# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# J1: ~/_config.yml
# Site specific configuration for J1 Template
# Product/Info:
# https://jekyll.one
# Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams
# J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License.
# See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1_template/blob/master/LICENSE
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description (used for J1 CC only)
title: Jekyll Site Configuration
scope: General site settings
location: _config.yml
# ==============================================================================
# 1. BUILD configuration
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the environment data for the build
# A build specific configuration giFhighves all templates access to a
# variable site.environment to use this to optionally include|exclude
# certain content based on which environment is set.
# You can specify a Jekyll environment at build time. In the build
# (or serve) arguments, you can specify a Jekyll environment and
# value like:
# *nix: JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll build
# Windows: set JEKYLL_ENV=production & jekyll build
# jekyll build
# The default value for JEKYLL_ENV is "development". Therefore if you
# omit JEKYLL_ENV from the build arguments, the default value will be
# JEKYLL_ENV=development.
# The Jekyll environment variable JEKYLL_ENV is accessible via the
# Liquid variable "jekyll.environment". J1 template overwrites the site
# variable "site.environment" with the value of the Liquid variable
# "jekyll.environment" automatically - in other words: JEKYLL_ENV takes
# PRECENDENCE over the site variable "site.environment" given with the
# _config.yml file.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# environment
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the build environment of the website
# values: development|test|production
# default: development
environment: development
# version
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the build environment of the web site. Do not change
# anything here because version information is bumped-in by
# the build process
version: 2019.4.1
# ==============================================================================
# 2. THEME configuration
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the (gem-based) theme and the (Bootrap) theme used for the site
# J1 Template is a so-called gem-based template for Jekyll. All components
# for the template J1 (template core and template modules) are Ruby gem
# managed by the Ruby bundler respectively by the GEM manager "gem". All
# components are available public at RubyGems.org.
# theme
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the name of the (gem-based) theme used for Jekyll
# serve and build
# Note: Do not change anything here because (gem-based) theme name
# information is bumped-in by the build process automatically
# default: j1_template
theme: j1_template
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # J1 Template configuration
# # Sets J1 Template specific configurations
# #
# # Note:
# # Parameter "theme" is used by Jekyll >= 3.2.0 for gem-based
# # templates. For that reason, the configuration parameter for
# # the J1 Template was changed to "template" to not conflict with
# # new versions of Jekyll.
# #
# # template.name
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the theme "path" of J1 Template for the ~/assets/themes
# # folder. To not conflict with other template systems, all
# # template assets for J1 Template are stored under the default
# # path "/assets/themes/j1".
# #
# # Note:
# # Do NOT change template.name to other values.
# #
# # default: j1
# #
# # template.config
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the name of the J1 Template configuration file
# #
# # default: j1_config
# #
# template:
# name: j1
# config: j1_config
# # ==============================================================================
# # 3. SITE configuration
# #
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # Set language, coding and HTML document type (DOCTYPE)
# #
# # language
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the language used by the website. The parameter language
# # is used by Content-Language entity-header field (meta tag )
# # that describes the natural language(s) of the intended audience
# # for the enclosed entity. This might helpful for robots|search
# # engines.
# #
# # Note:
# # This might not be equivalent to all the languages used within
# # the entity-body of the website but should describe the language
# # the language the site is using "overall".
# # See: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec7.html
# # for more details
# #
# # values: Content-Language tags
# # default: en
# #
# # coding
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the content coding scheme (character encoding for the
# # HTML documents) of the website. Used for the meta tag "charset".
# #
# # values: charset
# # default: UTF-8
# #
# # doctype
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the HTML standard of the website. J1 template is using
# # HTML5, therefor the doctype is:
# #
# # values: HTML doc types
# # default: html
# #
# language: en
# coding: UTF-8
# doctype: html
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # META data
# # Mainly to set the meta tags for the document
# # title
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the ...
# #
# # values: string
# # default: no default
# #
# # slogan
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the tag within the section.
# #
# # values: string
# # default: no default
# #
# # description
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the meta tag for "description"
# #
# # values: string
# # default: no default
# #
# # keywords
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the meta tag for "keywords"
# #
# # values: string (comma separated)
# # default: no default
# #
# # author.name
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sets the meta tag for "author"
# #
# # values: string (comma separated)
# # default: no default
# #
# # robots.index
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Controls spider|robots of search engines. Sets the meta
# # tag for "robots". If set to "false", the meta tag robots
# # is set to "noindex", if set to "true" the tag is set to
# # "index"
# #
# # values: boolean (true|false)
# # default: false
# #
# # robots.follow
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Controls spider|robots of search engines. Sets the meta
# # tag for "robots". If set to "false", the meta tag robots
# # is set to "nofollow", if set to "true" the tag is set to
# # "follow".
# #
# # values: boolean (true|false)
# # default: false
# #
# title: J1 Template MDE
# slogan: Starter Web
# description: Made for Jekyll · Made for Your Web
# keywords: Jekyll, One, Template, Ruby, Asciidoctor,
# Asciidoc, Bootstrap, Javascript,
# JS, JS3, CSS, CSS3, HTML5, Material, Design
# author:
# name: username
# email: username@email.domain
# github: username
# twitter: username
# feedburner: feedname
# robots:
# index: false
# follow: true
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # BRAND configuration
# # Set the brand image and favicon
# brand:
# image: icons/j1/j1-512x512.png
# image_height: 64
# text: Starter Web
# text_color: "#9E9E9E"
# # Set the favicon (located in the asset_path/images) and type
# #
# favicon:
# image: icons/j1/j1-32x32.ico
# type: image/ico
# # ==============================================================================
# # 4. JEKYLL specific site configuration
# #
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # LOCATION configuration
# # Set uri, files and path specific configurations
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # URI configuration
# # For default, J1 is using "pretty" links (URLs) ofr ALL types
# # of conten (pages, posts, collections). For J1 Template the
# # permalink style (pretty):
# #
# # pretty: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/
# #
# # used for default. Read mor about permalinks for pages and
# # collections at:
# #
# # https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/#pages-and-collections
# #
# # All links are using an a trailing file extension of .html
# # for best support of various Web Servers with NO addtional
# # configuration needed.
# #
# # Note: The build-in Web server Ruby "Webrick" for Jekyll support
# # pretty "links" out of the box. If other web servers are used to
# # serve the Web like Apache or Nginx, "extensionless" URLs are to
# # be enabled for those. See https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/
# # for more details.
# #
# # Note: For development, respectively "live-reload" functionality,
# # webpack-dev-server is used. The build-in Web server "Express"
# # for Webpack does *NOT* support "pretty links" out of the box.
# #
# # Note: The permalink style can individualy configured by
# # frontmatter variables. It is highly recommended to use a
# # "pretty style" for individual permalinks as well. For that
# # reason, the permalink should always have a trailing backslash.
# #
# # See: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/#template-variables
# #
# permalink: pretty
# # If your site has set a CNAME (pages.github.com), set the custom
# # domain http|s://your-site.domain here. Accessible in Liquid as
# # "site.url". For the development environment there is an EXCEPTION:
# # if you are running jekyll serve in a development environment,
# # site.url will be set to the value of host, port. This defaults to
# # url: http://localhost:4000.
# #
# url: "http://localhost:40000"
# # The subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/. Used in conjunction with
# # site.url (see above) when you want a link to something with the
# # full URL to it.
# #
# baseurl: ""
# # TODO: Following parameters should moved to header or panel that uses
# # these values (production_url, download_url, base_path)
# #
# #production_url: http://jekyll.one
# #download_url: http://jekyll.one/downloads
# # The production_url is only used when full-domain names are needed
# # such as sitemap.txt. For most places will/should use base_path to
# # make the URLs.
# #
# base_path: ""
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # TODO: Following parameters should moved to the components that uses
# # these values (protocol, host, port)
# # Base hostname and protocol for the site
# #
# # Defaults:
# # protocol: http
# # host: localhost |
# # port: 4000
# # timezone: Europe/Berlin
# # encoding: UTF-8
# #
# protocol: http
# host: localhost
# port: 4000
# timezone: Europe/Berlin
# encoding: UTF-8
# detach: false
# show_dir_listing: false
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # PATH configuration
# # Global folder configuration where Jekyll will read files from
# #
# # Defaults:
# # source: .
# # destination: _site
# #
# source: .
# destination: _site
# plugins_dir: _plugins
# layouts_dir: _layouts
# data_dir: _data
# includes_dir: _includes
# collections_dir: collections
# # -------------------------------------------------------------
# # FILES configuration
# # Set the files to include, exclude and ignore
# #
# include: [.htaccess]
# exclude: [
# vendor, node_modules, "package*",
# ".sass-cache", ".vscode", ".idea",
# "*.ignore",
# "*.bat*", "*.sh", "*.tmp",
# "*.txt", "*.log", "*.ppt*",
# "*.zip", "*.7z", "*.a2p",
# "*.asciidoc", "History.markdown",
# "README.md", "changelog.md",
# "Rakefile", "Gemfile", "Guardfile",
# "Gemfile.lock", "yarn.lock"
# ]
# keep_files: [ ".git", ".gitignore", node_modules, "package*" ]
# safe: false
# strict_front_matter: false
# # -------------------------------------------------------------
# # SASS conversion options
# #
# # style, possible values: compact|compressed|expanded|nested
# #
# sass:
# sass_dir: _sass/scss
# style: expanded
# # -------------------------------------------------------------
# # WEBRICK customizations
# # You can provide custom headers for your site
# #
# # Note: Jekyll provides by default Content-Type and Cache-Control
# # response headers: one dynamic in order to specify the nature of
# # the data being served, the other static in order to disable
# # caching so that you don’t have to fight with Chrome’s aggressive
# # caching when you are in development mode.
# #
# #webrick:
# # headers:
# # My-Header: My-Value
# # My-Other-Header: My-Other-Value
# # -------------------------------------------------------------
# # POSTS Management
# # Set the post articles to include, exclude and ignore
# #
# #future: false
# #show_drafts: false
# #unpublished: false
# #limit_posts: 10
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # LIQUID template engine
# #
# liquid:
# error_mode: warn
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # PLUGIN configuration
# #
# plugins:
# - asciidoctor
# # - asciidoctor-pdf
# - jekyll-asciidoc
# # - jekyll-algolia
# # - jekyll-feed
# # - jekyll-gist
# # - jekyll-sitemap
# # - jekyll-redirect-from
# - jekyll-paginate-v2
# - jekyll-sass-converter
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # feed:
# # path: /assets/data/atom.xml
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # Note:
# # Option input/GFM turns on the recognition of Github Flavoured Markdown (GFM)
# #
# markdown: kramdown
# markdown_ext: markdown,md
# kramdown:
# input: GFM
# auto_ids: true
# footnote_nr: 1
# entity_output: as_char
# toc_levels: 1..3
# smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
# syntax_highlighter: rouge
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # ASCIIDOCTOR (Asciidoc plugin)
# #
# asciidoc_attributes: &asciidoc_attributes
# hardbreaks-option:
# source-highlighter: rouge
# icons: font
# imagesdir: /assets/images
# iconsdir: '{imagesdir}/icons/asciidoc'
# asciidoc:
# processor: asciidoctor
# require_front_matter_header: true
# ext: adoc
# asciidoctor:
# safe: unsafe
# template_dir: _templates
# attributes: *asciidoc_attributes
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # ALGOLIA Search (Instantsearch)
# #
# algolia:
# enabled: false
# application_id: your_application_id
# search_only_api_key: your_searchonly_api_key
# index_name: your_index_name
# extensions_to_index: [ adoc ]
# files_to_exclude: []
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # AUTH Manager (j1_auth)
# #
# # If a site is started as an app, this transforms the web into an
# # Web Application based on Rack and Sinatra using the Omniauth
# # software stack for authentication to enable User Management
# # and Authentication services for secured private web sites.
# #
# # enabled
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Enables or disables the Auth Manager services for the web.
# # If disabled, all pages are accessible without authentication.
# #
# # values: true|false
# # default: false
# #
# # ssl
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Enforce SSL communication for the app. If you've got SSL
# # set up, ensure SSL is enforced.
# #
# # values: true|false
# # default: false
# #
# # provider
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # List of enabled OAuth providers to be used for the auth
# # service for authentication. The first provider in a list
# # is used for default.
# #
# # values: [disqus|github|facebook|patreon|twitter]
# # default: none
# #
# # whitelist
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # List of pages (and assets) skipped for authentication.
