module AbstractResourcesHelper # # URL Helpers # # parent # # parent returns the parent entity def parent parent? ? @parent : raise("parent will return nil - which probably was not anticipated!") end # # parent_class returns the class of the parent def parent_class parent? ? @parent.class : raise("parent_class will return Object - which probably was not anticipated!") end # # parent_name returns the name of the resource - that would be the empty string on nil's def parent_name parent? ? parent_class.to_s.pluralize.underscore : raise("parent_name will return '' - which probably was not anticipated!") end # # parent_url returns the parent url - /employees/1 in the /employees/1/events def parent_url parent? ? ( "/" + parent_class.to_s.pluralize.underscore + "/%s" % : "no_route_to_parent" end # # parent? will tell if a parent exists def parent? return true if (params[:parent] && params[:parent_id] && @parent = params[:parent].classify.constantize.find(params[:parent_id])) !(%w{NilClass TrueClass FalseClass}.include? @parent.class.to_s) end # # resource # # did we manage to set a resource at all? def resource? !(%w{NilClass TrueClass FalseClass}.include? @resource.class.to_s) end # # resource returns the current entity def resource resource? ? @resource : nil end # # return the name of the resource - that would be the empty string on nil's # def resource_name resource? ? resource.resource_name : resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize end # # resource_class is the class which the resource represent def resource_class return @resource_class if resource? @resource_class = params[:controller].singularize.classify.constantize rescue raise("resource_class will return Object - which probably was not anticipated!") end # # resource_url returns the current entity's url def resource_url options={} opt = {} opt[:id] = if options.class.ancestors.include? ActiveRecord::Base opt.merge!(options) if options.class==Hash opt[:action] ||= 'show' opt[:id] ||= opt[:controller] ||= resource_class.table_name url_for opt end # # new_resource_url returns a new entity def new_resource_url(options={}) opt = {} opt.merge!(options) if options.class==Hash opt[:controller] ||= resource_class.table_name opt[:action] = :new url_for opt end # # edit_resource_url returns the current entity's url for editing def edit_resource_url(options={}) opt = {} opt[:id] = if options.class.ancestors.include? ActiveRecord::Base opt.merge!(options) if options.class==Hash opt[:action] = :edit resource_url opt # opt[:id] ||= # opt[:controller] ||= @resource_class.table_name # url_for opt end # # resources # # returns the current collection of entities def resources @resources end # # returns the resource_class pluralized - eg: stock_item => 'stock_items' def resources_name resource_name.pluralize end # # resources_url returns the current collection of entities' url def resources_url resources=@resources, options={} # # lnk = parent? ? (parent_url + "/#{resource_name}") : "/#{resource_name}" # lnk += options.empty? ? "" : "?" + options.collect{ |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&") opt = {} opt.merge!(options) if options.class==Hash opt[:controller] ||= resource_class.table_name opt[:action] ||= :index url_for opt rescue # # return the root_url if no route was found! root_url end # # attach and detach resources def attach_url parent, resource '%s/%s/%s/attach' % [url_for( parent), resource.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize,] end def detach_url parent, resource '%s/%s/%s/detach' % [url_for( parent), resource.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize,] end # # activate and deactivate resources def activate_url resource '%s/activate' % url_for(resource) end def deactivate_url resource '%s/deactivate' % url_for( resource) end # # prefer and defer resources - like printers def prefer_url parent, resource '%s/%s/%s/prefer' % [url_for( parent), resource.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize,] end def defer_url parent, resource '%s/%s/%s/defer' % [url_for( parent), resource.