require 'forwardable' # Define Sequence class. module SequenceServer # Provides simple sequence processing utilities via class methods. Instance # of the class serves as a simple data object to captures sequences fetched # from BLAST databases. # # NOTE: # What all do we need to consistently construct FASTA from `blastdbcmd's` # output? # # It would seem rather straightforward. But it's not. # # FASTA format: # # >id title # actual sequence # # ID of a sequence fetched from nr database should look like this: # # gi|322796550|gb|EFZ19024.1| -> # accession -> self.accession # ---------- # sequence id -> self.seqid # ------------- # --------- # gi number -> # # while for local databases, the id should be the exact same, # as in the original FASTA file: # # SI2.2.0_06267 -> == self.accession Sequence =, :seqid, :accession, :title, :value) do def initialize(*args) # If gi of the hit is 'N/A', make it nil instead. args[0] = nil if args[0] == 'N/A' # If seqid has 'lcl|' prefixed, remove it. args[1] = args[1].gsub(/^lcl\|/, '') # If hit comes from a non -parse_seqids # database, obtain seqid and title from # defline. if args[1] =~ /^gnl\|/ defline = args[3].split args[1] = defline.shift args[3] = defline.join(' ') end super end # Returns FASTA sequence id. def id (gi ? ['gi', gi, seqid] : [seqid]).join('|') end # Returns length of the sequence. def length value.length end # Returns sequence value. def to_s value end def info { value: value, id: id, title: title } end # Returns FASTA formatted sequence. def fasta chars = 60 lines = (length / chars.to_f).ceil defline = ">#{id} #{title}" seqlines = (1..lines).map { |i| to_s[chars * (i - 1), chars] } [defline].concat(seqlines).join("\n") end end # Utility methods. class Sequence class << self # Strips all non-letter characters. If less than 10 useable characters # return `nil`. If at least 90% is ACGTU, returns `:nucleotide`, else # `:protein`. def guess_type(sequence) # Clean the sequence: first remove non-letter characters, then # ambiguous characters. cleaned_sequence = sequence.gsub(/[^A-Z]/i, '').gsub(/[NX]/i, '') return if cleaned_sequence.length < 10 # conservative # Count putative NA in the sequence. na_count = 0 composition = composition(cleaned_sequence) composition.each do |character, count| na_count += count if character =~ /[ACGTU]/i end na_count > (0.9 * cleaned_sequence.length) ? :nucleotide : :protein end # Copied from BioRuby's `Bio::Sequence` class. # # > composition("asdfasdfffffasdf") # => {"a"=>3, "d"=>3, "f"=>7, "s"=>3} def composition(sequence_string) count = sequence_string.scan(/./) do |x| count[x] += 1 end count end end # Retrieve sequences from BLAST databases. class Retriever extend Forwardable def_delegators SequenceServer, :config, :sys # Provides IO for Retriever similar to BLAST::Formatter. We dynamically # extend Retriever object with this module if file download has been # requested (here it must be remembered that Retriever is used by # sequence viewer and FASTA download links). module IO # Returns handle to a temporary file to which data should be written to # or read from. def file @file ||= filename end # Returns a file name to use for the temporary file. def filename return @filename if @filename name = sequence_ids.first if sequence_ids.length == 1 name = "#{sequence_ids.length}_hits" if sequence_ids.length >= 2 @filename = "sequenceserver-#{name}.fa" end # Returns mime type to use if this file were to be transferred over # Internet. def mime :fasta end private def write write_error_msgs write_sequences file.close end # Write error messages to file. Expects file to be open. def write_error_msgs error_msgs.each do |heading, message| file.puts "# #{heading}" message.each_line do |line| file.puts "# #{line}" end end end # Write sequence data to file. Expects file to be open. def write_sequences sequences.each do |sequence| file.puts sequence.fasta end end end def initialize(sequence_ids, database_ids, in_file = false) @sequence_ids = Array sequence_ids @database_ids = Array database_ids @in_file = in_file validate && run end attr_reader :sequence_ids, :database_ids, :in_file attr_reader :sequences def to_json { error_msgs: error_msgs, sequences: }.to_json end private def run command = "blastdbcmd -outfmt '%g %i %a %t %s'" \ " -db '#{database_names.join(' ')}'" \ " -entry '#{sequence_ids.join(',')}'" out, = sys(command, path: config[:bin]) @sequences = do |line| # Stop codons in amino acid sequence databases show up as invalid # UTF-8 characters in the output and cause the subsequent call to # `split` to fail. We replace invalid UTF-8 characters with X. line = line.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, replace: 'X')*line.chomp.split(' ')) end extend(IO) && write if in_file end def database_names Database[database_ids].map(&:name) end def database_titles Database[database_ids].map(&:title) end def validate ids = Database.ids return true if database_ids.is_a?(Array) && !database_ids.empty? && (ids & database_ids).length == database_ids.length fail ArgumentError, 'Database id should be one of:' \ " #{ids.join("\n")}." end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def error_msgs return [] if sequences.length == sequence_ids.length [ ['ERROR: incorrect number of sequences found.', <<~MSG You requested #{sequence_ids.length} sequence(s) with the following identifiers: #{sequence_ids.join(', ')} from the following databases: #{database_titles.join(', ')} but we found #{sequences.length} sequence(s). This is likley due to a problem with how databases are formatted. Please share this text with the person managing this website. If you are the admin and are confident that your databases are correctly formatted, you have likely encountered a weird bug. In this case, please raise an issue at: If any sequences were retrieved, you can find them below (but some may be incorrect, so be careful!) MSG ] ] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end end end # References # ---------- # [1]: