module Restly class Base # Autoload extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload :Resource autoload :Instance autoload :GenericMethods autoload :Includes autoload :Fields autoload :EmbeddedAssociations # Thread Local Accessor extend Restly::ThreadLocal # Active Model extend ActiveModel::Naming extend ActiveModel::Callbacks extend ActiveModel::Translation extend ActiveModel::Callbacks include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Dirty include ActiveModel::Observing include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Serialization include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml # Set Up Callbacks define_model_callbacks :create, :save, :destroy, :update, :initialize # Concerned Inheritance include Restly::ConcernedInheritance # Relationships include Restly::Associations include Restly::EmbeddedAssociations # Actions & Callbacks extend Resource include Includes include Instance include Fields # Set up the Attributes thread_local_accessor :current_token class_attribute :path, instance_writer: false, instance_reader: false class_attribute :resource_name, :include_root_in_json, :params, :cache, :cache_options, :client_token self.include_root_in_json = Restly::Configuration.include_root_in_json self.cache = Restly::Configuration.cache self.cache_options = Restly::Configuration.cache_options self.params = {} self.current_token = {} self.client_token = Restly::Configuration.use_oauth ? (client.client_credentials.get_token rescue nil) : nil # Set Defaults on Inheritance inherited do field :id self.resource_name = name.gsub(/.*::/,'').underscore if name.present? self.path = resource_name.pluralize self.params = params.dup self.client = client.dup end # Run Active Support Load Hooks ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:restly, self) # Alias the class for delegation def client self.class.client end def resource self.class end end end