# coding : utf-8 =begin ============================================================ Copyright (C) 2015 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================== =end require 'transactd' require 'rbconfig' def getEnv(valuename) return ENV[valuename] if ENV[valuename] != nil return '' end def getHost() hostname = getEnv('TRANSACTD_RSPEC_HOST') hostname = '' if hostname == '' hostname = hostname + '/' unless (hostname =~ /\/$/) return hostname end HOSTNAME = getHost() USERNAME = getEnv('TRANSACTD_RSPEC_USER') USERPART = USERNAME == '' ? '' : USERNAME + '@' PASSWORD = getEnv('TRANSACTD_RSPEC_PASS') PASSPART = PASSWORD == '' ? '' : '&pwd=' + PASSWORD URL = 'tdap://' + USERPART + HOSTNAME + 'test_fetch?dbfile=transactd_schema' + PASSPART TABLENAME = 'users' FIELDS = ['id', 'name', 'age', 'group_id']; ALIASED_FIELDS = ['id', 'name', 'age', 'group']; MAX_ID = 2000 CHECK_MAX_ID = 10 FETCHMODES = [Transactd::FETCH_VAL_NUM, Transactd::FETCH_VAL_ASSOC, Transactd::FETCH_VAL_BOTH, Transactd::FETCH_OBJ, Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS, Transactd::FETCH_RECORD_INTO] def dropDatabase(db) db.drop(URL) expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 end def createDatabase(db) db.create(URL) if (db.stat() == Transactd::STATUS_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR) dropDatabase(db) db.create(URL) end expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 end def openDatabase(db) return db.open(URL, Transactd::TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF, Transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL) end def createUsersTable(db) openDatabase(db) dbdef = db.dbDef() expect(dbdef).not_to eq nil td = Transactd::Tabledef.new() td.schemaCodePage = Transactd::CP_UTF8 td.setTableName(TABLENAME) td.setFileName(TABLENAME) td.charsetIndex = Transactd::CHARSET_UTF8 tableid = 1 td.id = tableid dbdef.insertTable(td) expect(dbdef.stat()).to eq 0 # id fieldIndex = 0 fd = dbdef.insertField(tableid, fieldIndex) fd.setName(FIELDS[fieldIndex]) fd.type = Transactd::Ft_integer fd.len = 4 # name fieldIndex += 1 fd = dbdef.insertField(tableid, fieldIndex) fd.setName(FIELDS[fieldIndex]) fd.type = Transactd::Ft_myvarchar fd.setLenByCharnum(60) # age fieldIndex += 1 fd = dbdef.insertField(tableid, fieldIndex) fd.setName(FIELDS[fieldIndex]) fd.type = Transactd::Ft_integer fd.len = 4 # group_id fieldIndex += 1 fd = dbdef.insertField(tableid, fieldIndex) fd.setName(FIELDS[fieldIndex]) fd.type = Transactd::Ft_integer fd.len = 4 # primary key keynum = 0 kd = dbdef.insertKey(tableid, keynum) kd.segment(0).fieldNum = 0 # id kd.segment(0).flags.bit8 = 1 kd.segment(0).flags.bit1 = 1 kd.segmentCount = 1 td = dbdef.tableDefs(tableid) td.primaryKeyNum = keynum # update dbdef.updateTableDef(tableid) expect(dbdef.stat()).to eq 0 end def insertData(db) tb = db.openTable(TABLENAME, Transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL) expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 begin db.beginTrn() tb.clearBuffer() for i in 1..MAX_ID tb.setFV(0, i) # id tb.setFV(1, i.to_s() + " user") # name tb.setFV(2, (i % 50) + 15 + rand(15)) # age tb.setFV(3, (i + rand(5)) % 5) # group_id tb.insert() end db.endTrn() tb.close() rescue => e db.abortTrn() tb.close() expect(true).to eq false end end class UserBase @_alias_map = {} def self.setAlias(aliased) @_alias_map = (aliased ? { :group => 'group_id' } : {}) # This is reverse map self end def self.alias_map return @_alias_map end @_nodefine_original = false def self.set_nodefine_original(v) @_nodefine_original = v self end def self.nodefine_original return @_nodefine_original end end def openTable(db) tb = db.openTable(TABLENAME) expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 return tb end def seekId1(tb) tb.setKeyNum(0) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.clearBuffer() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.setFV(0, 1) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.seek() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 return tb.fields end def openActiveTable(db, alias_map = nil) at = Transactd::ActiveTable.new(db, TABLENAME) at.index(0).keyValue(0, 0) if alias_map.is_a?(Hash) at.resetAlias() alias_map.each {|key, orign| at.alias(orign, key.to_s) } else at.alias('group_id', 'group') end return at end def getRecordSet(at) rs = at.read(Transactd::Query.new()) expect(rs.size()).to be > 0 return rs end def doTestArray(rec, rec_id = 1) expect(rec.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(rec.length).to eq FIELDS.length expect(rec[0]).to eq rec_id expect(rec[1]).to eq "#{rec_id} user" end def doTestHash(rec, aliased, with_number, rec_id = 1) expect(rec.is_a?(Hash)).to eq true fs = aliased ? ALIASED_FIELDS : FIELDS for name in fs expect(rec.has_key?(name)).to eq true end for i in 0...fs.length expect(rec.has_key?(i)).to eq with_number end expect(rec[FIELDS[0]]).to eq rec_id expect(rec[FIELDS[1]]).to eq "#{rec_id} user" if with_number expect(rec[0]).to eq rec_id expect(rec[1]).to eq "#{rec_id} user" end end def doTestObject(rec, aliased, rec_id = 1) expect(rec.is_a?(Object)).to eq true expect(rec.is_a?(Hash)).to eq false expect(rec.is_a?(Array)).to eq false fs = aliased ? ALIASED_FIELDS : FIELDS for name in fs expect(rec.respond_to?(name)).to eq true expect(rec.respond_to?(name + '=')).to eq true end expect(rec.id).to eq rec_id expect(rec.name).to eq "#{rec_id} user" rec.id = rec_id + 10 rec.name = "#{rec_id} user *" expect(rec.id).to eq rec_id + 10 expect(rec.name).to eq "#{rec_id} user *" end def doTestClass(rec, klass) aliased = klass.alias_map.length != 0 expect(rec.is_a?(klass)).to eq true expect(rec.is_a?(Hash)).to eq false expect(rec.is_a?