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize, "{{id}}"] end # # List Helpers def set_attached_class children, child return "" unless parent? return "" if children.nil? return "detached" if children.empty? children.include?( child) ? "" : "detached" end def show_resource_active item, linkable=true unless linkable if content_tag :i, 'done', class: "material-icons small" else content_tag :i, 'pause', class: "material-icons small" end else if link_to deactivate_url(item), class: 'activated green-text', title: t("deactivate_#{item.resource_name}") do content_tag :i, 'done', class: 'material-icons' end else link_to activate_url(item), class: 'deactivated red-text', title: t("activate_#{item.resource_name}") do content_tag :i, 'pause', class: 'material-icons' end end end end # return a link to delete a row def show_resource_delete_icon item, url, lbl='name' link_to item, class: 'delete_link', data: { url: url, name: "#{item.send lbl }", id: "#{}", remove: "#tr-#{}" } do content_tag :i, 'delete', class: 'material-icons small', title: "#{t('.delete')}" end # = link_to account, class: 'delete_link', data: { url: '/admin/accounts', name: "#{}", id: "#{}", remove: "#tr-#{}" } do # %i.material-icons.small{ title: "#{t('.delete')}"} delete end def build_delete_link resource link_to(content_tag(:i,'delete',class:'material-icons icon-trash'), resource, class: 'btn btn-mini delete_item', :"data-no-turbolink"=>true) end # return a link to print a row # url: '' # list: true|false # template: 'what_list.html.haml', # button: true|false either a button or a link # text: 'what to write on the link if at all' # classes: 'btn btn-mini print_item print_items ...' jquery hooks print_item will print a specific record, print_items will print a list of records def build_print_link resource, options={} list = options.include?(:list) ? options.delete(:list) : true button = options.include?(:button) ? options[:button] : false print_options = options.include?(:print_options) ? "?" + options.delete(:print_options) : "" url = options.include?(:url) ? options.delete(:url) : ( !list ? url_for( resource) + "/print" + print_options : url_for(resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize) + "/print?print_list=true&#{add_print_params}" ) classes = options.include?(:classes) ? options.delete(:classes) : ( button ? 'btn btn-mini' : '') classes += ( list ? ' print_items' : ' print_item') return link_to( build_button_tag(options), url, class: classes) if options.include?(:button) link_to t(resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize.to_sym), url, options.merge( classes: classes) end def build_button_tag options={} text = options.include?(:text) ? options.delete(:text) : nil button = options.include?(:button) ? options.delete(:button) : false if text content_tag( :span) do text end << content_tag(:i,nil, class: button ) else content_tag(:i,nil, class: button ) end end def display_base_errors resource return '' if (resource.errors.empty?) or (resource.errors[:base].empty?) messages = resource.errors[:base].map { |msg| content_tag(:p, msg) }.join html = <<-HTML
HTML html.html_safe end # set_flashes will build the necessary flash # # quite stolen from bootstrap_flash # - but reengineered to avoid empty arrays def set_flashes flash_messages = [] flash.each do |type, message| next if message.blank? tp = 'danger' tp = 'success' if [ "notice", "info" ].include? type.to_s message = show_flash(flash, type) if flash.kind_of? Array unless message.blank? flash[type]=nil text = content_tag(:div, build_close_button(tp) + message.html_safe, class: "alert fade in alert-#{tp}") flash_messages << text end end flash.clear flash_messages.join("").html_safe rescue => e Rails.logger.error "setting the flashes - set_flashes - failed with #{e.message}" "" end def divide_text(str, max_chars) do |n| str.lstrip! s = str[/^.{,#{n}}(?=\b)/] || '' str = str[s.size..