module Metanorma module ISO class Converter < Standoc::Converter def home_agency "ISO" end def org_abbrev { "International Organization for Standardization" => "ISO", "International Electrotechnical Commission" => "IEC" } end def metadata_author(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || home_agency metadata_contrib_sdo(node, xml, publishers, { role: "author", default_org: !node.attr("publisher") }) committee_contributors(node, xml, false, home_agency) end def metadata_contrib_sdo(node, xml, publishers, opt) publishers.nil? and return csv_split(publishers).each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role type: opt[:role] do |r| opt[:desc] and r << opt[:desc] end c.organization do |a| (opt[:committee] and contrib_committee_build(a, opt[:agency], { name: p, id: opt[:ident] })) or organization(a, p, opt[:role] == "publisher", node, opt[:default_org]) end end end end def committee_contributors(node, xml, approval, agency) types = metadata_approval_committee_types(approval ? node : nil) types.each do |v| n = node.attr("#{v}-number") or next t = committee_abbrev(node.attr("#{v}-type"), n, v) metadata_contrib_sdo( node, xml, node.attr(v), { role: approval ? "authorizer" : "author", ident: t, default_org: false, committee: true, agency: agency, desc: v.sub(/^approval-/, "").gsub("-", " ").capitalize } ) end approval and metadata_contrib_sdo(node, xml, agency, { role: "authorizer", default_org: false, desc: "Agency", committee: false }) end def contrib_committee_build(xml, agency, committee) n = org_abbrev.invert[agency] and agency = n agency xml.subdivision committee[:name] committee[:abbr] and xml.abbreviation committee[:abbr] committee[:id] and xml.identifier committee[:id] end COMMITTEE_ABBREVS = { "technical-committee" => "TC", "subcommittee" => "SC", "workgroup" => "WG" }.freeze def committee_abbrev(type, number, level) type ||= COMMITTEE_ABBREVS[level.sub(/^approval-/, "")] type == "Other" and type = "" "#{type} #{number}".strip end def metadata_publisher(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || home_agency metadata_contrib_sdo(node, xml, publishers, { role: "publisher", default_org: !node.attr("publisher") }) # approvals committee_contributors(node, xml, true, node.attr("approval-agency") || home_agency) end def metadata_copyright(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher") || home_agency csv_split(publishers).each do |p| xml.copyright do |c| c.from (node.attr("copyright-year") || c.owner do |owner| owner.organization do |o| organization( o, p, true, node, !(node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher")) ) end end end end end def metadata_committee(node, xml) metadata_editorial_committee(node, xml) metadata_approval_committee(node, xml) end def metadata_editorial_committee(node, xml) xml.editorialgroup do |a| %w(technical-committee subcommittee workgroup).each do |v| node.attr("#{v}-number") and committee_component(v, node, a) end node.attr("secretariat") and a.secretariat(node.attr("secretariat")) end end def metadata_approval_committee(node, xml) types = metadata_approval_committee_types(node) xml.approvalgroup do |a| metadata_approval_agency(a, node.attr("approval-agency") &.split(%r{[/,;]})) types.each do |v| node.attr("#{v}-number") and committee_component(v, node, a) end end end def metadata_approval_committee_types(node) types = %w(technical-committee subcommittee workgroup) !node.nil? && node.attr("approval-technical-committee-number") and types = %w(approval-technical-committee approval-subcommittee approval-workgroup) types end def metadata_approval_agency(xml, list) list = [home_agency] if list.nil? || list.empty? list.each do |v| v end end end end end