(Array)).to eq false expected_fields = aliased ? ALIASED_FIELDS : FIELDS expected_fields += FIELDS unless klass.nodefine_original expected_fields.uniq! not_expected_fields = (ALIASED_FIELDS | FIELDS) - expected_fields #p expected_fields #p not_expected_fields for name in expected_fields expect(rec.respond_to?(name)).to eq true expect(rec.respond_to?(name + '=')).to eq true end for name in not_expected_fields expect(rec.respond_to?(name)).to eq false expect(rec.respond_to?(name + '=')).to eq false end end def doTestTable(db, klass) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS tb.fetchClass = klass if klass.alias_map.length > 0 tb.setAlias("group_id", "group") end rec = seekId1(tb) doTestClass(rec, klass) for i in 2..CHECK_MAX_ID tb.seekNext() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 rec = tb.fields() doTestClass(rec, klass) end tb.close() end def doTestRecordset(rs, klass) # recordset rs.fetchClass = klass for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rec = rs[i] doTestClass(rec, klass) end end def doTestFieldsBase(rec, aliased, rec_id = 1) expect(rec.is_a?(Transactd::Record)).to eq true expect(rec.is_a?(Hash)).to eq false expect(rec.is_a?(Array)).to eq false fs = aliased ? ALIASED_FIELDS : FIELDS for i in 0...fs.length expect(rec.indexByName(fs[i])).to eq i end expect(rec[rec.indexByName(fs[0])]).to eq rec_id expect(rec[rec.indexByName(fs[1])]).to eq "#{rec_id} user" end def findAll(tb) tb.setFilter('', 0, 0) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.setKeyNum(0) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.clearBuffer() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.seekFirst(0) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 q = Transactd::Query.new() q.where('id', '<=', CHECK_MAX_ID).reject(1) tb.setQuery(q) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 return tb.findAll end def getRecordSetForFindAll(at) q = Transactd::Query.new() q.where('id', '<=', CHECK_MAX_ID).reject(1) rs = at.read(q) expect(rs.size()).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID return rs end def doTestTableArray(db, klass) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS tb.fetchClass = klass if klass.alias_map.length > 0 tb.setAlias("group_id", "group") end arr = findAll(tb) expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestClass(rec, klass) end tb.close() end def doTestRecordsetArray(rs, klass) # recordset rs.fetchClass = klass arr = rs.to_a expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestClass(rec, klass) end end describe Transactd, 'FetchMode' do it 'create database and table' do db = Transactd::Database.new() createDatabase(db) openDatabase(db) createUsersTable(db) insertData(db) db.close() end it 'fetch with FETCH_VAL_NUM' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_NUM rec = seekId1(tb) doTestArray(rec) for i in 2..CHECK_MAX_ID tb.seekNext() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 rec = tb.fields() doTestArray(rec, i) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_NUM for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rec = rs[i] doTestArray(rec, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch with FETCH_VAL_ASSOC' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_ASSOC rec = seekId1(tb) doTestHash(rec, false, false) for i in 2..CHECK_MAX_ID tb.seekNext() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 rec = tb.fields() doTestHash(rec, false, false, i) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_ASSOC for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rec = rs[i] doTestHash(rec, true, false, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch with FETCH_VAL_BOTH' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_BOTH rec = seekId1(tb) doTestHash(rec, false, true) for i in 2..CHECK_MAX_ID tb.seekNext() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 rec = tb.fields() doTestHash(rec, false, true, i) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_BOTH for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rec = rs[i] doTestHash(rec, true, true, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch with FETCH_OBJ' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_OBJ rec = seekId1(tb) doTestObject(rec, false) for i in 2..CHECK_MAX_ID tb.seekNext() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 rec = tb.fields() doTestObject(rec, false, i) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_OBJ for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rec = rs[i] doTestObject(rec, true, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch with FETCH_USR_CLASS' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # receiver classes User_NA_NUO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(false).set_nodefine_original(false) User_NA__UO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(false).set_nodefine_original(true) User__A_NUO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(true).set_nodefine_original(false) User__A__UO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(true).set_nodefine_original(true) # receiver classes are not initialized by Transactd yet expect(User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # open activeTable and not aliased recordset at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS at.release() # (1) User_NA_NUO : not aliased, not nodefine_original doTestTable(db, User_NA_NUO) doTestRecordset(rs, User_NA_NUO) expect(User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # (2) User_NA__UO : not aliased, nodefine_original doTestTable(db, User_NA__UO) doTestRecordset(rs, User_NA__UO) expect(User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # open activeTable and aliased recordset at = openActiveTable(db, User__A_NUO.alias_map) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS at.release() # (3) User__A_NUO : aliased, not nodefine_original