Y U I O P], %w[A S D F G H J K L], %w[Z X C V B N M], ], } CONFIG_FILE = File.join(Dir.home, '.glimmer_wordle') before_body do @display = display { on_about { display_about_dialog } on_preferences { display_about_dialog } on_swt_keydown do |key_event| if key_event.keyCode == 8 do_backspace elsif key_event.keyCode == swt(:arrow_left) do_left elsif key_event.keyCode == swt(:arrow_right) do_right elsif key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr) if @five_letter_word.status == :in_progress do_guess else do_restart end elsif valid_character?((key_event.keyCode.chr rescue '')) do_type(key_event.keyCode.chr) end end } @five_letter_word = config = load_config @alphabet_layout = config[:alphabet_layout] || :alphabetical end ## Add widget content inside custom shell body ## Top-most widget must be a shell or another custom shell # body { shell(:no_resize) { grid_layout { margin_width 10 margin_height 10 vertical_spacing 0 } # Replace example content below with custom shell content minimum_size 420, 540 image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'icons', 'windows', "Glimmer Wordle.ico") if image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'icons', 'linux', "Glimmer Wordle.png") unless text "Glimmer Wordle" background :white app_menu_bar alphabet_container label { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'You have 6 tries to guess a 5-letter word' } word_guesser guess_button } } def app_menu_bar menu_bar { menu { text '&Game' menu_item { text '&Restart' on_widget_selected { do_restart } } menu_item { text 'E&xit' on_widget_selected { exit(0) } } } menu { text '&View' menu { text 'Alphabet &Layout' menu_item(:radio) { text '&Alphabetical' selection @alphabet_layout == :alphabetical on_widget_selected { self.alphabet_layout = :alphabetical rebuild_alphabet_container } } menu_item(:radio) { text '&Querty' selection @alphabet_layout == :querty on_widget_selected { self.alphabet_layout = :querty rebuild_alphabet_container } } } } menu { text '&Help' menu_item { text '&Instructions' on_widget_selected { display_instructions_dialog } } menu_item { text '&About' on_widget_selected { display_about_dialog } } } } end def display_instructions_dialog message_box(body_root) { text 'Instructions' message <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING Glimmer Wordle Instructions Make 6 guesses for a 5-letter word. If you enter a letter that is part of the word, and at the right location in the word, the letter will become green. If you enter a letter that is part of the word, but at the wrong location in the word, the letter will become yellow. If you enter a letter that is not part of the word, the letter will become red. If you win or lose, you get to see the answer, and share the result emojis. Happy Glimmer Wordle! MULTI_LINE_STRING }.open end def display_about_dialog message_box(body_root) { text 'About' message "Glimmer Wordle #{VERSION}\n\n#{LICENSE}" }.open end def alphabet_container @alphabet_container = composite { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) grid_layout { margin_width 0 margin_height 0 vertical_spacing 0 } background :white alphabets } end def alphabets alphabet_row(ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout][0]) { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 318 height_hint 50 } } alphabet_row(ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout][1]) { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 288 height_hint 50 } } alphabet_row(ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout][2]) { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 222 height_hint 50 } } end def alphabet_row(alphabet_characters, &block) canvas { background :white @alphabet_rectangles ||= [] @alphabet_borders ||= [] @alphabet_letters ||= [] alphabet_characters.each_with_index do |alphabet_character, i| @alphabet_rectangles << rectangle(1 + i*32, @alphabet_row_offset_y, 28, 28) { background :transparent @alphabet_borders << rectangle { foreground :gray line_width 2 } @alphabet_letters << text(alphabet_character) { font style: :bold, height: 28 } } end } end def alphabet_layout_alphabets ALPHABET_LAYOUTS[@alphabet_layout].reduce(:+) end def word_guesser @canvasses ||= [] margin_x = 5 margin_y = 5 @canvasses << canvas { layout_data(:center, :center, true, false) { width_hint 230 height_hint 50 } background :white focus true @rectangles = [] @borders = [] @letters = [] 5.times do |i| @rectangles << rectangle(margin_x + i*45, margin_y, 40, 40) { background :transparent @borders << rectangle { foreground i == 0 ? :title_background : :gray line_width 2 } @letters << text('') { font style: :bold, height: 40 } } end } end def guess_button @guess_button = button { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'Guess' on_widget_selected do do_guess end } end def do_backspace @letter = @letters.find {|letter| letter.string == ''} index = @letter ? [@letters.index(@letter) - 1, 0].max : 4 @letter = @letters[index] @letter.string = '' @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} @borders[index].foreground = :title_background end def do_guess return if !word_filled_up? word = if invalid_word?