# Rakefile for rake -*- ruby -*- # Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org) # All rights reserved. # This file may be distributed under an MIT style license. See # MIT-LICENSE for details. begin require 'rubygems' require 'rake/gempackagetask' rescue Exception nil end require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' CLEAN.include('**/*.o', '*.dot', '**/.*.rbc') CLOBBER.include('doc/example/main', 'testdata') CLOBBER.include('test/data/**/temp_*') CLOBBER.include('test/data/chains/play.*') CLOBBER.include('test/data/file_creation_task/build') CLOBBER.include('test/data/file_creation_task/src') CLOBBER.include('TAGS') CLOBBER.include('coverage', 'rcov_aggregate') # Prevent OS X from including extended attribute junk in the tar output ENV['COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE'] = 'true' def announce(msg='') STDERR.puts msg end # Determine the current version of the software if `ruby -Ilib ./bin/drake --version` =~ /rake, version ([0-9.]+)$/ CURRENT_VERSION = $1 else CURRENT_VERSION = "0.0.0" end $package_version = CURRENT_VERSION SRC_RB = FileList['lib/**/*.rb'] # The default task is run if rake is given no explicit arguments. desc "Default Task" task :default => :test_all load 'Rakefile.drake' # Test Tasks --------------------------------------------------------- task :dbg do |t| puts "Arguments are: #{t.args.join(', ')}" end # Common Abbreviations ... task :ta => :test_all task :tf => :test_functional task :tu => :test_units task :tc => :test_contribs task :test => :test_units all_test_files = FileList[ 'test/test*.rb', 'test/contrib/test*.rb', 'test/fun*.rb' ] task :test_all => [:test_single_threaded, :test_parallel] Rake::TestTask.new(:test_parallel) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/parallel.rb'] + all_test_files t.warning = true t.verbose = false end Rake::TestTask.new(:test_single_threaded) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/single_threaded.rb'] + all_test_files t.warning = true t.verbose = false end Rake::TestTask.new(:test_units) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/test*.rb'] t.warning = true t.verbose = false end Rake::TestTask.new(:test_functional) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/fun*.rb'] t.warning = true t.verbose = false end Rake::TestTask.new(:test_contribs) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/contrib/test*.rb'] t.warning = true t.verbose = false end Rake::TestTask.new(:test_current) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/parallel.rb', 'test/test_tasks.rb'] t.warning = true t.verbose = false end begin require 'rcov/rcovtask' Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t| t.libs << "test" dot_rakes = t.rcov_opts = [ '-xRakefile', '-xrakefile', '-xpublish.rf', '-xlib/rake/contrib', '-x/Library', '--text-report', '--sort coverage' ] + FileList['rakelib/*.rake'].pathmap("-x%p") t.test_files = FileList[ 'test/test*.rb', 'test/functional.rb' ] t.output_dir = 'coverage' t.verbose = true end rescue LoadError puts "RCov is not available" end directory 'testdata' [:test_all, :test_units, :test_contribs, :test_functional].each do |t| task t => ['testdata'] end # CVS Tasks ---------------------------------------------------------- # Install rake using the standard install.rb script. desc "Install the application" task :install do ruby "install.rb" end # Create a task to build the RDOC documentation tree. rd = Rake::RDocTask.new("rdoc") { |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'html' # rdoc.template = 'kilmer' # rdoc.template = 'css2' rdoc.template = 'doc/jamis.rb' rdoc.title = "Drake: Distributed Rake" rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' << '--main' << 'README' << '--title' << 'Drake: Distributed Rake' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README', 'MIT-LICENSE', 'TODO', 'CHANGES') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb', 'doc/**/*.rdoc') rdoc.rdoc_files.exclude(/\bcontrib\b/) } # ==================================================================== # Create a task that will package the Rake software into distributable # tar, zip and gem files. PKG_FILES = FileList[ 'install.rb', '[A-Z]*', 'bin/drake', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'lib/rake/comp_tree/**/*.rb', 'test/**/*.rb', 'test/**/*.rf', 'test/**/*.mf', 'test/**/Rakefile*', 'test/**/subdir', 'doc/**/*' ] PKG_FILES.exclude('doc/example/*.o') PKG_FILES.exclude(%r{doc/example/main$}) if ! defined?(Gem) puts "Package Target requires RubyGEMs" else SPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s| #### Basic information. s.name = 'drake' s.version = $package_version s.summary = "Ruby based make-like utility." s.description = <<-EOF Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax. EOF #### Dependencies and requirements. #s.add_dependency('log4r', '> 1.0.4') #s.requirements << "" #### Which files are to be included in this gem? Everything! (Except CVS directories.) s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a #### C code extensions. #s.extensions << "ext/rmagic/extconf.rb" #### Load-time details: library and application (you will need one or both). s.require_path = 'lib' # Use these for libraries. s.bindir = "bin" # Use these for applications. s.executables = ["drake"] s.default_executable = "drake" #### Documentation and testing. s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = rd.rdoc_files.reject { |fn| fn =~ /\.rb$/ }.to_a s.rdoc_options = rd.options #### Author and project details. s.author = "James M. Lawrence" s.email = "quixoticsycophant@gmail.com" s.homepage = "http://drake.rubyforge.org" s.rubyforge_project = "drake" # if ENV['CERT_DIR'] # s.signing_key = File.join(ENV['CERT_DIR'], 'gem-private_key.pem') # s.cert_chain = [File.join(ENV['CERT_DIR'], 'gem-public_cert.pem')] # end end package_task = Rake::GemPackageTask.new(SPEC) do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end file "drake.gemspec" => ["Rakefile", "lib/rake.rb"] do |t| require 'yaml' open(t.name, "w") { |f| f.puts SPEC.to_yaml } end desc "Create a stand-alone gemspec" task :gemspec => "drake.gemspec" end # Misc tasks ========================================================= def count_lines(filename) lines = 0 codelines = 0 open(filename) { |f| f.each do |line| lines += 1 next if line =~ /^\s*$/ next if line =~ /^\s*#/ codelines += 1 end } [lines, codelines] end def show_line(msg, lines, loc) printf "%6s %6s %s\n", lines.to_s, loc.to_s, msg end desc "Count lines in the main rake file" task :lines do total_lines = 0 total_code = 0 show_line("File Name", "LINES", "LOC") SRC_RB.each do |fn| lines, codelines = count_lines(fn) show_line(fn, lines, codelines) total_lines += lines total_code += codelines end show_line("TOTAL", total_lines, total_code) end # Define an optional publish target in an external file. If the # publish.rf file is not found, the publish targets won't be defined. load "publish.rf" if File.exist? "publish.rf" # Support Tasks ------------------------------------------------------ RUBY_FILES = FileList['**/*.rb'].exclude('pkg') desc "Look for TODO and FIXME tags in the code" task :todo do RUBY_FILES.egrep(/#.*(FIXME|TODO|TBD)/) end desc "Look for Debugging print lines" task :dbg do RUBY_FILES.egrep(/\bDBG|\bbreakpoint\b/) end desc "List all ruby files" task :rubyfiles do puts RUBY_FILES puts FileList['bin/*'].exclude('bin/*.rb') end task :rf => :rubyfiles desc "Create a TAGS file" task :tags => "TAGS" TAGS = 'xctags -e' file "TAGS" => RUBY_FILES do puts "Makings TAGS" sh "#{TAGS} #{RUBY_FILES}", :verbose => false end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creating a release def plugin(plugin_name) require "rake/plugins/#{plugin_name}" end task :noop #plugin "release_manager" desc "Make a new release" task :release, :rel, :reuse, :reltest, :needs => [ :prerelease, :clobber, :test_all, :update_version, :package, :tag ] do announce announce "**************************************************************" announce "* Release #{$package_version} Complete." announce "* Packages ready to upload." announce "**************************************************************" announce end # Validate that everything is ready to go for a release. task :prerelease, :rel, :reuse, :reltest do |t, args| $package_version = args.rel announce announce "**************************************************************" announce "* Making RubyGem Release #{$package_version}" announce "* (current version #{CURRENT_VERSION})" announce "**************************************************************" announce # Is a release number supplied? unless args.rel fail "Usage: rake release[X.Y.Z] [REUSE=tag_suffix]" end # Is the release different than the current release. # (or is REUSE set?) if $package_version == CURRENT_VERSION && ! args.reuse fail "Current version is #{$package_version}, must specify REUSE=tag_suffix to reuse version" end # Are all source files checked in? if args.reltest announce "Release Task Testing, skipping checked-in file test" else announce "Checking for unchecked-in files..." data = `svn st` unless data =~ /^$/ abort "svn status is not clean ... do you have unchecked-in files?" end announce "No outstanding checkins found ... OK" end end task :update_version, :rel, :reuse, :reltest, :needs => [:prerelease] do |t, args| if args.rel == CURRENT_VERSION announce "No version change ... skipping version update" else announce "Updating Rake version to #{args.rel}" open("lib/rake.rb") do |rakein| open("lib/rake.rb.new", "w") do |rakeout| rakein.each do |line| if line =~ /^RAKEVERSION\s*=\s*/ rakeout.puts "RAKEVERSION = '#{args.rel}'" else rakeout.puts line end end end end mv "lib/rake.rb.new", "lib/rake.rb" if args.reltest announce "Release Task Testing, skipping commiting of new version" else sh %{svn commit -m "Updated to version #{args.rel}" lib/rake.rb} # " end end end desc "Tag all the CVS files with the latest release number (REL=x.y.z)" task :tag, :rel, :reuse, :reltest, :needs => [:prerelease] do |t, args| reltag = "REL_#{args.rel.gsub(/\./, '_')}" reltag << args.reuse.gsub(/\./, '_') if args.reuse announce "Tagging Repository with [#{reltag}]" if args.reltest announce "Release Task Testing, skipping CVS tagging" else sh %{svn copy svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rake/trunk svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rake/tags/#{reltag} -m 'Commiting release #{reltag}'} ###' end end desc "Install the jamis RDoc template" task :install_jamis_template do require 'rbconfig' dest_dir = File.join(Config::CONFIG['rubylibdir'], "rdoc/generators/template/html") fail "Unabled to write to #{dest_dir}" unless File.writable?(dest_dir) install "doc/jamis.rb", dest_dir, :verbose => true end # Require experimental XForge/Metaproject support. load 'xforge.rf' if File.exist?('xforge.rf') desc "Where is the current directory. This task displays\nthe current rake directory" task :where_am_i do puts Rake.original_dir end