module Message def welcome_prompt puts 'Welcome to Hangman. Guess right or get hanged!' end def size_prompt(size) puts "Your word is a #{size} letter word" end def load_prompt puts "Choose the game you want to resume from the list below\nPress the respective number" end def begin_prompt puts "Let the games begin\n\n" end def instructions_prompt puts <<-PUTS ######################################################## This gem is an implementation of the hangman game. Attempt to guess the missing letters correctly. You have a limited number of tries. If you use up all your chances without getting the word correctly, you will be hanged. To play a new game: Press 'p' or 'play' To load a saved game: Press 'l' or 'load' To show insructions: Press 'i' or 'instructions' To quit Hangman: Press 'q' or 'quit' ######################################################## PUTS end def save_prompt puts "Press 's' or 'save' to save before quiting\nPress 'q' to quit anyway" end def lost_prompt(word) puts "You are dead!\nThe word is #{word}" puts "Press any key to continue or 'q' to quit" end def won_prompt(word) puts "You win!\nThe word is #{word}" end def lost_gui(word) puts <<-PUTS -+----------+- | | | o | /|\\ | / \\ | | | You are dead! ################ The word is #{word} ################ PUTS end def won_gui(word) puts <<-PUTS -+----------+- | | | | | o/ | /| | \\/ \\ | / You are free to go ################ The word is #{word} ################ PUTS end def level_prompt puts "Choose your difficulty level\n\n1: Beginner\n2: Intermediate\n3: Advanced\n" end def feedback_prompt puts "Choose your feedback type\n\n1: Boring\n2: Funny\n" end def replay_prompt puts "Press 'r' or 'restart' to play again\nPress 'q' to quit\n" end def invalid_prompt puts 'Invalid entry!' end def empty_prompt puts "You haven't used any letters yet." end def duplicate_prompt(letter) puts "You have used the letter #{letter} already" end def turns_prompt(turns) puts "You have #{turns} turns left" end def print_text(text) puts "#{text}" end def thanks_prompt puts 'Thank you for playing!' end def game_instruction_prompt puts <<-PUTS Press ':h' or 'history' to view the letters you have used Press ':q' or 'quit' to quit (you can save before quiting) PUTS end end