(word) message_box { text 'Invalid Word' message "The word you entered is not an allowed guess!\n\nPlease try another word!" }.open return end guess_result = @five_letter_word.guess(word) update_guess_word_background_colors(guess_result) update_alphabet_background_colors if @five_letter_word.status == :in_progress @guess_button.dispose body_root.content { word_guesser guess_button } else @guess_button.dispose body_root.content { @restart_button = button { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'Restart' focus true on_widget_selected do do_restart end } } display_share_text_dialog end body_root.layout(true, true) body_root.pack(true) end def highlighted_letter_index @borders.each_with_index.find {|border, i| border.foreground.first == color(:title_background).swt_color }.last end def do_type(character) index = highlighted_letter_index @letter = @letters[index] @letter.string = character.upcase if @letters.any? {|letter| letter.string == ''} @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} @borders[index == 4 ? 4 : index + 1].foreground = :title_background end end def do_left index = [highlighted_letter_index - 1, 0].max @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} @borders[index].foreground = :title_background end def do_right index = [highlighted_letter_index + 1, @letters.count - 1].min @borders.each { |caret| caret.foreground = :gray} @borders[index].foreground = :title_background end def do_restart @share_text_dialog&.close alphabet_layout_alphabets.each_with_index do |alphabet_character, i| @alphabet_borders[i].foreground = :gray @alphabet_rectangles[i].background = :white @alphabet_letters[i].foreground = :black end @restart_button&.dispose @canvasses.dup.each(&:dispose) @canvasses.clear @guess_button&.dispose body_root.content { word_guesser guess_button } body_root.layout(true, true) body_root.pack(true) @five_letter_word.refresh end def update_guess_word_background_colors(guess_result) guess_result.each_with_index do |result_color, i| background_color = COLOR_TO_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAP[result_color] @borders[i].foreground = background_color @rectangles[i].background = background_color @letters[i].foreground = COLOR_TO_TEXT_COLOR_MAP[result_color] async_exec { @canvasses.last.redraw } end end def update_alphabet_background_colors alphabet_layout_alphabets.each_with_index do |alphabet_character, i| result_color = @five_letter_word.colored_alphabets[alphabet_character.downcase] if result_color background_color = COLOR_TO_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAP[result_color] @alphabet_borders[i].foreground = background_color @alphabet_rectangles[i].background = background_color @alphabet_letters[i].foreground = COLOR_TO_TEXT_COLOR_MAP[result_color] end end end def word_filled_up? @letters.find {|letter| letter.string == ''}.nil? end def invalid_word?(word) !Model::FiveLetterWord::WORLD_ALLOWED_GUESSES.include?(word.downcase) end def valid_character?(character) ((65..90).to_a + (97..122).to_a).map {|n| n.chr}.include?(character) end def display_share_text_dialog result = "#{@five_letter_word.answer.upcase}\n\n#{emoji_result}" Clipboard.copy(result) @share_text_dialog = dialog(body_root) { grid_layout text 'Share Result' app_menu_bar label { layout_data :center, :center, true, false text 'Result is copied to clipboard!' } styled_text { layout_data :fill, :fill, true, true editable false caret nil alignment :center text result } } end def dispose_alphabet_container_children @alphabet_rectangles.clear @alphabet_borders.clear @alphabet_letters.clear @alphabet_container.children.each(&:dispose) end def rebuild_alphabet_container dispose_alphabet_container_children @alphabet_container.content { alphabets } @alphabet_container.layout(true, true) @alphabet_container.pack(true) end def alphabet_layout=(value) @alphabet_layout = value save_config end def new_config { alphabet_layout: @alphabet_layout } end def save_config File.write(CONFIG_FILE, YAML.dump(new_config)) rescue => e puts e.full_message end def load_config File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE) ? YAML.load( : {} rescue => e puts e.full_message {} end def emoji_result result = '' @five_letter_word.guess_results.each do |row| row.each do |result_color| case result_color when :green result << "🟩" when :yellow result << "🟨" when :gray result << "⬜" end end result << "\n" end result end end end end