-1] s end end def set_toasts toast_messages = [] flash.each do |type, message| message_arr = message.size < 61 ? [message] : divide_text( message, [60,60,60,60] ) message_arr.each do |message| case type when 'error','danger','alert'; toast_messages << "Materialize.toast('#{message}',8000, 'red darken-4');" when 'info'; toast_messages << "Materialize.toast('#{message}',2000, 'green lighten-3');" when 'success','notice'; toast_messages << "Materialize.toast('#{message}',2000, 'blue lighten-4');" end end end flash.clear toast_messages.join("").html_safe rescue => e Rails.logger.error "setting the toasts - set_toasts - failed with #{e.message}" "" end def build_close_button(type) "".html_safe # link_to "#", type: "button", "aria-hidden" => "true", class: "#{type} close-notice btn-floating btn-small waves-effect waves-light", "data-dismiss" => "alert" do # "close".html_safe # end end # = show_flash flash, key # - flash[key]=nil # def show_flash flash, key msg = flash[key].kind_of?( Array) ? flash[key].flatten.compact : [ flash[key] ].compact msg.collect!{ |m| (content_tag(:div, id: key) do m end) unless m.blank? } raw(msg.join) end # return a HTML fragtment containing the menu_items referring to this one # items is a Hash of three elements, lbl, url and possible any children # { item: { lbl: 'menu', url: 'menu', options: {} } } # { item: { lbl: 'menu', url: { item: {}, item: {} }} } def menu_item(items, level=0 ) return "" if items.nil? str = [] level+=1 items.each do |k,item| options = item[:options] || {} unless item[:url].class==String if level>1 str << "" % [ link_to( "#{item[:lbl]}", "#", options.merge(class: "dropdown-toggle", :"data-toggle"=>"dropdown")), menu_item(item[:url],level)] else str << "" % [ link_to( "#{item[:lbl]}".html_safe, "#", options.merge(class: "dropdown-toggle", :"data-toggle"=>"dropdown")), menu_item(item[:url],level)] end else str << "
  • %s
  • " % link_to( item[:lbl], item[:url], options ) end end str.join( "") end # return a link - either to activate_resource_path or passify_resource_path # used to turn on/off any resource def build_active_link resource lbl = ? (content_tag(:i, active_popover(true)) do end) : (content_tag(:i, active_popover(false)) do end) link_to lbl, build_active_link_url(resource), class: "btn btn-mini active_button", remote: true, :"data-no-turbolink" => true, id: "%s_%i_actpas" % [resource.class.to_s,] end def active_msg active active ? "Er aktiv nu! Tryk på denne knap for at gøre denne post passiv!" : "Er passiv nu! Tryk på denne knap for at gøre denne post aktiv!" end def active_popover active if active { class: "icon-minus", rel: "popover", :"data-html" => true, :"data-trigger" => "hover", :"data-title" => "Posten er aktiv!", :"data-content" => "Tryk på denne knap for at gøre denne post passiv!
    Når poster anvendes i andre sammenhænge vil oxenServer kun tage hensyn til aktive poster!", } else { class: "icon-plus", rel: "popover", :"data-html" => true, :"data-trigger" => "hover", :"data-title" => "Posten er passiv!", :"data-content" => "Tryk på denne knap for at gøre denne post aktiv!
    Når poster anvendes i andre sammenhænge vil oxenServer kun tage hensyn til aktive poster!", } end end # return the url for the activate_link only def build_active_link_url resource r_url = url_for( resource) ? r_url + "/passify" : r_url + "/activate" end # return a link - either to attach_resource_path or detach_resource_path # used to attach or detach a resource to its parent def build_attach_link children, child attached = children.nil? ? false : children.include?( child) lbl = attached ? t(:detach) : t(:attach) link_to lbl, build_attach_link_url(child,attached), class: "btn btn-mini", remote: true, :"data-no-turbolink" => true, id: "%s_%i_attdet" % [child.class.to_s,] end # return the url for the attach_detach_link only def build_attach_link_url child, attached path = request.path.match( /detach|attach/) ? request.path.split("/")[0..3].join("/") : request.path r_url = path + "/%i" % attached ? r_url + "/detach" : r_url + "/attach" end # return a link to a new entity - possibly add route to parent def build_add_link lbl, cls r_url = cls.to_s.singularize.underscore r_url = parent? ? parent.class.to_s.singularize.underscore + "_" + r_url : r_url link_to( lbl, eval("new_%s_path" % r_url), class: 'btn btn-success') end # return a link - either to prefer_resource_path or defer_resource_path # used to prefer or defer a resource by its parent def build_prefer_link children, child preferred = (children.include?( child) && child.preferred?