# # Values can be given as regular expressions.
# #
# # values: string
# # default: none
# #
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# j1_auth:
# enabled: false
# ssl: false
# content:
# public:
# - \W*((?i)assets(?-i))\W*
# - \W*((?i)public(?-i))\W*
# protected:
# - \W*((?i)protected(?-i))\W*
# private:
# - \W*((?i)private(?-i))\W*
# providers:
# activated: [ disqus ]
# disqus:
# provider_url: https://disqus.com
# strategy: member
# scope: []
# users: [ all ]
# permissions: [ protected, private ]
# data_fields: []
# conditions:
# protected:
# enabled: true
# users:
# blacklist: []
# private:
# enabled: true
# users:
# whitelist: [ all ]
# blacklist: []
# # facebook:
# # provider_url: https://facebook.com
# # strategy: member
# # scope: []
# # users: [ all ]
# # permissions: [ protected ]
# # data_fields: []
# # conditions:
# # protected:
# # enabled: true
# # users:
# # whitelist: [ all ]
# # blacklist: []
# #
# # github:
# # provider_url: https://github.com
# # strategy: member
# # scope: []
# # users: [ all ]
# # permissions: [ protected ]
# # data_fields: []
# # conditions:
# # protected:
# # enabled: true
# # users:
# # whitelist: [ all ]
# # blacklist: []
# #
# # patreon:
# # provider_url: https://patreon.com
# # strategy: member
# # scope: [ users, pledges-to-me ]
# # users: [ all ]
# # permissions: [ protected, private ]
# # data_fields: [
# # email, name, first_name, nickname,
# # amount_cents, created_at, declined_since
# # ]
# # conditions:
# # protected:
# # enabled: true
# # users:
# # blacklist: []
# # private:
# # enabled: true
# # users:
# # whitelist: [ juergen_adams ]
# # blacklist: []
# # payment:
# # activated: [ "Premium Content", "Value Content" ]
# # tiers:
# # - tier:
# # name: "Premium Content"
# # amount: 500,
# # state: paid
# # - tier:
# # name: "Value Content"
# # amount: 100,
# # state: paid
# #
# # twitter:
# # provider_url: https://twitter.com
# # strategy: member
# # scope: []
# # users: [ all ]
# # permissions: [ protected ]
# # data_fields: []
# # conditions:
# # protected:
# # enabled: true
# # users:
# # blacklist: []
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # If you want to use plugins when running Jekyll in safe mode,
# # you must add the gem to the whitelist
# #
# whitelist:
# - jekyll-asciidoc
# # ==============================================================================
# # 5. PAGE configuration
# #
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # EXCERPT settings
# #
# excerpt_separator: excerpt__end
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # PAGINATION settings (Jekyll Paginate V2)
