# frozen_string_literal: true require_dependency "devise/models/decidim_validatable" require_dependency "devise/models/decidim_newsletterable" require "valid_email2" module Decidim # A User is a citizen that wants to join the platform to participate. class User < UserBaseEntity include Decidim::DataPortability include Decidim::Searchable include Decidim::ActsAsAuthor class Roles def self.all Decidim.config.user_roles end end devise :invitable, :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable, :timeoutable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :lockable, :decidim_validatable, :decidim_newsletterable, :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: Decidim::OmniauthProvider.available.keys, request_keys: [:env], reset_password_keys: [:decidim_organization_id, :email], confirmation_keys: [:decidim_organization_id, :email] has_many :identities, foreign_key: "decidim_user_id", class_name: "Decidim::Identity", dependent: :destroy has_many :memberships, class_name: "Decidim::UserGroupMembership", foreign_key: :decidim_user_id, dependent: :destroy has_many :user_groups, through: :memberships, class_name: "Decidim::UserGroup", foreign_key: :decidim_user_group_id has_many :access_grants, class_name: "Doorkeeper::AccessGrant", foreign_key: :resource_owner_id, dependent: :destroy has_many :access_tokens, class_name: "Doorkeeper::AccessToken", foreign_key: :resource_owner_id, dependent: :destroy validates :name, presence: true, unless: -> { deleted? } validates :nickname, presence: true, unless: -> { deleted? || managed? }, length: { maximum: Decidim::User.nickname_max_length } validates :locale, inclusion: { in: :available_locales }, allow_blank: true validates :tos_agreement, acceptance: true, allow_nil: false, on: :create validates :tos_agreement, acceptance: true, if: :user_invited? validates :email, :nickname, uniqueness: { scope: :organization }, unless: -> { deleted? || managed? || nickname.blank? } validate :all_roles_are_valid mount_uploader :avatar, Decidim::AvatarUploader scope :not_deleted, -> { where(deleted_at: nil) } scope :managed, -> { where(managed: true) } scope :not_managed, -> { where(managed: false) } scope :officialized, -> { where.not(officialized_at: nil) } scope :not_officialized, -> { where(officialized_at: nil) } scope :confirmed, -> { where.not(confirmed_at: nil) } scope :not_confirmed, -> { where(confirmed_at: nil) } scope :interested_in_scopes, lambda { |scope_ids| actual_ids = scope_ids.select(&:presence) if actual_ids.count.positive? ids = actual_ids.map(&:to_i).join(",") where("extended_data->'interested_scopes' @> ANY('{#{ids}}')") else # Do not apply the scope filter when there are scope ids available. Note # that the active record scope must always return an active record # collection. self end } scope :org_admins_except_me, ->(user) { where(organization: user.organization, admin: true).where.not(id: user.id) } attr_accessor :newsletter_notifications searchable_fields({ # scope_id: :decidim_scope_id, organization_id: :decidim_organization_id, A: :name, datetime: :created_at }, index_on_create: ->(user) { !user.deleted? }, index_on_update: ->(user) { !user.deleted? }) before_save :ensure_encrypted_password def user_invited? invitation_token_changed? && invitation_accepted_at_changed? end # Public: Allows customizing the invitation instruction email content when # inviting a user. # # Returns a String. attr_accessor :invitation_instructions # Returns the user corresponding to the given +email+ if it exists and has pending invitations, # otherwise returns nil. def self.has_pending_invitations?(organization_id, email) invitation_not_accepted.find_by(decidim_organization_id: organization_id, email: email) end # Returns the presenter for this author, to be used in the views. # Required by ActsAsAuthor. def presenter Decidim::UserPresenter.new(self) end def self.log_presenter_class_for(_log) Decidim::AdminLog::UserPresenter end # Checks if the user has the given `role` or not. # # role - a String or a Symbol that represents the role that is being # checked # # Returns a boolean. def role?(role) roles.include?(role.to_s) end # Public: Returns the active role of the user def active_role admin ? "admin" : roles.first end # Public: returns the user's name or the default one def name super || I18n.t("decidim.anonymous_user") end # Check if the user account has been deleted or not def deleted? deleted_at.present? end # Public: whether the user has been officialized or not def officialized? !officialized_at.nil? end def follows?(followable) Decidim::Follow.where(user: self, followable: followable).any? end # Public: whether the user accepts direct messages from another def accepts_conversation?(user) return follows?(user) if direct_message_types == "followed-only" true end def unread_conversations Decidim::Messaging::Conversation.unread_by(self) end def unread_messages_count @unread_messages_count ||= Decidim::Messaging::Receipt.unread_count(self) end # Check if the user exists with the given email and the current organization # # warden_conditions - A hash with the authentication conditions # * email - a String that represents user's email. # * env - A Hash containing environment variables. # Returns a User. def self.find_for_authentication(warden_conditions) organization = warden_conditions.dig(:env, "decidim.current_organization") find_by( email: warden_conditions[:email].to_s.downcase, decidim_organization_id: organization.id ) end def self.user_collection(user) where(id: user.id) end def self.export_serializer Decidim::DataPortabilitySerializers::DataPortabilityUserSerializer end def self.data_portability_images(user) user_collection(user).map(&:avatar) end def tos_accepted? return true if managed return false if accepted_tos_version.nil? # For some reason, if we don't use `#to_i` here we get some # cases where the comparison returns false, but calling `#to_i` returns # the same number :/ accepted_tos_version.to_i >= organization.tos_version.to_i end def admin_terms_accepted? return true if admin_terms_accepted_at end # Whether this user can be verified against some authorization or not. def verifiable? confirmed? || managed? || being_impersonated? end def being_impersonated? ImpersonationLog.active.where(user: self).exists? end def interested_scopes_ids extended_data["interested_scopes"] || [] end def interested_scopes @interested_scopes ||= organization.scopes.where(id: interested_scopes_ids) end # Caches a Decidim::DataPortabilityUploader with the retrieved file. def data_portability_file(filename) @data_portability_file ||= DataPortabilityUploader.new(self).tap do |uploader| uploader.retrieve_from_store!(filename) uploader.cache!(filename) end end # return the groups where this user has been accepted def accepted_user_groups UserGroups::AcceptedUserGroups.for(self) end # return the groups where this user has admin permissions def manageable_user_groups UserGroups::ManageableUserGroups.for(self) end def authenticatable_salt "#{super}#{session_token}" end def invalidate_all_sessions! self.session_token = SecureRandom.hex save! end protected # Overrides devise email required validation. # If the user has been deleted or it is managed the email field is not required anymore. def email_required? return false if deleted? || managed? super end # Overrides devise password required validation. # If the user is managed the password field is not required anymore. def password_required? return false if managed? super end def after_confirmation return unless organization.send_welcome_notification? Decidim::EventsManager.publish( event: "decidim.events.core.welcome_notification", event_class: WelcomeNotificationEvent, resource: self, affected_users: [self] ) end private # Changes default Devise behaviour to use ActiveJob to send async emails. def send_devise_notification(notification, *args) devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args).deliver_later end def all_roles_are_valid errors.add(:roles, :invalid) unless roles.compact.all? { |role| Roles.all.include?(role) } end def available_locales Decidim.available_locales.map(&:to_s) end def ensure_encrypted_password restore_encrypted_password! if will_save_change_to_encrypted_password? && encrypted_password.blank? end end end