var x = require('./XMLHttpRequest.js'); require('./type.js'); var jsonpID = 0, document = global.document, key, name, rscript = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, scriptTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/javascript/i, xmlTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/xml/i, jsonType = 'application/json', htmlType = 'text/html', blankRE = /^\s*$/ var ajax = module.exports = function (options) { var settings = extend({}, options || {}) for (key in ajax.settings) if (settings[key] === undefined) settings[key] = ajax.settings[key] ajaxStart(settings) if (!settings.crossDomain) settings.crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^\/]+)/.test(settings.url) && RegExp.$2 != '' var dataType = settings.dataType, hasPlaceholder = /=\?/.test(settings.url) if (dataType == 'jsonp' || hasPlaceholder) { if (!hasPlaceholder) settings.url = appendQuery(settings.url, 'callback=?') return ajax.JSONP(settings) } serializeData(settings) var mime = settings.accepts[dataType], baseHeaders = {}, protocol = /^([\w-]+:)\/\//.test(settings.url) ? RegExp.$1 : "http", xhr = ajax.settings.xhr(), abortTimeout if (!settings.crossDomain) baseHeaders['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' if (mime) { baseHeaders['Accept'] = mime if (mime.indexOf(',') > -1) mime = mime.split(',', 2)[0] xhr.overrideMimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType(mime) } settings.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' if (settings.contentType || ( && settings.type.toUpperCase() != 'GET')) baseHeaders['Content-Type'] = (settings.contentType || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') settings.headers = extend(baseHeaders, settings.headers || {}) xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { clearTimeout(abortTimeout) var result, error = false if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status == 304 || (xhr.status == 0 && protocol == 'file:')) { dataType = dataType || mimeToDataType(xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type')) result = xhr.responseText try { if (dataType == 'script')(1, eval)(result) else if (dataType == 'xml') result = xhr.responseXML else if (dataType == 'json') result = blankRE.test(result) ? null : JSON.parse(result) } catch (e) { error = e } if (error) ajaxError(error, 'parsererror', xhr, settings) else ajaxSuccess(result, xhr, settings) } else { ajaxError(null, 'error', xhr, settings) } } } var async = 'async' in settings ? settings.async : true, settings.url, async) for (name in settings.headers) xhr.setRequestHeader(name, settings.headers[name]) if (ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, settings) === false) { xhr.abort() return false } if (settings.timeout > 0) abortTimeout = setTimeout(function () { xhr.onreadystatechange = empty xhr.abort() ajaxError(null, 'timeout', xhr, settings) }, settings.timeout) // avoid sending empty string (#319) xhr.send( ? : null) return xhr } // trigger a custom event and return false if it was cancelled function triggerAndReturn(context, eventName, data) { //todo: Fire off some events //var event = $.Event(eventName) //$(context).trigger(event, data) return true; //!event.defaultPrevented } // trigger an Ajax "global" event function triggerGlobal(settings, context, eventName, data) { if ( return triggerAndReturn(context || document, eventName, data) } // Number of active Ajax requests = 0 function ajaxStart(settings) { if ( && === 0) triggerGlobal(settings, null, 'ajaxStart') } function ajaxStop(settings) { if ( && !( triggerGlobal(settings, null, 'ajaxStop') } // triggers an extra global event "ajaxBeforeSend" that's like "ajaxSend" but cancelable function ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, settings) { var context = settings.context if (, xhr, settings) === false || triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxBeforeSend', [xhr, settings]) === false) return false triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxSend', [xhr, settings]) } function ajaxSuccess(data, xhr, settings) { var context = settings.context, status = 'success', data, status, xhr) triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxSuccess', [xhr, settings, data]) ajaxComplete(status, xhr, settings) } // type: "timeout", "error", "abort", "parsererror" function ajaxError(error, type, xhr, settings) { var context = settings.context, xhr, type, error) triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxError', [xhr, settings, error]) ajaxComplete(type, xhr, settings) } // status: "success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", "parsererror" function ajaxComplete(status, xhr, settings) { var context = settings.context, xhr, status) triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxComplete', [xhr, settings]) ajaxStop(settings) } // Empty function, used as default callback function empty() {} ajax.JSONP = function (options) { if (!('type' in options)) return ajax(options) var callbackName = 'jsonp' + (++jsonpID), script = document.createElement('script'), abort = function () { //todo: remove script //$(script).remove() if (callbackName in global) global[callbackName] = empty ajaxComplete('abort', xhr, options) }, xhr = { abort: abort }, abortTimeout if (options.error) script.onerror = function () { xhr.abort() options.error() } global[callbackName] = function (data) { clearTimeout(abortTimeout) //todo: remove script //$(script).remove() delete global[callbackName] ajaxSuccess(data, xhr, options) } serializeData(options) script.src = options.url.replace(/=\?/, '=' + callbackName) //tood: append to head //$('head').append(script) if (options.timeout > 0) abortTimeout = setTimeout(function () { xhr.abort() ajaxComplete('timeout', xhr, options) }, options.timeout) return xhr } ajax.settings = { // Default type of request type: 'GET', // Callback that is executed before request beforeSend: empty, // Callback that is executed if the request succeeds success: empty, // Callback that is executed the the server drops error error: empty, // Callback that is executed on request complete (both: error and success) complete: empty, // The context for the callbacks context: null, // Whether to trigger "global" Ajax events global: true, // Transport xhr: function () { return new x.XMLHttpRequest() }, // MIME types mapping accepts: { script: 'text/javascript, application/javascript', json: jsonType, xml: 'application/xml, text/xml', html: htmlType, text: 'text/plain' }, // Whether the request is to another domain crossDomain: false, // Default timeout timeout: 0 } function mimeToDataType(mime) { return mime && (mime == htmlType ? 'html' : mime == jsonType ? 'json' : scriptTypeRE.test(mime) ? 'script' : xmlTypeRE.test(mime) && 'xml') || 'text' } function appendQuery(url, query) { return (url + '&' + query).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, '?') } // serialize payload and append it to the URL for GET requests function serializeData(options) { if (type( === 'object') = param( if ( && (!options.type || options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET')) options.url = appendQuery(options.url, } ajax.get = function (url, success) { return ajax({ url: url, success: success }) } = function (url, data, success, dataType) { if (type(data) === 'function') dataType = dataType || success, success = data, data = null return ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: data, success: success, dataType: dataType }) } ajax.getJSON = function (url, success) { return ajax({ url: url, success: success, dataType: 'json' }) } var escape = encodeURIComponent function serialize(params, obj, traditional, scope) { var array = type(obj) === 'array'; for (var key in obj) { var value = obj[key]; if (scope) key = traditional ? scope : scope + '[' + (array ? '' : key) + ']' // handle data in serializeArray() format if (!scope && array) params.add(, value.value) // recurse into nested objects else if (traditional ? (type(value) === 'array') : (type(value) === 'object')) serialize(params, value, traditional, key) else params.add(key, value) } } function param(obj, traditional) { var params = [] params.add = function (k, v) { this.push(escape(k) + '=' + escape(v)) } serialize(params, obj, traditional) return params.join('&').replace('%20', '+') } function extend(target) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice;, 1).forEach(function (source) { for (key in source) if (source[key] !== undefined) target[key] = source[key] }) return target }