# #
# pagination:
# enabled: true
# permalink: /page:num/
# per_page: 4
# limit: 0
# sort_field: date
# sort_reverse: true
# trail:
# before: 2
# after: 2
# # AUTOPAGE settings
# #
# autopages:
# enabled: false
# tags:
# enabled: false
# layouts: [ paginator/autopage_collections_tags.html, paginator/autopage_tags.html ]
# categories:
# enabled: false
# layouts: [ paginator/autopage_category.html ]
# collections:
# enabled: false
# layouts: [ paginator/autopage_collection.html ]
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # COLLECTION settings
# # See: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/#collections
# #
# collections:
# # -------------------------------------------------------------
# # Featured articles
# #
# featured:
# output: true
# permalink: /collections/:collection/:name/
# # -------------------------------------------------------------
# # Book shelf
# #
# biography:
# output: true
# permalink: /collections/premium/:collection/:name/
# fantasy:
# output: true
# permalink: /collections/premium/:collection/:name/
# romance:
# output: true
# permalink: /collections/premium/:collection/:name/
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # FRONTMATTER defaults
# #
# # Using the YAML Front Matter is a way the (individual) configuration
# # for post and pages can be specified. Very often, a lot of config
# # options are repeated on each and every post or page. Setting the
# # layout for each file, adding categories to a post, etc. might be
# # the same for the majority of your content.
# #
# # Instead of repeating this configuration each time a page is being
# # created, Jekyll provides a way to set these configuration items
# # as defaults in this site configuration (_config.yml).
# #
# defaults:
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Pages
# #
# - scope:
# path: pages
# type: pages
# values:
# layout: page
# author: J1 Team
# toc: true
# resources: toccer
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# comments: false
# scrollbar: false
# indexed: true
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# icons:
# family: MDI
# color: md-indigo
# size: 5x
# images:
# dir: /assets/images/pages
# resource_options:
# - toccer:
# collapseDepth: 2
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Posts
# #
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# #
# - scope:
# path: posts/public/featured/_posts
# type: posts
# values:
# layout: post
# scrollbar: false
# author: J1 Team
# toc: true
# resources: toccer
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# comments: true
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# icons:
# # category-icon: comment-text-outline
# family: MDI
# color: md-indigo
# size: 5x
# images:
# # category-image: img26.jpg
# dir: /assets/images/blog/featured
# resource_options:
# - toccer:
# collapseDepth: 2
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# #
# - scope:
# path: posts/private/featured/_posts
# type: posts
# values:
# layout: post
# scrollbar: false
# author: J1 Team
# toc: true
# resources: toccer
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# comments: true
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# icons:
# # category-icon: comment-text-outline
# family: MDI
# color: md-indigo
# size: 5x
# images:
# # category-image: img26.jpg
# dir: /assets/images/blog/featured
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# #
# - scope:
# type: posts
# path: posts/premium/series/_posts
# values:
# layout: post
# scrollbar: false
# author: J1 Team
# toc: true
# resources: toccer
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# comments: true
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# icons:
# # category-icon: dots-horizontal-circle
# family: MDI
# color: md-indigo
# size: 5x
# images:
# # category-image: img26.jpg
# dir: /assets/images/blog/series
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# #
# - scope:
# type: posts
# path: posts/private/wikipedia/_posts
# values:
# layout: post
# scrollbar: false
# author: Wikipedia
# resources: toccer
# toc: true
# resources: toccer
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# comments: false
# robots:
# index: false
# follow: false
# icons:
# # category-icon: wikipedia
# family: MDI
# color: md-indigo
# size: 5x
# images:
# category-image:
# dir: /assets/images/blog/wikipedia
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Collections
# #
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# # FEATURED Articles
# #
# - scope:
# type: featured
# path: collections/_featured
# values:
# layout: page
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# scrollbar: false
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# # BIOGRAPHY (Book Shelf)
# #
# - scope:
# type: biography
# path: collections/_biography
# values:
# layout: page
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# scrollbar: false
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# # FANTASY (Book Shelf)
# #
# - scope:
# type: fantasy
# path: collections/_fantasy
# values:
# layout: page
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# scrollbar: false
# # --------------------------------------------------------
# # ROMANCE (Book Shelf)
# #
# - scope:
# type: romance
# path: collections/_romance
# values:
# layout: page
# analytics: false
# advertising: false
# scrollbar: false
# robots:
# index: true
# follow: true
# # ==============================================================================
# # 6. LAYOUT configuration
# #
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # COMPRESS (HTML) settings
# #
# # enabled
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Enables|Disables the use of compress.
# # If enabled, all HTML pages generated for ALL layout
# # get compressed for production. To use compress, set
# # the ENVIRONMENT to production and the value of
# # compress_html.enable to "true".
# #
# # See http://jch.penibelst.de/ for more details.
# #
# # values: boolean (true|false)
# # default: false
# #
# # profile
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A boolean value to turn on the profile mode. If true, the
# # layout creates a HTML table after the compressed content. The
# # table contains the file size in bytes during the compressing
# # steps.
# #
# # The profile table provides attributes for styling and reading.
# # The id ends with build’s timestamp to be unique enough.
# #
# #
# #
# # This page itself is compressed in profile mode for analysis,
# # testing or educational purposes only. The table written to
# # the end of a page.
# #
# # NOTE: Never profile pages for public use.
# #
# # values: boolean (true|false)
# # default: false
# #
# # blanklines
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A boolean value to turn on blanklines mode. This mode will
# # only remove lines consisting of whitespace and leave other
# # lines alone.
# #
# # values: boolean (true|false)
# # default: false
# #
# # clippings
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # An array of elements to clip whitespace around them. The
# # following elements may be safe to clip:
# #
# # - Metadata
# # - Sections
# # - Grouping content (except the pre element)
# # - Tabular data
# #
# # Use the shortcut all to clip all safe elements.
# #
# # Example:
# #
# # clippings: [div, p, ul, td, h1, h2]
# #
# # values: HTML tags|all
# # default: empty array
# #
# # comments
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # An array of exactly two comment tags to strip comments
# # enclosed by them. The first string must be the start tag,
# # the second must be the end tag.
# #
# # Example:
# #
# # comments: [""]
# #
# # values: comment tags
# # default: empty array
# #
# # startings
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # An array of elements with optional start tags. These start
# # tags will be >>removed<<.
# #
# # Example:
# #
# # startings: [html, head, body]
# #
# # values: HTML optional start tags
# # default: empty array
# #
# # endings
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # An array of elements with optional end tags. These end tags
# # will be >>removed<<. Use the shortcut all to remove all
# # optional endings.
# #
# # Example:
# #
# # endings: [p, li, td]
# #
# # values: HTML optional end tags
# # default: empty array
# #
# # ignore.envs
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------
# # An array of environments given by ENV["JEKYLL_ENV"]
# # where the compress layout is IGNORED. This is useful
# # while developing a website the content should NOT
# # compressed.
# #
# # Example:
# #
# # envs: [development, test]
# #
# # values: HTML optional end tags
# # default: empty array
# #
# compress_html:
# enabled: true
# profile: false
# blanklines: false
# comments: []
# startings: []
# clippings: []
# endings: []
# ignore:
# envs: []