=== 0.6.4 2011-01-07 * 1 minor enhancements: * non-functional doc version consistency (since 0.6.1) === 0.6.1 2011-01-07 * 1 minor enhancement: * fix: updated Manifest.txt and thus the gem package content * the offline website is now a faithful replica of the online one === 0.6.0 2011-01-07 * 1 major enhancement: * Cartesian is now included in Enumerable and in all classes and modules which include it, so that any class or module that ever includes Enumerable will have cartesian methods. New tests were also added to test the novel functionality. * 7 minor, non-functional, enhancements: * removed replication of VERSION in lib/cartesian.rb and lib/cartesian/version.rb * fixed the "FIXME full name" in the website template * created Rake task :render_website, which also regenerates RDoc documentation, ensuring its up-to-date * documentation is now generated by Darkfish Rdoc and includes README.rdoc, as expected * added Google Analytics tracking to the website * deleted unnecessary test_suite.rb ('rake test' === 'ruby test/test_suite.rb') * moved 'recursive.rb' to 'etc/' (related implementation by Brian Schröäer, not part of the gem) === 0.5.3 2011-01-05 * 3 minor enhancements: * code comment/documentation update * README update * website created (textile index) === 0.5.0 2011-01-03 * 1 major enhancements: * Workaround for weird splat behaviour on Ruby <= 1.8.7, so now all tests (100% coverage) now run with 100% pass with the following Ruby versions: * MRI 1.8.6-p399, 1.8.7-p22, 1.8.7-p330, 1.9.1-p378, and 1.9.2-p136 * JRuby 1.5.3, 1.5.5, and 1.5.6 * Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7-2010.02 * rubinius 1.2.0 * 5 minor enhancements: * gem "renamed" (changed from Cartesian to cartesian) * removed unused alias to CartesianIterator#to_a method (#to_ary) * removed own #to_a implementation + #to_a and others are now provided by Enumerable mixin * removed unused Iterable#start alias for #restart (conflicted with Array#start provided by Rubinius) * now build with newgem 1.5.3 === 0.4.1 04-11-2008 03:18 * 1 major enhancement: * mainly bugfixes and some refactoring. new features: left_product and non-destructive #product methods === 0.3.0 29-10-2007 05:49 [undocumented changes] === 0.2.3 13-01-2007 20:50 * 1 minor enhancement: * power! (aliased as '**') method added === 0.2.1 13-01-2007 01:44 * 1 major enhancement: * Method ".x(enum)" added, which has constant memory requirements, in contrast with the exponential memory usage of the conventional approach. === 0.1.0 24-11-2006 05:35 * 1 major enhancement: * first public release