( parent)) return oxt(:preferred) if preferred link_to oxt(:prefer), build_prefer_link_url(child,preferred), class: "btn btn-mini", remote: true, :"data-no-turbolink" => true, id: "%s_%i_predet" % [child.class.to_s,] end # return the url for the prefer_defer_link only def build_prefer_link_url child, preferred path = request.path.match( /defer|prefer/) ? request.path.split("/")[0..3].join("/") : request.path r_url = path + "/%i" % preferred ? r_url + "/defer" : r_url + "/prefer" end # return a link to print a row # url: '' # list: true|false # template: 'what_list.html.haml', # button: true|false either a button or a link # text: 'what to write on the link if at all' # classes: 'btn btn-mini print_item print_items ...' jquery hooks print_item will print a specific record, print_items will print a list of records # def build_print_link resource, options={} # # list = options.include?(:list) ? options.delete(:list) : true # button = options.include?(:button) ? options[:button] : false # print_options = options.include?(:print_options) ? "?" + options.delete(:print_options) : "" # url = options.include?(:url) ? options.delete(:url) : ( !list ? url_for( resource) + "/print" + print_options : url_for(resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize) + "/print?print_list=true&#{add_print_params}" ) # classes = options.include?(:classes) ? options.delete(:classes) : ( button ? 'btn btn-mini' : '') # classes += ( list ? ' print_items' : ' print_item') # return link_to( build_button_tag(options), url, class: classes) if options.include?(:button) # link_to oxt(resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize.to_sym), url, options.merge( classes: classes) # # end # def build_button_tag options={} # text = options.include?(:text) ? options.delete(:text) : nil # button = options.include?(:button) ? options.delete(:button) : false # if text # content_tag( :span) do # text # end << content_tag(:i,nil, class: button ) # else # content_tag(:i,nil, class: button ) # end # end def add_print_params args = [] params.each do |k,v| args << "#{k}=#{v}" unless %w{ ids action controller}.include? k end args.join("&") end # def add_from_to_params # return "" if params[:from].blank? # "&from=#{params[:from]}&until=#{params[:until]}" # end def build_toggle_white_collar_url if params[:blue_collar].nil? link_to oxt(:kun_timelønnede), collection_url(blue_collar: true), class: "btn btn-info" else link_to oxt(:alle_medarbejdere), collection_url, class: "btn btn-info" end end # return a link to print a label for a row # url: '' # list: true|false # template: 'what_list.html.haml', # button: true|false either a button or a link # classes: 'btn btn-mini print_item print_items ...' jquery hooks print_item will print a specific record, print_items will print a list of records def build_label_link resource, options={} list = options.delete(:list) || false button = options.delete(:button) || true url = options.delete(:url) || ( !list ? url_for( resource) + "/label" : url_for(resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize) + "/label?print_list=true&#{add_print_params}" ) classes = options.delete(:classes) || ( button ? 'btn btn-mini' : '') return link_to(content_tag(:i,nil,class:'icon-tag'), url, class: classes, target: '_new') if button link_to oxt(resource_class.to_s.underscore.pluralize.to_sym), url, options.merge( class: classes, target: '_new') end # # set title of breadcrumb # def breadcrumb_title( str ) str.index( 'title="translation missing' ) ? str : str.mb_chars.upcase rescue str end # # show_page_title # does a resource_class and action based translation of title on a page # def show_page_title # t '%s.%s.title' % [ resource_class.table_name, params[:action] ] t '%s.%s.title' % [ params[:controller], params[:action] ] end # # show_lbl is used on every show.html.haml to build the label # def show_lbl key content_tag :b, "#{key}: " end # # on imprint_certificate.html.haml def show_product_logo product_logo case product_logo when /.jpg/, /.png/ tag(:img, { class: "product_logo", src: "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/images/#{product_logo}" }, false) else product_logo end end end