doTestTable(db, User__A_NUO) doTestRecordset(rs, User__A_NUO) expect(User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # (4) User__A__UO : aliased, nodefine_original doTestTable(db, User__A__UO) doTestRecordset(rs, User__A__UO) expect(User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true # close all db.close() end it 'fetch with FETCH_RECORD_INTO' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_RECORD_INTO rec = seekId1(tb) doTestFieldsBase(rec, false) for i in 2..CHECK_MAX_ID tb.seekNext() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 rec = tb.fields() doTestFieldsBase(rec, false, i) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_RECORD_INTO for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rec = rs[i] doTestFieldsBase(rec, true, i + 1) end at.release() # recordset::getRecord() at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSet(at) for i in 0...CHECK_MAX_ID rs.fetchMode = FETCHMODES[i % FETCHMODES.length] rec = rs.getRecord(i) doTestFieldsBase(rec, true, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch ALL with FETCH_VAL_NUM' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_NUM arr = findAll(tb) expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestArray(rec, i + 1) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_NUM arr = rs.to_a expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestArray(rec, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch ALL with FETCH_VAL_ASSOC' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_ASSOC arr = findAll(tb) expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestHash(rec, false, false, i + 1) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_ASSOC arr = rs.to_a expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestHash(rec, true, false, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch ALL with FETCH_VAL_BOTH' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_BOTH arr = findAll(tb) expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestHash(rec, false, true, i + 1) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_VAL_BOTH arr = rs.to_a expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestHash(rec, true, true, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch ALL with FETCH_OBJ' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_OBJ arr = findAll(tb) expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestObject(rec, false, i + 1) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_OBJ arr = rs.to_a expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] doTestObject(rec, true, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end it 'fetch ALL with FETCH_USR_CLASS' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # receiver classes AR_User_NA_NUO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(false).set_nodefine_original(false) AR_User_NA__UO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(false).set_nodefine_original(true) AR_User__A_NUO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(true).set_nodefine_original(false) AR_User__A__UO = Class.new(UserBase).setAlias(true).set_nodefine_original(true) # receiver classes are not initialized by Transactd yet expect(AR_User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(AR_User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(AR_User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(AR_User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # open table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS # open activeTable and not aliased recordset at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS at.release() # (1) AR_User_NA_NUO : not aliased, not nodefine_original doTestTable(db, AR_User_NA_NUO) doTestRecordset(rs, AR_User_NA_NUO) expect(AR_User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(AR_User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(AR_User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # (2) AR_User_NA__UO : not aliased, nodefine_original doTestTable(db, AR_User_NA__UO) doTestRecordset(rs, AR_User_NA__UO) expect(AR_User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil expect(AR_User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # open activeTable and aliased recordset at = openActiveTable(db, AR_User__A_NUO.alias_map) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS at.release() # (3) AR_User__A_NUO : aliased, not nodefine_original doTestTable(db, AR_User__A_NUO) doTestRecordset(rs, AR_User__A_NUO) expect(AR_User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be_nil # (4) AR_User__A__UO : aliased, nodefine_original doTestTable(db, AR_User__A__UO) doTestRecordset(rs, AR_User__A__UO) expect(AR_User_NA_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User_NA__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User__A_NUO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true expect(AR_User__A__UO.instance_variable_get(:@_accessor_initialized)).to be true # close all tb.close() db.close() end it 'fetch ALL with FETCH_RECORD_INTO (same as FETCH_VAL_BOTH)' do Transactd::setFieldValueMode(Transactd::FIELD_VALUE_MODE_VALUE) db = Transactd::Database.new() openDatabase(db) # table tb = openTable(db) tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_RECORD_INTO arr = findAll(tb) expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] # same as FETCH_VAL_BOTH, not doTestFieldsBase(rec, false, i + 1) doTestHash(rec, false, true, i + 1) end tb.close() # activeTable at = openActiveTable(db) rs = getRecordSetForFindAll(at) rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_RECORD_INTO arr = rs.to_a expect(arr.is_a?(Array)).to eq true expect(arr.length).to eq CHECK_MAX_ID for i in 0...arr.length rec = arr[i] # same as FETCH_VAL_BOTH, not doTestFieldsBase(rec, true, i + 1) doTestHash(rec, true, true, i + 1) end at.release() db.close() end end